Why did Thanos give Scepter to Loki?

Thanos Used Loki To Get To Nidavellir Another theory, posted on Reddit, suggests that Thanos' real goal when he gave the Mind Stone to Loki was destabilizing Asgard so he could get to Nidavellir and have an Infinity Gauntlet made for him.
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Why did Thanos give Loki the Scepter on Reddit?

He gave Loki Mind so that he could take over the planet, at which point Thanos would swoop in and take all three. At this point, Thanos was being discrete, so he couldn't conquer Earth himself.
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Why did they need Loki's Scepter in Endgame?

The Scepter, occasionally referred to as Loki's Scepter, was a staff weapon that served as the original containment vessel for the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. Gifted by Thanos, the staff was wielded by Loki to lead and command the Chitauri Invasion to Earth.
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Did Loki know his Scepter had the Mind Stone?

Loki finally reveals that he knew he had the Mind Stone in The Avengers, clearing up a long-standing MCU mystery. Loki admits that he failed to use the Infinity Stones properly, acting on impulse and throwing Tony Stark out the window instead of utilizing the Mind Stone effectively.
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Why did Thanos send Loki to New York?

Thanos employed Loki to invade New York, offering him his army in exchange for Loki getting him the Tesseract which would later be revealed as the Space Stone. Even when he was power-hungry and arrogant, Loki was smart enough to know to fear Thanos.
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Why Did Thanos Wait So Long to Take the Infinity Stones?

Why did Thanos give Loki the Scepter with the Mind Stone?

Thanos Gave Loki The Mind Stone To Spy On Earth

Thanos would have given the Mind Stone to Loki so he could test how the inhabitants of Earth defended themselves, but to their surprise, their attack triggered the creation of the original Avengers team, making way for Thanos' biggest enemies in the MCU.
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Who is more powerful, Thanos or Loki?

By far, Loki is now the strongest MCU character. It was shown in season 1 of Loki that Timelines=the universe. Loki held infinity of them with his strength.
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Why was Loki not able to control Tony?

Summary. In The Avengers, Loki tried to mind-control both Hawkeye and Iron Man, but while he succeeded with Hawkeye, his attempts failed on Iron Man due to his arc reactor. Iron Man's arc reactor protected him from Loki's scepter, as the scepter needed to touch organic matter to work, and the arc reactor was not skin.
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Did the Mind Stone make Loki evil?

Loki Was Under The Control Of The Mind Stone In The Avengers

Unbeknownst to him, the Scepter was also influencing him, fueling his hatred over his brother Thor and the inhabitants of Earth."
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Why can Vision lift Thor's hammer?

Thor essentially 'gives birth' to Vision, which means there's part of him – or more specifically part of Mjölnir – in Vision, which gives him the ability.
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Was Loki brainwashed by Thanos?

There you have it: Loki was as much a victim of Thanos and the scepter as anyone else, potentially, since the Mind Stone was driving him to be more evil and hateful than he actually was at heart.
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Why is Tony Stark immune to the scepter?

The sceptre didn't affect Tony Stark in The Avengers (2012) because he has the arc reactor at the center of his chest where his heart would be, therefore, preventing him from being poked by the sceptre, and mind controlled.
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Did Thanos know he had the Mind Stone?

Thanos was skeptical, refusing to believe the Infinity Stones even existed; that was when the Lorespeaker revealed that he was master of an Infinity Stone himself, and had obtained the Mind Stone long ago.
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What did Loki realize when he saw the Infinity Stones?

Secretly, he has to know that the Stone had bested him. He, Loki, God of Mischief, brilliant trickster, hadn't been strong or clever enough to not be affected by the Infinity Stones. But the TVA is, making it impossible for Loki to avoid the truth that the TVA is more powerful than him.
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Why did Wanda let Tony take Loki's Scepter?

The twins harbor a grudge against Stark for weapons responsible for their parents' deaths. Wanda says that she allowed Stark to leave with the Scepter as she saw his fear and she knew that Stark would act on it and self-destruct.
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Why did Loki reveal the Tesseract to Thanos?

Loki, who wished to subjugate Earth, made a deal with Thanos where he offered to retrieve the Tesseract for the Mad Titan in exchange for Thanos giving him his Chitauri army. Thanos agreed and lent Loki his Scepter, which contained the Mind Stone, to aid him in his efforts.
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Why did Loki turn evil in Thor?

This stemmed from his childhood and the belief that Odin didn't love him. While Odin's hiding of Loki's true parentage and Thor's demeaning behavior may have influenced Loki, ultimately he is to blame for his villainous actions due to his own issues with self-acceptance and misinterpretation of his upbringing.
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What did Loki do to Hawkeye?

Loki then stole the Tesseract and used his scepter to control the minds of Clint, Dr. Selvig and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
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Why did Dr. Strange give the time stone to Thanos?

Strange went through over 14 million scenarios and found only one that would work and in that one, Tony lived. What Strange did by giving the Time Stone to Thanos wasn't so much a trick as a sacrifice. Thanos rightly saw it as such, but more than likely assumed it was just a sacrifice for Tony's life.
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Why can t Loki lift Mjolnir?

There's been confusion among fans about whether or not Loki is worthy of wielding Thor's hammer, but Marvel has finally confirmed that the God of Mischief can indeed lift Mjolnir. The Immortal Thor #4 complicated the issue of Loki's worthiness by not allowing him to solely be the one to lift Mjolnir.
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Why does Mobius not recognize Loki?

When Sylvie kicked Loki through the Time Door he went to the same TVA's own past. That's why Mobius and B-15 didn't recognize him at the end of season one. That's also why Loki saw those massive statues. Earlier in the TVA's history He Who Remains did not hide his identity behind robot Time-Keepers.
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Why didn t Thor snap instead of Tony?

Thor insisted that he wanted to do the snap and begged his colleagues to allow him to do it so he could contribute to the cause. However, they collectively decided that the God of Thunder wasn't right for the job.
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Which avenger can defeat Loki?

Next was Thor, Loki's brother, hoping this would be the last time they fought. Thor's Mjølnir and Loki's Scepter clashed. A bolt of lightning came down, knocking out Loki.
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Could Thanos beat Odin?

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos? Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.
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Can Hercules beat Loki?

In a fistfight, Hercules. In a fight with weapons, Hercules. In a contest of cunning it's hard to say. Mythological Loki got himself in trouble more than he got himself out of it, and hercules has enough brains to solve several of his labors.
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