Are Jedi allowed to hug?

During the High Republic Era, the Jedi maintained the ideals of avoiding attachment but made sure to show great acts of compassion towards those who were suffering, such as offering hugs to those who were grieving.
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What are Jedi not allowed to do?

The Code forbade the Jedi from killing unarmed opponents as well as seeking revenge. Amongst other dictates, the Jedi Code forbade Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters from training more than one Padawan at a given time. Attachment was also forbidden by the Code.
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Are Jedi allowed to have relationships?

This is the most well-known of the Jedi rules. Love leads to attachment and attachment leads to strong emotions, which are the path to the Dark Side of the Force. Because of this, Jedi are forbidden to fall in love. This, of course, doesn't stop Anakin Skywalker from falling in love with Padmé.
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Did Anakin and Obi-Wan ever hug?

“Anakin suddenly jumped out of his chair and hugged his master with a fierceness that took Obi-Wan by surprise.” in Rogue Planet.
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Were Jedi allowed to reproduce?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Did a clone get a Jedi pregnant?

During one of these missions she would break the Jedi Code's rule of attachment by falling in love with Darman, RC-1136, a clone commando in Omega Squad, and becoming pregnant with his child, Venku Skirata. The two would later marry in the traditional Mandalorian way shortly before her death in 19 BBY.
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Can Jedi take wives?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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Who was Anakin's first kiss?

Padmé Amidala. Anakin commenting Padmé on her beauty Are you an angel? Anakin and Padmé share their first kiss. Anakin first met Padmé on Tatooine, they were five years apart in age.
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Who was Obi-Wan's crush?

During Mandalore's Civil War and his apprenticeship under Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan fell in love with the young Duchess Satine Kryze. The two lived on the run for over a year. Satine reciprocated his feelings as he saved her life from insurgents and bounty hunters.
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Does Padmé kiss Anakin?

The name for the first kiss between Anakin and Padme was known as 'the stolen kiss' and I think thats so romantic!
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Can you get married as a Jedi?

History. Under the original order, Jedi were forbidden to marry because they believed attachment could lead an individual to the dark side, as was the case with Shaela Nuur.
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When did Jedi stop marrying?

In Legends, Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order not only allowed marriage, but also encouraged such healthy attachments. The Legends-era Jedi Order that preceded Luke's generation, however, only permitted marriage before the Great Sith War.
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Who is the most powerful female Jedi?

  • 8 Yaddle. ...
  • 7 Luminara Unduli. Led Armies In The Clone Wars. ...
  • 6 Mara Jade. Helped Reform The Jedi Council. ...
  • 5 Leia Organa. Helped Lead The Galaxy In Every Universe. ...
  • 4 Jaina Solo. Ended The Second Galactic Civil War. ...
  • 3 Ahsoka Tano. The Ultimate Survivor. ...
  • 2 Nomi Sunrider. Led The Jedi Council. ...
  • 1 Rey. Defeated Palpatine At Last.
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Are Jedi allowed to cry?

Jedi are allowed to feel any emotion.

They simply can't act out of emotion, keeping the peace needs to be the priority because that's their job, as Jedi. Hence the line in the Jedi code: “Emotion, yet peace” or “there is no emotion; there is peace”.
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Do Jedi take kids?

The Jedi Order, a monastic organization dedicated to the preservation of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, recruited its members very young, but not typically straight after birth, as Wee Dunn was considered too young to be taken in by the Order as an infant.
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Who was Yoda trained by?

Biography. Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Did Obi-Wan have a kid?

In canon no Obi-Wan doesn't have kids. However, there is this theory where he and Satine had a child together but she hide it from him, knowing how it could ruin his jedi career. This child would be Satine's “nephew” Korkie Kryze…
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Who is the Mandalorian queen?

The leader of Mandalore during the Clone Wars, Duchess Satine of Kalevala was a controversial figure. She longed to move Mandalore beyond its violent past and instituted a government that valued pacifism.
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Who was Obi-Wan's girl?

Given their similar ages and personalities, Duchess Satine and Obi-Wan developed an instant affinity. She shared with him her dreams of a peaceful Mandalore and gave him the nickname "Ben," and it wasn't long before their friendship turned into attraction.
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Who had a crush on Darth Vader?

During the Imperial Era, a human female nurse served the Galactic Empire on board the Death Star under the supervision of a doctor. They both served the Sith Lord Darth Vader as his personal medical caretakers. The nurse became obsessed and psychotically in love with the Dark Lord of the Sith.
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Did Padmé really love Anakin?

When Padmé and Anakin were captured on Geonosis, believing they were going to die, she confessed her romantic feelings to him. After this, they could not deny their romantic feelings for each other, so they secretly got married on Naboo.
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Who fell in love first Anakin or Padmé?

Anakin and Padmé met when Anakin was still just a young boy in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Though he was already infatuated with her then, it was a boyish crush — one that Padmé could not reciprocate at the time.
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Which Jedi had 3 wives?

Like all Cereans, Mundi practiced polygamy due to the 1-to-20 male-to-female ratio among his species. Mundi first married Shea, his bond-wife, and later married four honor-wives, including Mawin.
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Which Jedi married a clone?

After Qiilura, Etain became a full Jedi Knight. She spent some time serving with both Omega Squad and Delta Squad, both on Coruscant and elsewhere. She also married Darman, RC-1136, a Clone Commando in Omega Squad, with whom she had a son, Venku Skirata.
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Are Sith allowed to love?

Love Must Be Recognized As The Weakness It Is

One of the first, of many, unwritten rules just about every Sith follows is not to love. Love is seen as a weakness by the Sith and can led to a member of the Sith making decisions that no longer help promote the Sith Order but rather the Sith himself.
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