Are there lightsabers in The Mandalorian?

An ancient lightsaber that serves as a powerful symbol of leadership to the Mandalorians, the Darksaber is a unique weapon with a black-energy blade lined with a crackling white edge.
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Where is the Darksaber in The Mandalorian?

The Mandalorian, who never yearned to lead his people, gave the Darksaber to Satine's sister without a fight between them. The justification she provided to the rest of the Mandalorians is that since she saved him, she has every right to be the legitimate owner of the weapon.
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Does Grogu ever wield a lightsaber?

Grogu was one of the first students trained by the young Jedi Master at his newly established Jedi Temple. Grogu would go on to use this weapon throughout most of his long life, tinkering with it and upgrading it as he got older.
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Can lightsabers go through Beskar?

Use(s) Beskar, also known as Mandalorian iron or Mandalorian steel, was an alloy that was used in Mandalorian armor and was notable for its high tolerance to extreme forms of damage. In its purest forms, the metal was durable enough to withstand a direct blaster shot and could repel lightsaber strikes.
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What lightsaber form does The Mandalorian use?

Affiliation. Form IV, also known as Ataru, the Way of the Hawk-Bat, or The Aggression Form, was the fourth of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. The history of Ataru stretched back through the Old Republic, to at least as early as the Mandalorian Wars, where it was commonly employed by Jedi of that day.
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The Mandalorian Is Getting a Lightsaber! [Star Wars Theory]

What lightsaber does The Mandalorian use?

An ancient lightsaber that serves as a powerful symbol of leadership to the Mandalorians, the Darksaber is a unique weapon with a black-energy blade lined with a crackling white edge.
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What is the rarest lightsaber color?

The black lightsaber, or Darksaber to give it its proper name, is one of the rarest lightsabers in Star Wars canon. Despite its rarity in canon, anyone who has seen the second season of The Mandalorian is likely to be familiar with the Darksaber.
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Did any Jedi wear Beskar?

During this same period, Jedi Knight Bardan Jusik was well known for wearing clone trooper armor into combat, and later on even full Beskar'gam.
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Does Darth Vader wear Beskar?

Darth Vader's armor isn't made of beskar, but of durasteel, allowing mobility and absorbing energy from lightsaber blows.
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Can the Darksaber melt beskar?

The Darksaber was also capable of parrying a blow from a lightsaber, with the blades being drawn to each other in an almost magnetic pull. Like other typical lightsabers, the Darksaber could not cut through pure beskar, however, it was capable of heating it to the point of turning red.
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Will Grogu become Jedi or Sith?

Later on though, Skywalker sensed that Grogu's heart was not in learning the Jedi path, thus he subsequently gave in to his attachment to the Mandalorian and was returned to him upon which he would start to train to become a Mandalorian himself.
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Who trained Baby Yoda?

In the episode, Mando and Grogu find the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano so that she can train him. Using the Force, she communicates with Grogu and reveals his name to Mando. Fans were conflicted about the name at the time, with some saying they'd rather stick to the Baby Yoda moniker.
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Who destroyed Yoda's lightsaber?

Sidious wanted to keep Yoda's initial lightsaber as a trophy in the Imperial Palace, however, it was incinerated during a celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication on the Imperial capital, Coruscant, by Grand Vizier Mas Amedda in 19 BBY. Yoda in his self-imposed exile, decided not to wield a lightsaber anymore.
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Is Moff Gideon a Sith?

At the time of The Mandalorian story, it is pretty clear that Moff Gideon is not a Sith Lord even though he has the Darksaber in his possession nor does he have any links to the Jedi. Moff Gideon is nothing more than one of the Empire's existing bad guys who officially worked for the Imperial Security Bureau.
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Can a Jedi crush beskar?

Beskar is supposedly resistant or proof to lightsabers, but is it strong enough to prevent itself from being crushed by someone using the force? Beskar is an extremely tough metal. It's unable to be affected by blaster bolts and even lightsaber strikes.
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Why is the Darksaber so heavy for Mando?

Why Is the Darksaber Heavy for Din? The Armorer mentions in passing during The Mandalorian that the difficulty related to wielding the Darksaber is driven by its user fighting against the blade itself rather than letting themselves go with the natural flow of combat.
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How did Kylo Ren find Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Why does Kylo Ren wear a mask?

The helmet was designed to look sinister; as a Knight of Ren, Ren was part of an enclave of dark side warriors who wore masks to induce fear in their prey. Ren's helmet was a symbolic reminder of his lineage as Darth Vader's grandson, serving no practical use in his life.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Who has the purest Beskar armor?

Din Djarin's armor was unique to him, being one of the only Mandalorians who wear pure beskar armor.
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Is phasmas armor made of beskar?

(Fun fact: According to Star Wars canon, Phasma's armor isn't beskar either. It was actually made using scrap metal taken from Emperor Palpatine's old yacht.)
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Why did Obi-Wan stop wearing armor?

While there is no in-universe canon explanation to justify that change in the Jedi's clothing, the Star Wars Expanded Universe established that wearing bulky armor could slowly interrupt the Jedi's connection with the Force.
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Is there a rainbow lightsaber?

There is not a “rainbow” lightsaber, but there is a “white” lightsaber which could easily be all the colors of the spectrum. I ddi some research on this, and the current canon has most of the lightsabers either being green, blue, or like the Sith, red.
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