Did Cooper reach Edmunds planet?

After a failed mission to rescue Dr. Laura Miller from her planet, Cooper discovered the Endurance did not have enough fuel to visit both Mann and Edmunds, due to 23 years of orbital station keeping.
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Does Cooper reach Edmunds planet?

After escaping Mann's planet, Cooper and Brand have insufficient fuel left to reach Edmunds' planet. At the cost of 51 years due to time dilation, they use a slingshot manoeuvre around Gargantua, with Cooper and TARS jettisoning them to shed enough weight to escape Gargantua's gravity and get Brand to Edmunds' planet.
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What planet did Cooper go to?

Saturn is a ringed gas giant orbiting the Sun, and the sixth planet in the Solar System in order from the Sun. It has many natural satellites. It is the first place visited in Insterstellar by Cooper (the main character) and near it is discovered a wormhole.
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Where did Cooper go at the end of Interstellar?

Cooper survives his journey through the black hole and is rescued outside the wormhole. He awakens to find that Murph was able to use the information he sent to usher in humanity's exodus from Earth, saving the human race from its doomed planet.
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Why didn't they go to Edmunds planet first?

Because of his romantic links to Brand, the crew thinks there may be bias behind her desire to visit him first, which contributes to the decision of Endurance's crew to not visit Edmunds before the very end.
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The Ending Of Interstellar Finally Explained

Would Edmunds planet have been habitable?

Edmunds is a habitable planet in a star system that is orbiting Gargantua. It is in a different system than Miller and Mann. While Miller and Mann orbit close to Gargantua, Edmunds lies farther away, likely orbiting Pantagruel, a main-sequence star a bit further away from Gargantua- a factor that Dr.
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How did Murph know Cooper was her ghost?

TARS relays the quantum data to Cooper in Morse code. Cooper in turn relays the quantum data to Murph, in Morse code, through the hands of a wrist watch. Murph somehow knows it's her father relaying quantum data to her through the watch.
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Why was Murph so old at the end of Interstellar?

Ok, now follow a few steps. Murph was 10 years old when Cooper left. Cooper traveled for 2 years to the wormhole and subsequently lost 23 years in gravitational time dilation on Miller's planet. When he returns to the Endurance he receives Murph's message that she is now the same age as Cooper when he departed.
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Who are the 5th dimensional beings in Interstellar?

The fifth-dimensional beings are not aliens; the fifth-dimensional beings are humans from the far, far, far future, who have evolved beyond the limits of the third dimension. These far future humans are now helping to create themselves by giving humanity the wormhole to a new galaxy.
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Is Interstellar 2 coming?

However, as of now, there are no confirmed plans for a sequel. In this article, we will discuss the reasons behind the absence of an Interstellar 2, the impact of the original film, the cast and plot details, and the unique distribution strategy employed by Christopher Nolan.
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Why was Edmunds dead in Interstellar?

After finding his planet's conditions to be promising for human life, Edmunds sent a "thumbs up" signal back to NASA on Earth. He subsequently settled into hypersleep and awaited to be rescued. During this time, a rockslide occurred and destroyed his landing pod, causing Edmunds' death.
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What did Dr. Brand lie about in Interstellar?

On his deathbed, Professor Brand confesses to Murph that he lied about his Plan A's prospects – that he failed to “reconcile relativity to quantum mechanics” and his gravity project needs much more data. She takes on the project herself and beams out the bad news to space, where Coop and Amelia receive it.
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What happened to Cooper's son in Interstellar?

Sadly, Jesse died from a lung ailment caused by the deteriorating conditions on Earth.
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Does Cooper ever see Murph again?

He is then miraculously able to survive the black hole and is found by humans who are now living in space (due to his efforts). In a touching moment, he is able to reunite with Murph, who is now old and on her deathbed. Cooper is finally reunited with his daughter during the ending of the film.
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What is the plot twist in Interstellar?

Mann takes Cooper around the planet, things seeming perfectly normal till he suddenly attacks Cooper, revealing that he faked all the data he sent to NASA, and that he and Dr. Brand always knew saving humanity was impossible and colonisation was the only way forward.
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Why did Mann betray Cooper?

It is then revealed that he and Professor Brand knew that Plan A was impossible and that the only contingency that allowed for human continuity was Plan B. Mann did not want Cooper to return to Earth with the Endurance, as he now needed it to reach Edmunds' planet with the remaining crew to start a colony.
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Did Cooper create the wormhole?

Towards the third act of the film, Cooper comes to the speculative conclusion that the wormhole was placed there by future humans in order to ensure the survival of their species, and giving them access to the quantum-data required to complete Professor Brands equation of gravity, further granting them the ability to ...
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How old in Earth years is Cooper when he wakes up?

According to some sources, Cooper was born in 2032, making him roughly 35 when the Endurance launches in 2067. He is 124 on Cooper Station in the year 2156.
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Why did Murph burn the corn?

Through Dr. Mann says, “I'm here for you,” while Cooper dies, Mann can't tolerate the suffering and turns off the speaker in his helmet. At this point, the film cuts to Murph turning her jeep into the family cornfield, where she will set fire to the corn in order to force Tom to leave.
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What did Dr. Brand tell Murph before he died?

On his deathbed, Professor Brand finally admitted to Murph that Plan A was a ruse.
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How long did Dr. Mann go without human contact?

Mann was marooned on this planet for 35 years, as evidenced by the 23-year time dilation on Miller, the two-year trip to Saturn and the launch of the Lazarus missions which predated Endurance's launch by ten years.
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What would have happened if Cooper stayed?

I think if he'd somehow made himself stay (through binary, etc), he would have altered the future and he would have disappeared into the blackhole forever, but the fact that he gave the co-ordinates of the NASA base and sent himself to space, he stayed in existence even though he does alter the...
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What did Cooper Morse code to Murph?

What data did Cooper send to Murph by morse code by the watch? The data from the black hole that Murph needed to solve the equation to manipulate gravity.
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Who is the real ghost in Interstellar?

Cooper is and has always been the “ghost” of Murph when he enters the Tesseract.
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How much time passed for Cooper in Interstellar?

First half of 2086: "Coop" is born. Around June 28, 2092: Cooper and Brand along with CASE return to Endurance to find Romilly, who reports that 23 years had passed since they left for Miller's planet. Murph works with Professor Brand at NASA. Cooper catches up on a cache of 23 years worth of video messages.
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