Are muggleborns weaker?

Severus Snape: "No. It doesn't make any difference." A Muggle-born (No-Maj-born in the United States), once known as a Magbob and also known by the pejorative Mudblood, was a witch or wizard who was born to two non-magical parents. Their magical abilities did not seem to be at all affected by their Muggle parentage.
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Are Muggle-borns less powerful?

Of course, the Death Eaters are incredibly prejudiced towards muggle-borns and even half-bloods, but some muggle-born witches and wizards are some of the most powerful witches and wizards in the Wizarding World.
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Are purebloods stronger?

An interesting fact of note is that despite the ideals that pure-bloods are inherently more powerful wizards, some of the most powerful or particularly adept wizards and witches in the series are in fact either half-blood (such as Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape and Harry Potter) or ...
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Are wizards weaker than muggles?

Still, while wizards sound all-powerful compared to Muggles, a deeper look might just reveal that a non-magical person could still trump their magical rivals. In the case of a theoretical war or conflict between wizards and Muggles, both sides have distinct advantages that can enable them to win.
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Who is the weakest in Harry Potter?

These were the weakest wizards of Harry Potter.
  • 4 Rubeus Hagrid Couldn't Openly Practice Magic. ...
  • 3 Professor Quirrell Faltered When He Went To Look for Voldemort. ...
  • 2 Ron Weasley Had To Be Coached By Hermione All the Time. ...
  • 1 Vincent Crabbe Was Vicious and Unintelligent.
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What If Harry Never Read the Half-Blood Prince’s Book? | Harry Potter Film Theory

Who is the weakest Gryffindor?

Peter Pettigrew represents the worst Gryffindor in the entire Harry Potter series. Wormtail, as he was known among his friends, was thought to be a friend of the Marauders and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, but he was secretly working for Voldemort and committed the ultimate act of betrayal in the series.
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Who is the least loved character in Harry Potter?

1 Dolores Umbridge Is Harry Potter's Most Hated Character

Not many characters in Harry Potter are one hundred percent evil, but Umbridge is certainly one of them.
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Could a Muggle shoot a wizard?

Yes, but most wizards would be able to cast several protective spells that can deflect bullets as well as they deflect spells. A gun is basically a highly specialized wand that needs to be reloaded, and wizards who do study Muggles are aware of this. They'd have to cast the spell before they were being shot at though.
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Would Muggles win a war?

If wizards maintain the Statute of Secrecy, the wizards win hands-down with their ability to subvert muggle governments. If wizards don't maintain the Statute of Secrecy, the muggles win hands-down with their overwhelming numbers advantage.
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Could any wizard beat Dumbledore?

With or without the Elder Wand, Dumbledore is invincible in traditional wizard duels. Dumbledore has studied nearly every branch of magic in intimate detail, including obscure and unusual spells, and he could beat Harry with just one or two spells if they fought.
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What is Draco Malfoy's blood status?

Draco Lucius Malfoy (b. 5 June 1980) was a British pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black). The son of a Death Eater, Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity. He looked down on half-bloods and Muggle-borns.
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Who is the richest family in Harry Potter?

The Malfoy family comes from a long line of rich witches and wizards within Harry Potter, and Lucius Malfoy has copious amounts of money at his disposal. He resides in a gigantic mansion with his family, named Malfoy Manor, and owns some of Harry Potter's most powerful objects, including a golden Time-Turner.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Can two muggles have a wizard child?

Muggle-born is the term given to a witch or wizard who is born to two non-magical parents. Their magical abilities do not seem to be at all affected by their Muggle parentage — in fact, many Muggle-borns have been among the most powerful witches and wizards of their time, such as Lily Evans and Hermione Granger.
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Can a Muggle use a wand?

According to, Muggles actually can use a wand — they just can't master it.
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Is Hermione Squib born?

Though nominally a Muggle-born witch, Hermione is descended from the Dagworth-Granger family through her father's squib heritage.
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What if a Muggle killed a wizard?

If the muggle knew about the magic world then he would be sentenced by wizard. If he did not know and just, lets say robbed a wizard and shot him with no knowledge of it. Then the cops would report who it was and what he had, Ministry of Magic would hear about it through their connections in the muggle world.
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Can Muggles go to Azkaban?

Those who could not prove that they had magical heritage — in other words, any Muggle-born and potentially some half-bloods — were sentenced to Azkaban for having "stolen" magic. Some, however, were apparently released after being stripped of their wands and their jobs, and ended up homeless.
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Would Voldemort have killed all Muggles?

He'd definitely want all Muggles under his rule to be subservient to wizards. He'd want society set up so that Muggles were at best servants, and probably many killed as well. As for Muggle-borns, they'd at the very least have their wands stripped from them and very little to no rights.
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What happens if a Muggle sees magic?

If, by unfortunate means, Muggles do happen to observe the working of magic, the Ministry of Magic sends Obliviators to cast Memory Charms upon them, causing them to forget the event. Some Muggles are aware of the wizarding world.
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Can a Muggle enter Hogwarts?

By the time they were 10, they would be accepted into Hogwarts. But like the Dursleys, who were living in a world completely separate from the magical one, muggle-born in the Harry Potter universe did not possess knowledge of magic or have the capacity to explain the unexplainable.
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Why can't a Muggle use magic?

Non-magic people, commonly known as Muggles in Great Britain, No-Maj(e)s in the United States, Non-Magiques in France among other names (see below), were humans who were born to two non-magical parents and were incapable of performing magic.
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Is Dolores Umbridge a death eater?

Harry describes Umbridge to Sirius Black, saying that she's vile enough to be a Death Eater, despite not being one. Umbridge is also depicted to be a prejudiced person, despising half-breeds and Muggle-born witches and wizards to the point of firing Hagrid due to his half-giant birth status.
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Who is the saddest person in Harry Potter?

As such, we've updated this article with some more relevant information about the most tragic characters in Harry Potter.
  • 3 Sirius Black Didn't Even Get To Spend Enough Time With Harry. ...
  • 2 Draco Malfoy Was Dragged Into A World Where He Didn't Belong. ...
  • 1 Harry Potter Was Expected To Save The Wizarding World.
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What is the least popular Hogwarts?

In the Harry Potter universe, Hufflepuffs are notoriously the least popular of the four school Houses, and unfortunately, it looks like this sentiment hasn't changed much within Hogwarts Legacy, either.
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