Why is Superman afraid to fight Martian Manhunter?

Superman considers Martian Manhunter the most powerful being in the universe, and admits he would be scared to face him in battle. Despite Superman's own remarkable abilities, he recognizes and respects Martian Manhunter's strength and versatility.
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Why is Superman scared to fight Martian Manhunter?

Superman is afraid of Martian Manhunter and his abilities because he understands just how powerful he can be at full strength. The Man of Steel truly respects Martian Manhunter's powers and won't ever underestimate him in battle.
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Why does Martian Manhunter hate Superman?

Martian Manhunter is the hero with an oreo cookie addiction, a hero that is nice to a fault, he wouldn't dream of saying anything even slightly mean. But it's clear on some level, that he believes he's being overshadowed by Superman.
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Can Superman beat Martian Manhunter?

Superman has even said that Martian Manhunter is the 'most powerful being on the face of the Earth' meaning Superman simply cannot compete. Even if Superman did try to win, any hits that he landed to Martian Manhunter would be because he allowed it.
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What is Superman's worst fear?

Superman's biggest fear is that, despite his immense power, he cannot save everyone who believes he will always be there to save them. Superman feels the pressure to meet the impossible expectation of being able to save everyone, even though he knows it is not possible.
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Plastic Man is Stronger than you think

Who is the weakest Superman?

Read on to discover 30 versions of Superman, ranked from weakest to the most powerful.
  • 18 Red Son Superman.
  • 17 Val-Zod.
  • 16 Super-Man.
  • 15 Superdoom.
  • 14 Calvin Ellis.
  • 13 Superboy.
  • 12 Last Son of Earth Superman.
  • 11 Kingdom Come Superman.
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Why does Batman fear Superman?

While Superman himself does not pose a threat, his existence does. Bruce fears Superman because he feels he will bring danger to the planet, which he does albeit indirectly. Zod is responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, but he never would have thought to come to Earth if not for Kal-El.
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Who kills Martian Manhunter?

At the beginning of Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones' Final Crisis, Martian Manhunter was killed off for the first time. This happened when the longtime Justice League hero was captured by the villainous Libra, who brought the injured martian as a gift to the Human Flame, a member of J'onn J'onnz' rogues gallery.
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Who is stronger Shazam or Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Who defeated Martian Manhunter?

In DC Comics Presents #27, Superman easily defeats Martian Manhunter as they battle on New Mars, despite Clark's recent worries about J'onn!
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Who does Superman hate?

While Superman always tries to see the best in people, even villains, the Man of Steel hates one villain and evil superteam more than any other: Ultraman and the Crime Syndicate.
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What is Martian Manhunter afraid of?

His only weakness in an inherent fear of fire, which all Martians have. All of these abilities make him one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
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Who is Martian Manhunter worst enemy?

Ma'alefa'ak, a native of the planet Mars, is the twin brother and archenemy of J'onn J'onnz, a.k.a. the Martian Manhunter.
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Who does Superman fear the most?

Naturally, Superman fears death like most people, but his battle with Doomsday is especially traumatic when considering his powers. Superman is nearly invulnerable to physical attacks, so having had a being beat and stab him to death is even more unnerving, despite Superman's eventual resurrection.
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What is Superman afraid of?

Superman's greatest fear is becoming his own worst enemy and failing to uphold the standards set by himself in protecting humanity. As seen in the 15 Times Superman Killed His Enemies , he has to face this fear in the saddest of outcomes.
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Why is Martian Manhunter so weak in Justice League?

Despite his great power, which often rivals Superman, Martian Manhunter has a most common weakness: fire. This fear is the result of manipulation of the Martians by the Guardians of the Universe in the distant past; the Martians were once composed of fire - they used it to reproduce.
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Who is physically stronger than Superman?

Captain Atom has proven in past battles that he is stronger than Superman and has better fighting skills. He can also weaponize red sun radiation, which can weaken Superman like Kryptonite and magic. His sometimes uncontrolled nature has earned him a reputation as one of the most dangerous DC heroes.
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Can Black Adam beat Superman?

Kryptonians Can Beat Black Adam (Despite His Magic)

As the Justice League reflect, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is the clear winner in any comparison.
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Who is most powerful superhero?

Marvel Vs DC: The 25 Most Powerful Superheroes Ranked
  1. 1 Marvel: One-Above-All.
  2. 2 DC: Elaine Belloc. ...
  3. 3 Marvel: The Twins, Infinity & Eternity. ...
  4. 4 DC: Doctor Manhattan. ...
  5. 5 Marvel: Franklin Richards. ...
  6. 6 DC: Guardians of the Universe. ...
  7. 7 Marvel: Phoenix. ...
  8. 8 DC: Superman Prime. ...
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Who is more powerful Black Adam or Martian Manhunter?

Many DC fans consider Martian Manhunter to be equal to Superman in power levels. The two are aliens with superhuman strength and durability. Manhunter even has an even bigger advantage with his psychic abilities. However, he stood no chance against Black Adam.
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Can Martian Manhunter beat Thanos?

Who would win in a fight between Martian Manhunter and Thanos? Thanos due to to the fact his overpowered, manhunter would give a good fight but ultimately thanos' strenght, raw power and indestructibility outlast him.
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Did Superman know the general was Martian Manhunter?

Felt like watching Man of Steel again. During the film, it didn't seem like Superman acted differently with Swanwick, however towards the end when crashing the drone in front of his car, Superman's choice of words could be seen as hinting that he knew.
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Who does Batman fear?

Batman Is Afraid To Be In The Company Of Bats

Ironically, Batman is afraid of the very creatures he uses as part of his aesthetic. As a child, Bruce's fear of bats stemmed from falling in a cave where he encountered the animal. He continued to harbor it as an adult, although Bruce used the very fear as his strength.
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Why did Batman v Superman fail?

A Nonsensical Plot

Most films live or die by the strength of their plot, and striking the right balance of simplicity and complexity is a coveted art that few superhero movies get exactly right, but Batman V Superman's story is an over-complicated and incoherent tangle of coincidence, convenience and assumption.
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Why is Superman afraid of kryptonite?

However, after Krypton was destroyed, pieces of Superman's homeworld were exposed to radiation in the blast and became the dangerous compound known as Kryptonite. When Superman is exposed to Kryptonite he becomes as vulnerable as any human on Earth.
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