Is No-Face based on anything?

No-Face is an original character created by Hayao Miyazaki that previously didn't exist in Japanese mythology.
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What is No Face inspired by?

No-Face's transformation into a destructive monster highlights the consequences of seeking attention and validation in the wrong way. No-Face's mysterious and alluring presence, combined with its unique design inspired by traditional Japanese theater, has made it an iconic character in pop culture.
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Is no face an actual spirit?

No-Face is a dark spirit who resembles a black humanoid being with a white mask. He devours other spirits and can absorb their emotions into his own soul, causing him to take on their attitudes, especially negative ones, which lead to his transformation into a villain (until his redemption).
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What is the no face Japanese myth?

Noppera-bō are known primarily for frightening humans, but are usually otherwise harmless. They appear at first as ordinary human beings, sometimes impersonating someone familiar to the victim, before causing their features to disappear, leaving a blank, smooth sheet of skin where their face should be.
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Is Spirited Away based on anything?

Spirited Away is heavily influenced by Japanese Shinto-Buddhist folklore.
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NO-FACE Explained | [Spirited Away] | Studio Ghibli Lore

Why is No-Face obsessed with Chihiro?

There are several theories that suggest why No Face is so drawn to Chihiro. However, the most widely accepted one is that the enigmatic spirit is fascinated by the pure and soft nature of the girl, untainted by the prevalent corruption of her surroundings.
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Why does No-Face wear a mask?

But this mask serves as more than just a fashion statement. It's also a symbol of an enduring Japanese performing art called Noh. In this traditional Japanese stage drama, the main performer wears a Noh mask, much like the one No-Face dons himself.
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What yōkai is no face based on?

While not based on any specific yōkai, No-Face does take inspiration from the silkworm. The production of silk in Japan goes back centuries, and originated in China approximately 5,000 years ago.
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Why don't Japanese look you in the eye?

Eye Contact Customs

More specifically, looking someone in the eye is seen as a sign of confrontation and assertiveness, which is not always appropriate in a culture that values harmony, collectivism, and politeness. Instead, looking slightly downward or away from the person's eyes is a sign of humility and respect.
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What is the Japanese myth girl without legs?

The "Kashima Reiko" story predates that of Teke Teke. The legless spirit of Kashima Reiko is said to haunt bathroom stalls, asking occupants if they know where her legs are. If a questioned individual replies with an answer that Kashima does not find acceptable, she will rip or cut slice them in half.
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Why did No-Face eat everyone?

After witnessing Chihiro reject his offering of gold, No-Face dropped the gold onto the ground in despair, forcing greedy workers to fight for a piece. Angered in assuming that a worker insulted him, No-Face consumes two other people, and his true nature is revealed to the horrified workers.
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Is Chihiro in love with Haku?

There is evidence in the film that can lead people to believe Chihiro and Haku can be a couple, However, there are some who disagree that they had any sort of romantic element. On SparkNotes, it states the interaction between Chihiro and Haku is simply like a brother and sister relationship.
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Is Chihiro really Kamaji's granddaughter?

She soon spots Chihiro and yells at her, stating she is the human everyone is looking for. Kamaji then lies, telling her Chihiro is his granddaughter, and asks Lin if she can take her to see Yubaba to get a job. Lin immediately demurs, saying she is not going to risk her life.
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Why did No Face turn evil?

The white-masked being doesn't simply eat bad spirits. It also devours others so it won't be lonely. Furthermore, it befriended Chihiro in a strange sort of way. The main time No-Face becomes evil is when it eats a dark spirit.
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Who is No Face supposed to be?

Director Hayao Miyazaki says, 'There are many people like No Face in our midst…it's the type of person who wants to latch on to others but doesn't have a sense of themselves. They are everywhere. ' No Face exists without a sense of self and changes depending on the things and people it encounters.”
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Why does Yubaba have a giant baby?

Yubaba has a giant baby because everyone has a grating weakness they find difficult to manage. Whatever Zeniba's seal represents, Yubaba wants it because she's greedy and grasping for power.
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Is eye contact in Japan rude?

In Japan, eye contact equals aggression. If you look someone in the eye, they look away. Direct eye contact is considered rude or intrusive. It's alright to make brief eye contact, but for the bulk of the conversation you should look somewhere else.
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Is eye contact rude in Korea?

Koreans believe that direct eye contact during conversation shows boldness, and out of politeness they concentrate on the conversation, usually avoiding eye-to-eye contact. You will see young men walking in the street with their arms around each other's shoulders and women walking hand-in-hand.
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Why do Japanese lick eyes?

Dr. Robert Noecker, an ophthalmologist practicing in Connecticut, told Medical Daily that the eyeballs may act as an erogenous zone due to the amount of nerves. "The cornea is the most innervated part of the body," Noecker said. "That's why it might feel good to have it licked.
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Is Yubaba good or bad?

While Yubaba is terrifying, she's not your archetypal villain. She's actually more of a morally gray antagonist. Miyazaki is famously known to not believe in pure good or pure evil, with all of his characters being a mix of both aspects.
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What kind of spirit is lin?

Lin (also called Rin) is the tritagonist in the 2001 animated Studio Ghibli film, Spirited Away. She is a servant in Yubaba's bathhouse, and a transformed spirit of a Byakko, a white tiger (possibly fox ) that brings people happiness.
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How much time passed in Spirited Away?

Miyazaki's right-hand man and Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki reckons it was about three days, based on the dust and leaves in and around her parents' car. But it's hard for anyone to know for certain – especially as the passage of time seems to change as one passes through the tunnel to the spirit world.
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What is No-Face's real name?

About No Face: No Face, known in Japan as Kaonashi, is a tall, humanoid-shaped spirit who is nearly transparent and wears a white mask with a stoic expression. He only communicates by grunting or moaning until he consumes another entity to gain their personality and voice before releasing them unharmed.
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What did Sen feed No-Face?

Later, as Sen, Chihiro feeds both Haku and No-Face a magic cake to cure them of illnesses brought on by what they have consumed. No-Face knows well the comfort food can offer, and he uses it as a substitute for companionship.
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What kind of spirit is Yubaba?

Yubaba–the villain in Spirited Away–is said to have been inspired by Yamauba or Onibaba, which is a yokai that usually appears in Japanese folklore. Yamauba is a type of kijo (female demon) or a mountain witch who was originally a human but became corrupted and turned into a yokai (Japanese ghost or spirit).
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