How does Morpheus know everything?

Morpheus is watching the green raining code screens on the Nebuchadnezzar. The code is the visual representation of the Matrix. He's able to decode what he sees on the screen, giving him a full view of Neo's office building, locations of Agents, the existence of the window washer platform, etc.
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How does Morpheus know that Neo is The One?

Why Morpheus Believes Neo Is The One. Morpheus dedicated most of his life to finding The One, guided by the Oracle's words and by the belief that the Prophecy of the One was real. That said, neither the Matrix movies nor the Matrix expanded universe make clear when and how exactly Morpheus found out Neo was The One.
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What is special about Morpheus?

Morpheus serves as a leader in the real world, steadfast and courageous in the face of great danger and difficulty. He is the one who plucks Neo out of his comfortable life in the Matrix and shows him the truth, and he believes immediately that Neo is the One.
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Did Morpheus think Cypher was The One?

The Matrix Theory: Before Neo, Morpheus Thought Cypher Was The One.
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Why does Morpheus trust the Oracle?

A primary reason why Morpheus speaks so highly of the Oracle could be attributed to the fact that she offered regular insight to operatives of Zion, guiding them towards freedom through advice and clairvoyance.
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The History of Morpheus | MATRIX EXPLAINED

Why is Morpheus so powerful?

Morpheus Can Enter Your Dreams

Like Neo in The Matrix, he has complete control over The Dreaming. He can do whatever he wants in there, change your dreams, and even come and go as he pleases.
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What did the Oracle tell Morpheus?

For Morpheus, The Oracle tells him that he would find The One, a man with incredible powers within the Matrix who could end the Machine War. The Oracle's powers of precognition appear amazingly accurate, even knowing that Neo was about to knock over a vase in her kitchen.
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Why did Cypher betray Morpheus?

In the Matrix, Cypher can have anything he wants — juicy steak, expensive wine, a rare cigar. Even though it's not real, the Matrix offers creature comforts and peace of mind. As Cypher tells Agent Smith, "Ignorance is bliss." Cypher's desire for a rich life is one of the major factors in his betrayal of Morpheus.
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Is Morpheus canonically dead?

Yeah. Morpheus is canonically dead.
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Is Morpheus a good or bad guy?

Morpheus is a villain in Marvel comics usually as a villain for Moon Knight. Morpehus was originally a man named Robert Markham and was a guy suffering a rare infection that badly infected his DNA. So he would meet Dr. Peter Alraune to help cure his condition which gave him instead an untested Drug.
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Who is the wife of Morpheus?

Overseeing the dream of mortals made Morpheus one of the busiest deities. He didn't have a wife but some interpretations would have seen him paired with Iris, another messenger of the Gods and the personification of rainbows.
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Why does Morpheus wear sunglasses?

Sunglasses Are An Allegory For Seeing Truth In The Matrix

On a visual level, the sunglasses help to differentiate between those who are "awake" and those who are still part of the simulation. When Neo and Morpheus meet for the first time, the latter wears shades, but Keanu Reeves' character is not.
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What happened to the real Morpheus?

Niobe then leads Neo to Morpheus' statue, telling him that he was elected for the high chair at the council, but ignored the warnings of the new power that was coming, firmly believing what Neo did was right (implying that in the 60 year time period, Zion was destroyed and Morpheus was killed).
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Is Neo stronger than Morpheus?

With his greater experience and slightly higher kung-fu skill, Morpheus could likely edge Trinity in a scrap. Naturally, Morpheus doesn't compare to Neo, but if he did, Laurence Fishburne's character never would've come looking for The One in the first place.
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Why did Morpheus give Neo a choice?

When Morpheus presented Neo the choice between two pills, he explained how the red pill will start Neo's journey to discover the reality behind the Matrix and how the blue pill will just return Neo to his normal life.
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Why does Morpheus want Neo to free his mind?

Morpheus believes that Neo's capacity for critical thought invests him with the potential to free not only his own mind but also to help free all humankind from the prison of the Matrix.
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Who becomes dream after Morpheus dies?

He went by countless names; such as Oneiros, Morpheus and Sandman. He was the personification, as well as the lord over all dreams and reality. After his death, his power passed to Daniel Hall, who became the new incarnation of Dream.
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What is the prophecy of Morpheus in the Matrix?

The Prophecy was a prediction made by the Oracle and, as told to Neo by Morpheus, stating the coming of The One and that it will herald the destruction of the Matrix and the freedom of humanity from their oppression by the Machines. Once The One enters the Source, he will have the power to destroy the Matrix.
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Who is the traitor in the Matrix?

Cypher. The mustached, snakeskin-jacket-clad, traitorous crewmember of the Nebuchadnezzar. The anxious Cypher accepts his role as a traitor over a last supper in the Matrix, savoring his juicy steak.
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Who freed Morpheus from the Matrix?

But after a few hours of captivity, Neo and Trinity reappear to rescue him. And although still recovering from the drugs and even after getting wounded by Agent Smith, Morpheus begins fighting back and is successfully rescued by Neo and Trinity.
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Could Morpheus beat an agent?

Morpheus is a formidable opponent and proves his mettle time and time again throughout the trilogy against a variety of enemies. Yet, when it comes to the Agents, Morpheus still cannot defeat them despite beating Neo previously.
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Why was Neo not The One?

Although the first movie ends with Neo embracing his role as The One, The Matrix Reloaded reveals Neo's journey had always been part of the Matrix's programming, and he wasn't the first savior. As a way to give humanity the illusion of free will, one human would be born with the ability to manipulate the simulation.
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Is Zion a Matrix?

The Matrix trilogy; Zion/the “real world” is a second Matrix. Machine City/the Source is a third Matrix.
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How did Smith become a virus?

No longer an Agent, Smith is liberated from the Machines' control and exists as a renegade program that manifests himself akin to a self-replicating computer virus compared to his original Agent-based ability to inhabit a single body wired into the Matrix. Smith gains the power to copy his physical form onto any entity ...
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