Why did Laufey abandon Loki?

His growth into a full-sized frost giant that towers over Thor shouldn't happen. More importantly, Odin notes that the child had been abandoned. Laufey had abandoned Loki because of his small size suggesting he was seen as unworthy to be raised as a prince and instead left to die.
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Did Laufey really abandon Loki?

From everything I've read and seen, no. He abandoned Loki when he was a baby due to being "too small", and a disgrace to the race of Frost Giants. After Odin adopted him, Loki's appearance changed drastically to become unrecognisable to his own people.
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Why did Loki betray Laufey?

Upon infiltrating Asgard, Loki betrays and kills Laufey with Odin's Gungnir, as a maneuver to attack Jotunheim using the Bifrost, which would ultimately destroy the planet, to prove himself worthy as Asgard's king.
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Why did the Frost Giants abandon Loki?

Adopted by Odin

Loki was born on Jotunheim as the son of the Frost Giant King, Laufey. Small and weak for a Frost Giant, Loki was abandoned by his father in a temple, being left to die.
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Why is Loki so small for a frost giant?

Why does Loki look like an Asgardian and not a Frost Giant? According to legend, Loki was the son of the Frost Giant King Fárbauti. Loki was born unusually small, and looked very much like an Asgardian child. The King had him hidden away in his fortress because he was embarrassed by his looks and size.
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Why Loki Let Laufey The Frost Giant Eat Him in War of the Realms #1

Why didn t Loki turn blue when Odin died?

After Odin's death, Loki did not revert to his blue Frost Giant form, possibly due to Odin's magic being so powerful that it persisted after he died.
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Why was Loki blue as a baby?

(Remember: Odin literally turned his son's skin from blue to white when he was a baby and kept Loki's parentage hidden from him until he was an adult.) To get intersectional about it, Loki is a biracial, gender-fluid being attempting to both blend in and be seen for who he truly is.
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Did Thor know Loki was a frost giant?

[MCU] How and when did Thor find out about Loki being an adopted frost giant, and how did he react to that revelation? At the end of Thor, Loki knows the truth, and Frigga knows that Loki knows, but at no point does Thor find out the whole truth.
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How is Loki a god if he's a frost giant?

Loki has Asgardian attributes because Odin made him a God, but he is actually a Frost Giant. Adopted as a child by Odin, Loki retains his Frost Giant biology, meaning his strength, durability, and stamina are all slightly higher than Asgardian levels.
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Does Loki know he's a frost giant?

Loki discovered his Jotunn heritage initially when he accompanied Thor, the Warriors Three and Sif during their incursion into the realm into Jotunheim. Volstagg warned the group that if a Jotun touches you would turn into a Jotun yourself.
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Why did Odin treat Loki so bad?

Odin's treatment of his sons, Thor and Loki, reveals his lack of morality and willingness to sacrifice familial ties for power and control. The introduction of Balder the Brave and Odin's omission of his existence suggests a darker side to Odin's character, as he seemingly erased his own son from memory.
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Who is Loki's true father?

Laufey is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is depicted usually as an enemy of the Asgardian king Odin, father of Thor. He is the King of the Frost Giants, the biological father of Thor's adopted brother and archenemy, Loki.
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Can Loki lift Thor's hammer?

In AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS (2014) #9, Loki found himself in the unfamiliar role as the hero when he confronted the inverted “evil” Thor on the moon. This version of Loki was so pure of heart that he was able to pick up Mjolnir and transform into a version of Thor.
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What is Loki's weakness?

The character Loki was first introduced in Timely Comics - which later became Marvel - in 1949 in Venus #6. Loki's greatest weakness is water and his spells do not work in water.
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Who is stronger Loki or Thor?

Thor and Loki are epically powerful gods from the Norse-inspired realm of Asgard, both powered by humanity's belief in them, but it is often shown that the God of Thunder Thor is much more "powerful" than his sibling Loki.
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Why did Odin adopt Loki?

It was explained in “Thor” why he adopted Loki as a son. (SPOILERS from “Thor: Ragnarok” are below, so read at your own risk!) Loki was a helpless baby left to die in the cold, harsh environment of Jötunheim. Odin took pity on him and rescued him.
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Why did Odin lie to Loki?

The Allfather originally didn't tell Loki because he thought he was protecting him from the truth. Though it doesn't work how he intended, it turns out the lie did protect his son in a way. Odin had to lie to Loki about his parentage, and Frost Giant Loki proves it.
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Is Loki half or full frost giant?

Yes, Loki was born a frost giant, his father being Farbauti, a frost giant, himself. His mother, Laufey/Nal, is sometimes described as a giant also, though other times as a goddess or undefined being.
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Is Loki a queer?

Loki made his debut in the MCU way back in 2011 and has been a mainstay in the universe for a decade, and yet fans are only finding out now that he is bisexual. Loki is not the first queer character in the MCU and he won't be the last. Marvel has plans to introduce a gay superhero in a film this year.
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Who made Loki pregnant?

Loki shapeshifted and turned himself into an alluring female horse to draw Svaðilfari away from helping the master builder complete Asgard's fortifications. When they were together, Loki and Svaðilfari mated. Loki subsequently became pregnant and gave birth to Sleipnir.
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How many babies did Loki have?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
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Why did Odin pass out when Loki yelled at him?

Odin takes Thor's hammer Mjølnir and uses it to channel a burst of Odinforce that broke apart Thor's armor and pushed him into the Bifrost. After Loki angrily yelled at his adoptive father for not informing him of his true nature, Odin collapsed in shock.
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Why is Loki not dead in Thor 2?

At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil. In Thor: The Dark World, the God of Mischief joined Thor in battle against the Dark Elves, apparently redeeming himself, but died when he was stabbed in the chest.
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Why can t Loki use magic in the TVA?

Loki's lack of magical powers in the TVA is a deliberate narrative choice to force him to face his character and responsibilities. The TVA blocks magical powers to protect the Sacred Timeline, and two possible explanations for this are explored.
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