Can I name my business after a movie character?

Yes, the name and likeness of a character can be a trademark! You can trademark a fictional character if you use their name as a trademark to your brand your products or services. Trademarking a character name is the best way to protect it for your brand.
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Can I name my company after a movie?

You can not, since names can not be copyrighted. The alternative is trademark registration. However, only a brand that can prove “use” can trademark their name.
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Are movie characters names copyrighted?

A fictional character's "name" may be a trademark if the character's name is used as a title of a book, movie or series and therefore indicates a single source of the entertainment product or service or it is used on other then entertainment goods or services.
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Is it okay to name yourself after a fictional character?

Is it okay to name myself after a fictional character? Absolutely, if you like the name, if you relate to the character so much, or for any other reason, go for it! There's no moral reason why you can't.
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Can you name a fictional character after a real person?

Can writers model characters after real people and name names without getting sued? Yes, they can, with some common sense limitations.
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Can I Name my Characters after Famous Characters from Old Book - Entertainment Law Asked & Answered

Is it illegal to base a character on a real person?

For a novel, or other fictional work, to be actionable, its detail must be convincing. The description of the fictional character must be so closely aligned with a real person that someone who knows that person would have no difficulty linking the two.
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Can you get sued for writing a book about someone?

While getting sued for something in your memoir is exceptionally rare, it can happen. The risks are highest for authors with big platforms, especially if they're writing about well-known public figures or powerful institutions.
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How not to name your characters?

Names must be deliberate and memorable, distinct. Too many characters with similar names—even names that start with the same first letter—and readers can be confused. Names also need to make sense for the location, time, and tone of the story.
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Can 2 characters have the same name?

While giving characters the same or too similar names is generally frowned upon for being potentially confusing to the reader, there are times that same and similar names can be used for the purposeful effects of humor, theme, plot, and worldbuilding.
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Do fictional characters have rights?

Fictional characters can be protected separately from their underlying works as derivative copyrights, provided that they are sufficiently unique and distinctive. Fictional characters can, under U.S. law, be protected separately from their underlying works. This is based on the legal theory of derivative copyrights.
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What names Cannot be copyrighted?

What Cannot be Copyrighted
  • Information that is commonly known.
  • Lists of ingredients, such as formulas and recipes.
  • An idea for a novel, book, or movie.
  • Business, organization, or group names.
  • Domain names.
  • An individual's pseudonym, like a pen or stage name.
  • Slogans, catch phrases, and mottoes.
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How do I know if a character name is trademarked?

You can search all applied-for and registered trademarks free of charge by using the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)'s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). If your mark includes a design element, you will have to search it by using a design code.
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What is fair use of characters?

However, copyright law allows parties to make “fair use” of another's copyrighted work or character in certain situations. The Fair Use Doctrine is a common defense to copyright infringement and allows an artist, in limited situations, to use copyrighted material without getting permission from the copyright owner.
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Can you name a company after a fictional company?

A business that happens to be named the same, particularly if it's a common kind of business, is not likely to pose an issue. If you think the author of the book would be supportive of there being such a business with the same name, you could consider writing to the author and finding out what they think.
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Do I need to copyright my business name?

You can have a brand, but decide not to protect that brand by registering it as a trademark. If you choose not to register your brand as a trademark, however, anyone could misuse your brand or create a brand so similar to yours that people can't tell the difference between them.
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Do I need an LLC to make a movie?

Being incorporated protects you from liability in case there's a lawsuit. (Someone can sue you if they don't like how they were portrayed in your film.) If your film is set up as an LLC or a corporation, if anyone sues you and wins, they don't get your personal possessions, only the assets that belong to the film.
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What characters are valid in a name?

What special characters are allowed in names?
  • Alphanumeric characters: A-Z a-z 0-9.
  • Underscore: _
  • Space: ' '
  • Dash: -
  • Period: .
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How many characters can be in a document name?

Microsoft Windows has a MAX_PATH limit of ~256 characters. If the length of the path and filename combined exceed ~256 characters you will be able to see the path/files via Windows/File Explorer, but may not be able to delete/move/rename these paths/files.
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Can you have special characters in your legal name?

This restriction originated in 1986, when Proposition 63 established English as the California's official language. Names must only contain “the 26 alphabetical characters of the English language with appropriate punctuation if necessary.” And guess where little X Æ A-12 was born? That's right: the Golden State.
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What to avoid when writing a character?

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Characters
  • 2-Dimensional Characters. The first mistake writers make is creating cardboard cut-out characters – to avoid this, try to give them life and make them seem like a real person. ...
  • Characters Without Roles. ...
  • Overcrowding. ...
  • Overwriting. ...
  • Thoughts Over Actions. ...
  • No Setting.
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Why do I cry over fictional characters?

You're exposed to different aspects of the characters' lives – their losses, their loves and their own griefs, everything that goes into the human condition – and you eventually begin to empathize with them and form an attachment. We see some of ourselves in them.”
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Do character names need to be in quotes?

Style the name of a fictional character just as you would the name of a person: capitalize the initial letter of each name. Do not put a fictional name in italics or in quotation marks: In an interview, the writer Stephen King said that one of his favorite books features a character named Margaret Ridpath.
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Can a ghostwriter steal a book?

A reputable ghostwriter will not steal your story. They would not even think of doing so. If you feel worried, simply put language in your agreement with them about this concern.
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Can I use a famous person name in my book?

The only time you could get in trouble for right of publicity in writing is if you're trying to use the celebrity's name or picture to sell books, or you create a false impression that the celebrity endorses your book. For right of privacy claims, written consent will clear the way for most people.
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How do I write a book about my life without being sued?

If your memoir does any of the things above, here are 12 steps that may help you avoid getting sued:
  1. Change your name. ...
  2. Change the names of everyone else in the book, even pets.
  3. Change the descriptions (of all) and even the gender (of some) of the folks portrayed in your book.
  4. Change all locations.
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