Are Klingons Chinese?

TOS Klingons were not given many cultural traits, either unique or Soviet-like, beyond a generic need for domination and tyranny. However, they were typically portrayed with bronze skin and facial hair suggestive of North Asian peoples such as the Mongols (in fact, Gene L.
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What race are Klingons based on?

In the original television series (TOS), Klingons were typically portrayed with bronze skin and facial hair suggestive of Asian people and possessed physical abilities similar to humans (in fact, Coon's only physical description of them in his "Errand of Mercy" script is "oriental" and "hard-faced").
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Are Klingons based on Japanese?

The Klingon costumes were inspired by Japanese culture.
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Are Klingons Arab?

And, no, Arab culture has never been cited by the creators of Star Trek as an influence upon their depictions of the Klingons. The early Klingons were clearly based on the Soviet Union politically and upon certain European-American-created visual stereotypes of Asians.
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What is the origin of the Klingons?

Within the fictional universe of Star Trek, Klingon is derived from the original language spoken by the messianic figure Kahless the Unforgettable, who united the Klingon home-world of QoʼnoS under one empire more than 1500 years ago.
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Why Klingons look that way in the 23rd century

Are Klingons based on Mongolians?

TOS Klingons were not given many cultural traits, either unique or Soviet-like, beyond a generic need for domination and tyranny. However, they were typically portrayed with bronze skin and facial hair suggestive of North Asian peoples such as the Mongols (in fact, Gene L.
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Are Klingons Russians?

The depiction of the Klingon species, the iconic aggressive warrior race from the planet Qo'noS, has evolved throughout the years from a simple analogy of the American fear of Cold War-era Russians to a depiction of a complex and proud tradition-bound people who value honor as well as combat prestige.
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Why do old Klingons look different?

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.
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What is the Klingon controversy?

The redesign of the Klingons almost from scratch for Star Trek Discovery is the arguably most controversial artistic decision in the history of the franchise. Whether they criticize the new look and feel of the species for its clumsiness or for its disrespect of canon, many fans genuinely dislike it.
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Why did Klingons look like humans?

Most notably the make-up of the Klingons was modified for TMP. In TOS their foreheads were flat exactly like those of humans. The only distinguishing mark was their beards. In TMP and thereafter, however, the Klingons had ridges on their foreheads, to emphasize their being alien but probably also their martial nature.
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Are Romulans based on Russians?

Gene Roddenberry envisaged the Romulans as Star Trek's version of Communist China and the Klingons as its Soviet Union. In Making of Star Trek, he and Stephen Whitfield describe the Romulans as “highly militaristic, aggressive by nature, ruthless in warfare.”
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Can humans and Klingons mate?

Klingons have bred true with humans- that is, they not just produce offspring, but those offspring can successfully mate with either parent species to produce a child. K'Ehleyr is half-human, and she and Worf could not just perform the act of mating, they produced offspring.
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What language do Klingons speak?

The Klingon language ( tlhIngan Hol , IPA: [ˈt͡ɬɪ. ŋɑn xol]) is a language that was made for the Klingons in the Star Trek universe. It is a constructed language, not one that developed naturally. Only a few people can speak the Klingon language well enough to talk in it.
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What culture are Romulans based on?

Writer Paul Schneider created the Romulans for the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror". As a basis, he considered what the ancient Roman Empire might have looked like had it developed to the point of spaceflight.
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Why do Klingons have pink blood?

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, episode 9 reveals that Klingons have pink blood, a departure from their usual red blood. The choice to give Klingons pink blood was made in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to create an alien look and to avoid a higher film rating.
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Who are the Romulans based on?

Romulans are descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening during the 4th century. Those who would become Vulcan rejected emotion and embraced logic. The minority who rejected Surak's ideals were later described as "those who march beneath the Raptor's wings".
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Why did Kirk hate Klingons?

In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Kirk's son David Marcus was killed by Klingons, and it hardened Kirk's heart. He hated Klingons for it and was furious when Spock set him up (three movies later with Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) as the escort and emissary for Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.
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What did Picard swear in Klingon?

Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'

In the Star Trek episode, The Mind's Eye, Governor Vagh was convinced the federation was supplying weapons to Kriosian rebels. Picard replied with the phrase, "Qu'vatlh ghuy'cha' baQa'," at which point Vagh complimented him on his mastery of Klingon cursing.
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How do you say no in Klingon?

This is the word for "no": ghobe'. Try it. No, no, further back in the throat. The 'gh' should be almost like a gargle.
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What is the lifespan of the Klingons?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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Why does Worf look different?

After season 1 of TNG wrapped production, Worf's facial prosthetics were either lost or stolen. This presented Michael Westmore, TNG's primary makeup designer, with an opportunity to improve the look of the character.
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Why is Worf different from other Klingons?

Worf is an outsider to Klingon society, marked as different both by his positionally — adopted child of humans, member of Star Fleet — and by his unshakeable commitment to the values that Klingons espouse.
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Do Klingons have a caste system?

In Klingon society, the warrior caste (or warrior class) were a social class whose members were soldiers of the Klingon Empire. It was only one of several other classes in the Empire, including teaching and science.
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Do Klingons have pink blood?

In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Klingon blood was portrayed as pink and lavender, while in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine it was red.
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Who are the three original Klingons?

This episode "reunites" three Klingons from Star Trek: The Original Series, one from each season: Kor (from "Errand of Mercy" in season one), Koloth (from "The Trouble with Tribbles" in season two), and Kang (from "Day of the Dove" in season three).
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