Are Klingons religious?

This, combined with the Klingons' strong religious tradition, could suggest that religious beliefs might have been a driving force behind early Klingon space travel.
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Is there any religion in Star Trek?

In Star Trek, there are fewer religions depicted than you might expect, often with all members of a race or residents of a particular planet holding only one, but we do see many examples of religious belief systems. There's no by-law in joining the Federation about giving up your faith.
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What culture do Klingons represent?

Klingon culture - as written about from Starfleet Intelligence. Klingon culture: a mix of Mongol warriors, Norse Mythology, Vikings, Native Americans, Shintoism and Frederick Nietzsche. A warrior's code and social Darwinism, driven by perpetual fighting to assert the species as apex predator.
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Who is the religious leader of the Klingons?

Kahless is an important religious and historical figure to the Klingon race and has been studied in explorations of the philosophy within the setting of Star Trek. Kahless was also the subject of a Klingon language opera in the Netherlands.
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What is Klingon Heaven called?

Sto-vo-kor (also written Sto'Vo'Kor, or Suto'vo'qor in the Klingon language) was, in Klingon mythology, the afterlife for the honored dead, where all true warriors went after they died to fight an eternal battle against great enemies.
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Star Trek TNG - Rightful Heir - Worf and Kahless on Faith

Who do Klingons worship?

Formal worship

A minority of Klingons continued to identify as Followers of Molor, a sworn enemy of Kahless, in the 23rd century.
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What is the Klingon religion?

The Klingon faith does feature an afterlife belief, Khaless even goes into it to save his brother, but isn't about gods, they killed them. They even have hymns, well more folk songs dedicated to Khaless.
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Why is Klingon blood pink?

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, episode 9 reveals that Klingons have pink blood, a departure from their usual red blood. The choice to give Klingons pink blood was made in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to create an alien look and to avoid a higher film rating.
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What race are Klingons based on?

TOS Klingons were not given many cultural traits, either unique or Soviet-like, beyond a generic need for domination and tyranny. However, they were typically portrayed with bronze skin and facial hair suggestive of North Asian peoples such as the Mongols (in fact, Gene L.
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Do Klingons have a caste system?

In Klingon society, the warrior caste (or warrior class) were a social class whose members were soldiers of the Klingon Empire. It was only one of several other classes in the Empire, including teaching and science.
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What is the Klingon controversy?

The redesign of the Klingons almost from scratch for Star Trek Discovery is the arguably most controversial artistic decision in the history of the franchise. Whether they criticize the new look and feel of the species for its clumsiness or for its disrespect of canon, many fans genuinely dislike it.
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Can humans and Klingons mate?

Klingons have bred true with humans- that is, they not just produce offspring, but those offspring can successfully mate with either parent species to produce a child. K'Ehleyr is half-human, and she and Worf could not just perform the act of mating, they produced offspring.
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Why do old Klingons look different?

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.
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Are there still Christians in Star Trek?

In the Star Trek: Vanguard novel Harbinger, the series' titular station has a non-denominational Christian chapel presided over by Father McKee (β), while the Pocket TNG novel Guises of the Mind portrays Catholicism as still being practiced by the 24th century.
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Does Captain Kirk believe in God?

Religion in Star Trek

For example, Kirk seems to declare himself (or at least some Humans) as monotheist by saying "Mankind has no need for gods. We find the one quite adequate." (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?") And Kasidy Yates mentioned that her mother would want her daughter to be married by a minister.
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What religion is Spock?

One of my favorite characters is Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy was also Jewish and he played Spock as a Jewish character and was very vocal about how Judaism influenced his portrayal of Spock. The famous Vulcan hand salute was taken from a ritual he witnessed in synagogue as a child.
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Are Klingons good or bad?

Klingons are recurring antagonists in the 1960s television series Star Trek, and have appeared in all subsequent series, along with ten of the Star Trek feature films. Initially intended to be antagonists for the crew of the USS Enterprise, the Klingons became a close ally of humanity in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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What did the Klingons evolve from?

Klingons, however, could trace their origins back to large reptilian or insectoid predators with exoskeletons and redundant organs. The Klingon homeworld Qo'noS was ruled by Malor in the 10th Century CE on Earth. A common warrior, Kahless led a revolution that became the founding myth for the Klingon Empire.
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What culture are Romulans based on?

Writer Paul Schneider created the Romulans for the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror". As a basis, he considered what the ancient Roman Empire might have looked like had it developed to the point of spaceflight.
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Is Worf a black Klingon?

No, Klingons were portrayed by a great variety of actors. There are dark-skinned Klingons and white-skinned Klingons. Gowron was played by a white man and Worf by a black man. It was the quality of the actor that was important.
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What is the Klingon insult in Star Trek?

petaQ. One Klingon term used as an insult on numerous occasions was petaQ (also spelled "Pahtak", "Pathak", "p'tahk", "p'takh", "patahk", "pahtk", "p'tak", or "p'taq"). It was also used by the Klingons of the mirror universe.
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Why are Klingons bald in Discovery?

The official explanation is that Klingons normally have hair but completely shave it off during a war. Pronounced. The DIS make-up includes cheek prosthetics.
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Why is there no religion in Star Trek?

The future of religion

Aside from that, human religion has almost no place in Star Trek except for subtle and mostly insignificant side notes. Roddenberry could not afford to lose a large portion of his viewers because of his open atheism, so he largely left out (negative) references to Earth's religions.
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What is Hello in Klingon?

Many English words do not have direct translations into Klingon. To express "hello", the nearest equivalent is nuqneH, meaning "What do you want?", with "goodbye" translated as Qapla', "Success!".
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How do you say no in Klingon?

This is the word for "no": ghobe'. Try it. No, no, further back in the throat. The 'gh' should be almost like a gargle.
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