Is Deadpool immortal because of Thanos?

No matter which way he gets sliced and diced, he does not die. Cursed by Thanos, one of the most villainous characters in the Marvel Universe, barring him from reaching “his lady” death, Deadpool sometimes shoots himself in the head to be with “her” for a while.
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Did Thanos give Deadpool immortality?

Months later, T-Ray, now an agent of Thanos resurrects Deadpool, who has been killed in a fight with Weapon X, using an artifact Thanos gave him to create many copies of Deadpool. Thanos is jealous of Deadpool's relationship with Death and T-Ray is to "curse him with immortality" so that he may never see Death again.
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Can Thanos snap away Deadpool?

Thanos's mighty snap took down half of the universe as well as some of the most beloved superheroes in history. Marvel fans watched Peter Parker disintegrate in Tony Stark's hands, which is something that nobody expected to happen. But when it comes to Deadpool, who has been through quite a bit on his own, he survived.
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Did Thanos lift the curse from Deadpool?

Deadpool was once “cursed” with immortality by Thanos but that was removed and, though still hard to kill, he can actually be killed.
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Does Death love Deadpool or Thanos?

Death herself. Death, the personification of death and the grim reaper, is in love with me, Deadpool! Because she can't have my soul due to me not being able to die. I reciprocate my love for her and so I try to figure out ways for me to lose my healing ability, die and be with my beloved.
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King Thanos Turned The Hulk Into A Pet

Why did Thanos gave Deadpool eternal life?

Thanos claims that Wade Wilson will never know the loving embrace of death and as an act of pure jealously, Thanos decides to curse Thanos with life, presumedly meaning that he will continue to watch Deadpool, and make sure he lives forever, never being able to be with the love he desires so much.
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Why Thanos is afraid of Deadpool?

Because Deadpool doesn't just have a regenerative healing factor. He is also literally cursed to never die. You see, Lady Death, Thanos' lifetime crush, was rather taken with Deadpool.
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Who is more powerful Deadpool or Thanos?

With so much power and infinite control over reality, Thanos is unstoppable. That's why Deadpool would certainly bite the dust if he dares face Thanos with his marvelous glove. Thanos could simply wish that Deadpool had never existed and he would win right away.
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Was Thanos jealous of Deadpool?

He becomes infatuated with Death after having a number of near-death experiences. During the Funeral for a Freak storyline, Death appears to reciprocate the feeling, and a jealous Thanos prevents Deadpool from dying and joining the entity by cursing him with immortality.
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How many times has Deadpool killed Thanos?

As an expert in the art of killing, it seems even Thanos wouldn't be powerful enough to stand against him. But even with his famous ability to snap the Marvel Universe in half, Thanos still couldn't keep Deadpool from killing him... twice. Aside from the jokes and insults, Deadpool is a deadly mercenary.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Deadpool can survive a nuclear bomb -- how hard could it be, right? The merc has been known for being indestructible, but you would have never guessed that he could survive his very atoms being blown to bits.
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What if Deadpool disintegrates?

Ways to Kill Deadpool

Similarly, if his entire body is destroyed at a cellular level, there's no way for him to come back to life.
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Can Deadpool survive the sun?

Deadpool has died many times, and being hurled into the sun would definitely end up being one of those times. Direct immersion in the Sun would kill nearly any protagonist in the MCU short of Ghost Rider and maybe the Silver Surfer.
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Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Why is Deadpool immortal but not Wolverine?

His superpowers are the result of being experimented on by the Weapon X program, the same program that gave Wolverine his healing factor. But the difference is that while Wolverine was already a mutant before the experiments, Deadpool was... just some guy with cancer.
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Why can Deadpool live forever?

Deadpool's immortality lies in his cancer and regeneration ability. According to the comics, cancer triggered his healing powers. As a result, the cancerous cells regenerate just like the normal, healthy ones do.
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Who is Thanos scared of?

The theory posits Ego, Odin, and The Ancient One as three of Thanos' greatest fears, and he waited until all of them were dead to make his move.
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Which Avenger hates Thanos the most?

Thor. Thanos, killed his best friend, killed his brother, and snapped a lot of his friends (Avengers). He can't even here his name. So yes, it should be Thor.
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Who is Thanos in love with?

Thanos has professed his love to Death many times, killing billions in her name, and yet it remains a mystery exactly why he's so obsessed, especially as he initially resisted the dark god's siren call.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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Can Deadpool beat Wolverine?

There's no doubt Deadpool could beat Wolverine in a one vs. one bout. Surely, time is a ruthless master, and The Merc with the Mouth appears to cope better with aging than the X-Men member.
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What is Deadpool most scared of?

Cows (bovinophobia)

Deadpool has bovinophobia, which is the fear of cows. According to him, cows "scare the *#$% outta" him, as he believes their stare to be chilling, like they're "waiting."
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Does Death truly love Deadpool?

The two bonded closely and eventually, it was revealed that Death had fallen in love with Wade as well. The two would often see one another whenever he came near death and appears to him on several occasions.
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Who gave Deadpool his powers?

Department K injected Wade with the genetic material of Wolverine, stabilizing his tumors with a brand new healing factor. This gave Deadpool his new lease on life. This version of the character shares his power with Wolverine because the illicit doctors who built him literally pulled them from Logan's bloodstream.
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