Is Alastor Moody powerful?

Auror skills: Alastor Moody was considered by many to be the most powerful Auror of all time.
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Was Moody a powerful wizard?

Wandless and nonverbal magic: Despite being somewhat rusty from years of not applying his magic in his retirement, Moody had evidently remained an extremely powerful and skilled wizard, as he could effectively perform nonverbal magic, was able to summon brooms, duel Death Eaters, and even cast the highly advanced ...
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Is Moody more powerful than Snape?

So SNAPE IS SURELY MORE POWERFUL THAN MOODY. If you're not persuaded yet, so there's one extra. Snape fights because of Lily, he is living because of Lily, he protects Harry because of Lily, he fights against Voldemort because of Lily. That is the power of LOVE.
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How powerful is Moody's eye?

It could rotate 360 degrees in Moody's head and allowed him to see through anything, whether it be wood, Invisibility Cloaks, or even the back of his own head. It was this eye that earned Moody his nickname "Mad-Eye".
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Can Moody beat Voldemort?

Voldemort is chasing the "seven Potters" when Mundungus Fletcher, using polyjuice potion, disapparates, leaving Moody to be hit by Voldemort's killing curse. It's unlikely Voldemort would get the better of Moody in a fair fight.
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Comparison: Most Powerful Harry Potter Characters

Was Alastor Moody bad?

Throughout the series, he is an anti-hero due to overly-cautious and paranoid side when it comes about his personal security, but anyone who dies fighting Lord Voldemort himself isn't a villain, that aside even though Moody may look crazy as all heck but he's not a bad guy.
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Who is stronger McGonagall or Snape?

When it comes to the area of Transfiguration, McGonagall definitely has the upper hand. But when it comes to inventing spells, the Dark Arts, Legilimency and Occlumency, Snape has the edge. McGonagall is surprisingly skilled in the Dark Arts but not on the same level as Snape.
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Could Snape beat Sirius?

Snape, easily. Back when they were students, they may may have been more or less equal as duelists, with Snape perhaps being the better one by sheer virtue of having to deal with 4 on 1 odds against the Marauders.
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Is adult Harry Potter the strongest wizard?

While not the most technically skilled wizard, his courage, ability to love, and resilience make him a powerful force in the magical world. His mastery of the Patronus Charm and his ultimate triumph over Voldemort are vital examples of his powerful magical abilities.
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Was Alastor Moody a Hufflepuff?

His fears were assuaged in 1944, when he received a Hogwarts letter and began attending the school, where he was sorted into Hufflepuff, but he never forgot about his sister. He attended Hogwarts around the same time as future mediwitch Poppy Pomfrey.
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Who killed Mad-Eye Moody?

Mundungus' betrayal caught Moody by surprise and gave Voldemort enough time to cast the Avada Kedavra and kill Mad-Eye Moody. After he was brutally killed by Lord Voldemort, Moody's dead body tragically fell from his broom.
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Is Arthur Weasley powerful?

Arthur was also able to conjure a corporeal Patronus in the form of a Weasel, which is an extremely advanced and powerful piece of magic as well as proof of superior magical ability. As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was able to send messages using his Patronus.
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Who killed Alastor?

One of the dogs barked at Alastor's direction, leading to the hunter mistaking Alastor for a deer (or any wild animal) and hastily shooting at him, resulting in Alastor being mortally wounded.
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What makes Alastor so powerful?

Alastor gains his power from the influence his radio show provides him, and he possesses a wide arsenal of abilities, including a Demonic transformation into a more powerful form, conjuration, shadow manipulation, pyrokinesis, and general sorcery. Alastor is a dominant force throughout Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel.
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Who did Snape hate more James or Sirius?

There is always an implicit ire directed at James the most, because as we see in SWM and as Snape's dialogue pretty much everywhere implies, he was the one who lead the bullying. Although he hates Sirius and Lupin quite a bit too.
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What kills Sirius?

In the film, Bellatrix hit Sirius with the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, killing him before he passes through the Veil. In the book, the curse that hits Sirius is not identified (although it is rumoured to be Stupefy because of the red light), and him being knocked through the Veil is what causes his death.
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Does Draco know Sirius?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Draco, who implies that he is aware of how Sirius Black was supposedly involved in the deaths of Harry's parents, also taunts Harry about the impending threat of Black: "If it was me, I'd want revenge. I'd hunt him down myself."
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Who is more powerful, Snape or Lupin?

Snape is very, very powerful. Severus Snape started inventing spells while he was still in school, and was able to come up with spells like levicorpus while in his fifth, and sectumsempra in his sixth year.
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Can McGonagall beat Bellatrix?

Of course, circumstances play an important role, as Bellatrix Lestrange manages to kill other powerful wizards such as Sirius Black through her occasionally unfair strategies, but in a proper one-on-one duel, Professor McGonagall would win.
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Why didn't Snape fight back against McGonagall?

At this point, McGonagall begins to gain the upper hand as it becomes clear he cannot further transfigure or counter her attack, so the only way he avoids it is by taking refuge behind a suit of armour that he forces in front of him.
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Who faked Alastor Moody?

Barty Crouch Jnr (disguised as Alastor Moody) told this story to Seamus Finnigan in 1994, which Ronald Weasley implied that it did not end well.
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Who replaced Alastor Moody?

To this end, Barty Crouch Jr. used Polyjuice Potion to take on Moody's form to replace him at Hogwarts, successfully fooling staff and pupils alike.
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How was Alastor Moody killed?

How is Alastor Moody killed in the Harry Potter book series? He is struck in the face with an Avada Kedavra(Killing Curse) by a Death Eater during the attempted escape from Privet Drive in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, then his corpse falls off his broomstick.
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