Movie Pedia
- Are Katniss and Gale dating?
- How does Sleeping Beauty awaken?
- How old is Olaf in Frozen 2?
- Is Nick a fox in Zootopia?
- Can doomsday beat Immortal Hulk?
- Who went with Dorothy in Wizard of Oz?
- Could Green Lantern beat Batman?
- Which star has 3 autistic children?
- Who was John Candy supposed to play in Ghostbusters?
- Did Tony Stark have ADHD?
- What happened to Emily in Hocus Pocus?
- Why is Effie not in Mockingjay book?
- Is Nemo's mom alive?
- Can a 6 year old go to AR rated movie?
- Can Scarlet Witch defeat Ultron?
- What did Rasputin do to Anastasia?
- How many swear words are in PG-13?
- Who is Flash's arch nemesis?
- Are Anna and Elsa in love?
- What is Jennifer Aniston's favorite food?
- How did Mother Gothel get up the tower before Rapunzel?
- What is the story Rip Van Winkle based on?
- Are Hugh Grant and Benoit Blanc married?
- Why is 13 reasons an 18?
- Why did they use Angelina Jolie's daughter?