Can Sith use Force lightning?

Force lightning is a dark side ability used to torture, disfigure, and even kill one's victims. Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings. However, while a deadly weapon, it is not unstoppable.
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Is Darth Vader capable of Force lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
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Could Darth Revan use Force lightning?

Revan can use the Force to heal his wounds and resist poison and drugs. He can also use powerful Force lightning and devastating Force storms.
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Can Darth Nihilus use Force lightning?

He was also proficient in Dark rage, Farsight, Force lightning, Force resistance, Force scream, Force plague, and Force whirlwind, among others, such as a dark variant of Force healing called Dark Healing.
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Why can't Darth Maul use Force lightning?

Two easily explainable reasons for why Maul never used Force lightning, which have come up several times, are one) that he wasn't a Sith Lord and two) he never learned the ability in the first place.
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Why Rey "Accidentally" Using Force Lightning Is So INFURIATING

Why did KYLO Ren never use Force lightning?

Kylo demonstrably couldn't defeat Snoke directly, instead killing his master via deception. Kylo most likely never learned how to conjure Force lightning, which is considered an advanced skill for dark side users.
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Could Count Dooku use Force lightning?

As a Sith, Count Dooku's Force lightning is one of the reasons why he's so dangerous, but it's a skill he learned long before he became a Sith. One of the main villains of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dooku's lightning is one of his main weapons, much like his master Palpatine.
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Could Vader use Sith lightning?

Either way, while Vader can use most other Force abilities, Force Lightning needs to be channeled, and Vader's limbs are explicitly not connected to the Force. The Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary confirms Darth Vader cannot use Force Lightning, and even suggests this is the reason why.
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How does Yoda deflect Force lightning?

Force lightning could also be absorbed and redirected by a Jedi of sufficient skill; Yoda demonstrated this ability by both deflecting and absorbing the dark power during battles with Darth Sidious and Tyranus, using nothing more than his own two hands.
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Can the Grand Inquisitor use Force lightning?

Often wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, Inquisitors used quick, guileful, and lethal maneuvers to strike their enemies down with astonishing speed. Whether the Inquisitor wielded a lightsaber with lightning-sharp attacks, or just Force lightning itself, it was always a dazzling display of deadly energy.
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Can Palpatine use Force lightning?

This explains why Palpatine's default Force-attack is lightning. It's the showiest, most obviously powerful Dark Side ability. Force Lightning is the clearest exhibition of Papatine's unparalleled strength, and it makes him feel amazing while he does it.
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Who had the most powerful Sith lightning?

While Palpatine's lightning is by far the most powerful thing seen in the Star Wars movies, the Son's red lightning is certainly more dangerous. It's only been used by one other character in Star Wars canon, and that character was none other than Darth Vader.
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How painful is Force lightning?

Quinlan Vos described the feeling of being struck by Dooku's lightning as both burning and freezing his limbs. Those who were harmed with Force lightning often writhed in pain with uncontrollable muscle spasms.
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Could Vader beat Palpatine?

5 Emperor Palpatine

The way of the Sith may be for the apprentice to kill his master, but there was no way Darth Vader would've ever beaten Emperor Palpatine in a fight prior to Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader's electronic suit is very susceptible to electricity, and Palpatine is known for his uses of Force lightning.
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Why do only Sith use Force lightning?

While Jedi could create Force lightning, like Sith, they choose not to use that power due to its association with the dark side and immoral nature. Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars franchise do not wield is Force lightning.
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Why can Rey shoot lightning?

Given Rey's lineage as Palpatine's granddaughter, it is also reasonable to assume she is already better attuned to using Force Lightning than the average Force user, with Ben telling Rey that she has all of Palpatine's power within her at the beginning of The Rise of Skywalker.
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Can Palpatine use Force storm?

Emperor Palpatine was able to send one storm over thousands of light years from Byss to Coruscant. Before being able to successfully create and control Force storms, a potential user had to be extremely proficient in the ways of the Force, including instinctive astrogation.
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Why did Force lightning deform Palpatine?

TL;DR: Palpatine used Sith Alchemy to disguise himself and then when the lightning deflected off Mace Windu's saber it caused the alchemical spell to break, revealing his true face and possibly damaging it further in the process.
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Why didn t Yoda block Force lightning?

He tried, but was unprepared for the sheer power of Sidious' blast. It was magnitudes of order more powerful than Dooku's lightning, and it overwhelmed the defenses Yoda tried to throw up against it. Yoda just had no idea it would be so much stronger than what Dooku was able to muster.
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Can Jedi deflect Force lightning?

According to Luke Skywalker, there's a sense of progression to this; only the most seasoned and capable Jedi Masters can deflect Force Lightning. This feat is probably all the rarer because Jedi don't normally train for combat against Force Lightning, so it would have to be figured out on the spot.
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Can Jedi use force choke?

However, despite their strict adherence to the light side of the Force, several Jedi were known to use this power, as although it was considered a dark side ability, it was also a technique of telekinesis. Its use, however, was forbidden by the Jedi.
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Can Mace Windu use the dark side?

Yes he does enjoy the fight and is more aggressive with the form, but at no point does he actually use the dark side. The thing about Vapaad is that Mace uses himself as a conduit to redirect his opponent's dark side power back at them. So he isn't drawing on the dark side or using it himself.
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Can Yoda beat Palpatine?

While on the floor of the Senate, looking up at the cackling Emperor above him, Yoda clearly realized that he couldn't beat Palpatine in one-on-one combat. As considerable as his own power in the Force was, Palpatine's at that moment was even greater, and to continue fighting would likely only result in his demise.
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Can grey Jedi use Force lightning?

Gray Jedi commonly demonstrated their skills with both Light and Dark side Force capabilities. For example, the capacity to construct a lightsaber from scratch, along with unique Force talents such as Force lightning.
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