Should Christians watch Zootopia?

There are positive references to God, prayer and miracles. Also, there's a biblical, conservative message extolling police work to fix a broken world. ZOOTOPIA will also please more liberal minded viewers, with messages against bullying, against negative stereotypes and supporting getting along with different people.
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Is there anything inappropriate in Zootopia?

There's crime, violence and a lot of action. It's like a big kid action movie. This movie certainly is not a classic in my opinion, but it wasn't terrible. Just know that tiny kids might not enjoy it.
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What does God say about watching movies?

The Bible never comes right out and says what to do with movies. Moses didn't bring back a commandment that said, “Thou shalt not watch any R-rated film (unless thine film be titled Passion of the Christ).” Jesus never explicitly spoke about Hollywood.
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Is there a religion in Zootopia?

Not only does Zootopia have religion, but they can be in striking resemblance to our own, if not identical. Sixth, Nick says that Juddy getting the train car to work would be a miracle, she then does and he proclaims in surprise, “Hallelujah”.
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Does Zootopia have a message?

In Zootopia, there is this obvious message being pushed that “you can be anything you want, and it doesn't matter if you were born a Tiger or a bunny or a fox...” and this seems to be the concluding message.
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Christianity in Zootopia THEORY

What is the hidden message behind Zootopia?

Right away, the movie hits you with one of its central themes, “you can be anything.” But along with that theme is the message that you need to work hard in order be- come anything you want to be. Judy doesn't quit when she's constantly told that she can't be a bunny cop.
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What is the deeper meaning of Zootopia?

The film depicts the dangers of racism in a way that children can understand in the hopes that the younger generation can grow up with an open mind and can potentially end racism. Zootopia is a new Disney movie centered on what happens when predators and prey live together.
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Why is it not called Zootopia anymore?

Not according to Disney's first statement on the matter, at least: “In the UK we decided to change the title to Zootropolis to merely allow the film to have a unique title that works for UK audiences,” a spokesperson told Screen International. The film itself remains unchanged.
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Am I furry if I like Zootopia?

Does being a fan of Zootopia make you a furry? Some may argue otherwise, but my answer is no. At least not necessarily, not by itself. Furries are people who are fans of anthropomorphic animals, of which Zootopia has nothing but, so naturally furries are going to be drawn to the film.
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Is Zootopia a movie about furries?

(Humanoid animals or animals with human-like traits.) The Zootopia characters are furries. They are anthropomorphized animals. So is Bugs Bunny, (Disney's) Robin Hood, Starfox, Yogi Bear, Chip n Dale, etc.
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Can Christians celebrate Halloween?

Since the Bible doesn't address Halloween, many Christians liken the celebration to other moments where the Bible discusses witchcraft, sacrifice, and worldly behaviors. The Bible contains various teachings on how to behave or interact with the world's troubling celebrations.
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How God views you?

In Isaiah 43:4, it says, “Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.” In God's eyes, we are precious and honored. He loves us so much that he would exchange nations for our life.
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Can Christians eat pork?

Christians may eat pork because God has declared it once more to be clean. “What God has declared clean you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Pork is one of those “foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1Timothy 4:3).
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Is Zootopia okay for kids to watch?

In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Zootopia has some scenes that could scare or disturb children under five years. For example: There are several scary scenes that show criminal activity. For example, Judy chases a weasel that has been stealing.
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Is Moana appropriate?

Moana isn't suitable for children under the age of 8 years. We recommend parental guidance for children aged up to 10 years because of the movie's violent and scary scenes. The main messages from this movie are to follow your dreams and be true to yourself.
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Why Zootopia is so good?

The abundance of humor and action help to mask all the underlying themes that can be construed as far too adult or mature for the family-friendly layout. Zootopia is the rare animated Disney film that feels like it was made for adults almost as much as children. It's colorful, fun, and has a good message.
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What are signs that you are a furry?

Furries are individuals who are especially interested in anthropomorphic or cartoon animals (e.g., Bugs Bunny). They often strongly identify with anthropomorphic animals and create fursonas, identities of themselves as those anthropomorphic animals.
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What is the furry stereotype?

As such, furry fans or furry artists are also often viewed (stereotyped) as fanboys, nerds and/or geeks at best, or a hairy, overweight (usually male), unwashed individual, living in his parents' basement while surfing for pornography on the Internet.
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Does liking animal characters make you a furry?

A furry is someone who identifies as a part of the fandom, so by definition, no, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't expect people to call you one anyway. Do you prefer characters to be anthropomorphic animals in your media? If yes, then congratulations! You're a furry!
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Will there ever be Zootopia 2?

Expanding the Zootopia universe, Disney announced a Disney+ spin-off titled Zootopia+ in Fall 2022 and a full-fledged theatrical sequel, alongside Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3. The sequel's impending release heralds a new chapter in this animated saga.
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What did Disney change Zootopia to?

Why "Zootopia" become "Zootropolis" : r/DisneyPlus.
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Did Netflix remove Zootopia?

Zootopia Leaving Netflix: March 20th

Zootopia was the first and honestly the best-animated movie to be released on Netflix as part of the agreement.
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What are some stereotypes in Zootopia?

Zootopia's society has the stereotype of what kind of jobs this animal can do, which overpowers the animal's opinion and right to choose in Zootopia. For example, animals that work as police officers are big and strong-looking, sloths work as DMV employees, or bunnies work as farmers.
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Who is the mean lady in Zootopia?

Dawn Bellwether is a diminutive female sheep and the main antagonist of the film.
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Why is Zootopia called Zootropolis on Netflix?

Let us clear this confusion. The movie was released in the United States under the name Zootopia, which is based on the city Utopia. For the fans in the United Kingdom, Disney decided to change the name and call it Zootropolis.
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