Why are Supergirl laser eyes blue?

In the Arrowverse, Kryptonian heat vision is actually blue. No official reason has ever been given, but the most likely explanation is that a blue flame is hotter than a red one, so this actually emphasizes the intensity of the heat.
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Does Supergirl have blue eyes?

Appearance. Supergirl has long blonde hair and wears a light blue headband. She has pale skin and light blue eyes and wears a blue t-shirt with a House of El crest on it and a short red cape, and a red cheerleader designed skirt.
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Can Supergirl shoot lasers out of her eyes?

Like every other Kryptonian, Supergirl is granted a number of powers thanks to the yellow rays of the sun. But in addition to being able to fly or shoot lasers out of her eyes, Kara has the added benefit of enhanced senses.
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Why do kryptonians have laser eyes?

In the classic comic-book narrative, one of Superman's many powers was “heat vision,” an ability to store solar energy in his eyes and emit it in fiery optic blasts, which were graphically depicted as lasers.
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Who is stronger Superman or supergirl?

It's clear she absorbs her solar powers even faster than Superman. Beyond that, Supergirl just doesn't hold back. Honestly, Superman is not as strong even when he doesn't hold back. In DC Comics' 2021 series Crime Syndicate, we see Earth-3 Kal-El become the evil Ultraman.
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She-Hulk Actress Fired As Disney Marvel Panic

Is Kara Zor El older than Superman?

She is the biological cousin of Superman, and although chronologically older than him, the ship in which she traveled to Earth was caught in a large green Kryptonite meteorite which held her in a state of suspended animation for much of the journey, making her have the appearance of a 16-year-old girl.
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Can Supergirl beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman and Supergirl have fought twice before - and Wonder Woman handily won both times. Supergirl is incredibly strong, and possess all the powers of her more famous cousin. Unfortunately, she lacks the experience and training necessary to defeat Diana in a fight.
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Are there black Kryptonians?

It is believed, based on the appearances of black Kryptonians in recent Superman issues, that the Vathlonians eventually were integrated into Krypton proper, although there has been no canonical statement about this from DC Comics.
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Why did Kryptonians go extinct?

The species was rendered critically endangered after almost all Kryptonians died when their main civilization center on Krypton exploded due to the instability of the planet's radioactive core.
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How can Kryptonians have babies with humans?

Kryptonian Hybrids are beings made up of Kryptonian DNA, as well as others. Half-human hybrids can be made in multiple ways, either through sexual reproduction, cloning, or through genetic engineering. The existence of hybrids proved that Kryptonian and human DNA could co-exist in one being.
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What kills Supergirl?

Kara eventually got tired and got close to Zod when it seemed like she'd beaten him into unconsciousness, Supergirl tried to use Zod's arm device to stop the terraformation but the General stabbed Kara and had his henchmen help him drain her blood so they could harvest the Codex, killing her in the process.
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Can Supergirl be killed?

Yet, her powers are not enough to fight a Kryptonian army and General Zod, and she succumbs to Zod more than once. Supergirl is killed after believing she has killed Zod, yet the exiled Kryptonian general stabs her with a wrist blade, the same weapon he uses to kill her uncle, Jor-El.
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What is Supergirl immune to?

Invulnerability: She is immune to human illnesses and bullets bounce off her. Supergirl is also highly resistant to energy-based attacks. Super healing: When Supergirl is wounded, she heals quickly if not instantaneously.
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Did Kara get pregnant in Supergirl?

During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. Rose was born on Earth during the invasion of the Daxamites. Her father was "forced" to marry Lena Luthor and his mother said that they will produce an heir.
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Why does Supergirl wear pants?

But due to the fact that the show is filmed in Vancouver, it's freezing for a lot of the year. Thus, they made the conscious decision to alter Supergirl's suit to fit the filming conditions. This is where Supergirl's pants come in!
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Is Kara Zor-El Power girl?

Power Girl first appeared in 1976 in All Star Comics #58. Karen Starr, Kara Zor-L or Kara Zor-El is none other than Superman's Kryptonian cousin! Although she's from a different universe, she's still markedly different from her much younger, biological equivalent, Supergirl.
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What is the lifespan of a Kryptonian?

Kryptonian's Longevity

This can enable them to live well into their hundreds to even thousands of years with every detail of their appearance remaining unchanged. It is believed that their physical appearances reach the peak of their lives in the range of their twenty years (on Earth).
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Why didn t all Kryptonians go to Earth?

As it turned out, all Kryptonians are born with a genetic bond to Krypton itself, which prevents them from leaving the planet. However, Jor-El was able to successfully remove the bond from his son's DNA, allowing Kal-El to safely travel all the way to Earth.
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Why can't Kryptonians reproduce naturally?

They are anisogamous and are known to mate and give birth the same way humans do, but recover much faster than humans. Kryptonians stopped natural reproduction processes later on, leading to artificial population control and laws forbidding natural reproduction.
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What race is similar to Kryptonians?

The Daxamites are a race who originate from the planet Daxam, with physiology similar to Kryptonians. This enables them to gain special abilities in a yellow-sun environment, yet they have extreme sensitivity to lead.
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How many Kryptonians are still alive?

Almost all Kryptonians were killed when the planet exploded shortly after the infant Kal-El was sent to Earth. In some continuities, he is the planet's only survivor. In other versions of canon, there is a last daughter of Krypton Kara Zor-El. She is a cousin of Superman and known as Supergirl.
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What is the darkest version of Superman?

DC: The 12 Most Terrifying Versions Of Superman
  1. 1 Injustice Superman. This version of Superman first debuted in Netherrealm's Injustice video game series and eventually made it into his own comic storyline.
  2. 2 Lord Superman. ...
  3. 3 Bizarro. ...
  4. 4 Ultraman. ...
  5. 5 Superboy Prime. ...
  6. 6 Lex Luthor. ...
  7. 7 Red Son Superman. ...
  8. 8 Black Kryptonite Superman. ...
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Who is the strongest female DC character?

1 Wonder Woman

When considering her powers, she still bests all other female superheroes; not because of physical abilities, but because of her sheer will and determination. Wonder Woman knows no defeat, and she'll keep on fighting until the end, and even against more powerful enemies like Darkseid.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Hulk?

However strong Wonder Woman may be, Hulk is certainly stronger. Even in the comics, Hulk has been shown to hold his own against Superman himself. Even with her fighting knowledge, Hulk's raw power alone is likely far too much for her to handle. Furthermore, Hulk only grows stronger as his rage increases.
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Who is smarter Wonder Woman or Supergirl?

Both Wonder Woman and Supergirl are smart, but Wonder Woman is more experienced and has more useful skills. This is why the point goes to Diana.
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