Could Wolverine die from drowning?

Yes, Wolverine Can Technically Be Killed Even with his healing factor, there are some ways Wolverine can still be killed. One of the most effective methods some of Wolverine's enemies have found is drowning.
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Can Wolverine die if he drowns?

He explains that if he can't get his heavy, adamantium-laced bones out of the water before passing out, he'll sink to the bottom, pass out, and drown. Even though his healing factor would resurrect him, he would still be stuck at the bottom, and find himself repeatedly drowning over and over again.
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What is Wolverine's weakness to drowning?

Without the specialized suit feeding him oxygen, Wolverine remains vulnerable to drowning, a result of the incredible weight of the adamantium bonded to his skeleton.
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How was it possible for Wolverine to die?

Plot. A Microverse virus disables Wolverine's healing factor, rendering him mortal. Mister Fantastic offers to work on reactivating Wolverine's healing factor, but Wolverine accepts the vulnerability.
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How does Wolverine survive underwater?

Wolverine is so dense that he just sinks to the bottom of whatever body of water he is plopped into. His healing factor keeps him from drowning, repairing oxygen-deprived organs and tissues almost as soon as they are damaged. But he still lives through the horrifying sensation of drowning over and over.
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Can Wolverine Die?

Who saved Wolverine from drowning?

Some theories suggest that Mystique saved Wolverine from the Potomac River, freed him, and, after that, Stryker captured him, and did whatever he wanted.
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How did Wolverine survive drowning Days of Future Past?

In the previous movie that is X-Men : Days of Future Past, in the last scene, Wolverine (or Logan, the younger one) was drowning but then he was rescued by Mystique, who is disguised as William Stryker.
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What happens if Wolverine drown?

There he would drown, and because of his healing factor, Wolverine would heal—but just long enough for him to drown all over again. So on, and so forth, continuing on for all of eternity as he is stuck in a horrifying cycle. All because of his mutant abilities—and it doesn't sound too appealing.
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Can Wolverine survive a nuke?

In the pages of Marvel Comics, Wolverine's healing factor has helped him survive impossible situations, from being ripped apart from Magneto, getting torn in half by the Hulk, and taking on a nuclear bomb head-on and making it out alive.
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Can the Hulk drown?

The Gamma-powered hero has near-unmatched strength, durability, and a healing factor that makes killing him next to impossible. However, one power the Hulk has that has been somewhat forgotten over time is his ability to breathe underwater.
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Can Wolverine survive without his head?

Wolverine's healing factor makes him capable of surviving without his legs or even his head attached to his body. Wolverine's healing factor was not strong enough in the end to defend Wolverine from having himself be obliterated by Magneto who tears the adamantium from his body.
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Why can Wolverine die but not Deadpool?

While this isn't to say Wade Wilson definitively cannot die, the differences in their healing factors make Wolverine much more susceptible to death than Deadpool, with the reason being that Deadpool is technically already dead.
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Why was Wolverine slowly dying?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him.
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Could Wolverine starve?

The key in all these cases seems to be circumventing Wolverine's regenerative abilities by killing him so completely that there's nothing left to regenerate. He also survives a lot of other terrible things, too. When he's going to starve to death he eats his own body.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Readers witnessed Wade Wilson's rapid regeneration abilities and Rogue's absorption powers work together at an unbelievable level, saving Rogue's life – and proving Deadpool can survive a nuclear blast.
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Has Deadpool ever fully died?

Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him. In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should "consider yourself cursed ... with life!"
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Did Thanos and Wolverine fight?

Thanos practically feels nothing from having the adamantium claws lunged into his chest. In retaliation, he turned Wolverine's bones into rubber - killing the previously unkillable hero in a matter of seconds.
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Can Wolverine survive being ripped in half?

Despite getting cut in half and shot to bits, Wolverine managed to make it out of the violent situation alive. However, he still felt the pain and he'll have to deal with the mental trauma that comes with it.
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Can Wolverine get drunk?

In Wolverine #900, Logan revealed his healing factor processes alcohol nearly as quickly as he can drink it, with a bottle of whisky only getting him tipsy for seconds. It seems Wolverine is capable of getting drunk, but only for an extremely short amount of time (unless he has a constant supply of alcohol.)
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What's the worst things Wolverine has survived?

Wolverine's ability to rapidly heal from any injury is both a blessing and a curse, as he has suffered more pain and injury than any other hero. Wolverine has survived numerous traumatic experiences, including drowning, being shot with dozens of arrows, and being shot in the head with an adamantium bullet.
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Why did Stryker's eyes turn yellow?

Wolverine gets plucked out of the Potomac by William Stryker. Stryker turns to the camera…and his eyes glow yellow, revealing that Stryker is actually Mystique.
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Could Wolverine survive being thrown into the sun?

In Marvel Comics it is highly unlikely that launching him into the Sun would kill him.
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Can Wolverine get brain damage?

Yes, Wolverine Can Technically Be Killed

In Ultimate X-Men #12, Sabretooth had the light-bulb idea to try drowning him: "How does a healing factor fix a suffocated brain?" Essentially, the reasoning was that while Logan's body could heal all the way to perfect condition, the brain would still be rendered inoperable.
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