Are there two endings to Pulp Fiction?

As Pulp Fiction's scenes tell its story out of sequence, it effectively has two endings: the chronological one, and the literal final scene of the film. The film's epilogue scene shows the resolution of the hold-up in the diner, and serves as the ending for Samuel L. Jackson's Jules.
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Is there an uncut version of Pulp Fiction?

The 2011 UK blu-ray is the full uncut version of the film. The scene in which John Travolta's character shoots up show the needle piercing his arm in clear full instead of the optical reframe.
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Is there an extended version of Pulp Fiction?

Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction is 154 minutes long, but there are 24 minutes of extra footage consisting of five additional or extended scenes.
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Why are the scenes in Pulp Fiction out of order?

One reason I dig this movie is its non-linear narrative style. Rather than employ a traditional cause-and-effect plot, writer/director Quentin Tarantino sequences Pulp Fiction out of order, on purpose. If each scene is a card, it's safe to say Tarantino shuffled his deck. Or, more accurately, he stacked it.
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What is the actual last scene in Pulp Fiction?

The film that flickers on screen before us has a final scene: a return to the diner, where Jules gets his revelation and leaves his life of crime. It is from there the credits roll. Film ends. So the diner is the final scene of the storytelling.
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These Pulp Fiction Theories Change Everything

What is the deeper meaning of Pulp Fiction?

As I said, in general, the film is about American nihilism. More specifically, it is about the transformation of two characters: Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) and Butch (Bruce Willis).
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What is the bad scene in Pulp Fiction?

Most notably the scene in which a man is shot in the head while sitting in a car and there's a large explosion of blood and the car and people in it get covered with blood and brain matter. They later spend a scene cleaning it up. A man injects heroin into his arm.
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What is the greatest scene in Pulp Fiction?

10 Best Pulp Fiction Scenes That Fans Still Think About Today
  • Royale With Cheese. ...
  • Ezekiel 25:17. ...
  • The Jack Rabbit Slim's Dance Contest. ...
  • The Adrenaline Shot. ...
  • Captain Koons' Gold Watch Monologue. ...
  • The Pawn Shop. ...
  • “Oh, Man, I Shot Marvin In The Face!” ...
  • Enter The Wolf.
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Why does Pulp Fiction end the way it does?

But it's not about action, it's about the heart of the story. This ending is the thematic center of Pulp Fiction—redemption—and the reason why Tarantino finished the film with it instead of some cliché scene of Butch and his happy ending.
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What was the point of the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction?

Apparently, The Gimp is a hitchiker who fell victim to Maynard and his brother. Plus, Tarantino intended for the poor guy to die by the end of the film: “It doesn't quite play this way in the movie, but in my mind when I wrote it, the Gimp's dead. Butch knocked him out and then when he passed out he hung himself.
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How many times do they use the F word in Pulp Fiction?

2 'Pulp Fiction' (1994) - 265 F-words

It misses out on the top spot when it comes to profanity in Tarantino's films by just a few usages, but it shouldn't be understated just how profane it still manages to be, with an average of close to two F-words every minute.
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Why does Vincent not like Butch?

My guess is that it's because Butch has taken a payoff to throw a fight and Vincent doesn't respect that. He calls Butch a “palooka” which is a boxing-related insult, meaning, basically, a fighter who's not good at fighting, following that up with “Punchy” in a mocking tone.
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Why is Pulp Fiction so legendary?

Pulp Fiction is widely regarded as Tarantino's magnum opus, with particular praise for its screenwriting. The self-reflexivity, unconventional structure, and extensive homage and pastiche have led critics to describe it as a touchstone of postmodern film.
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Was Johnny Depp in Pulp Fiction?

Quentin Tarantino recently revealed that he rejected the demands of his producer to include Johnny Depp in his iconic 1994 film 'Pulp Fiction'. Quentin Tarantino is one of the world's most unique filmmakers with an almost flawless filmography—wholly without a bad entry.
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Which famous Pulp Fiction scene was filmed backwards?

Regardless, Tarantino decided against the chest plate and chose to shoot the scene in reverse. Travolta was directed to start with the needle at Thurman's chest, and then pulled upward and away with severe intensity, and played the footage in reverse in the edit.
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What movie did Pulp Fiction lose?

9 Pulp Fiction

Despite its popularity, the film ultimately lost out to the hit Forrest Gump, which is still considered a beloved film, though many have stated that Pulp Fiction was more deserving of the top prize.
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Why is the line different in Pulp Fiction?

This change is attributed to the non-linear narrative of Pulp Fiction as it's a way to remind the audience, even if subtly, that each segment is told from the point of view of different characters, thus making way for unreliable narrators.
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What happened to Butch after Pulp Fiction?

Butch returned to Fabienne on the chopper of one of the men from the pawnshop, and now with the gold watch in his pocket, he was ready to leave with his girlfriend and start a new life somewhere else.
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What does Marcellus do to Zed?

Marsellus frees himself and picks up Maynard's shotgun. Before Zed can grab his pistol, Marsellus shoots him in the crotch.
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Why is the dance scene in Pulp Fiction so good?

The actors were asked to improvise and you can feel that spontaneous quality in the scene. Many fans thought the John Travolta Pulp Fiction dance sequence must have been written with the actor in mind. However, Tarantino actually wrote the scene before Travolta was cast.
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How accurate is the overdose scene in Pulp Fiction?

The scene is not apparently 100% accurate. Many people say have said that the drug naloxone would be a better cure than epinephrine, especially if Wallace's heart was still beating. Regardless of this criticism, Pulp Fiction does get some things right about drug abuse. For one, Mia Wallace mistakes heroin for cocaine.
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Who is the serial killer in Pulp Fiction?

Maynard is a major antagonist in the 1994 crime film Pulp Fiction. He is a pawn shop owner, rapist, and implied serial killer who victimizes men that he and his brother Zed kidnap. He was portrayed by Duane Whitaker.
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What happens to the girl in Pulp Fiction?

Mia Wallace Drug Overdose – Pulp Fiction

It is still a surprise when she overdoses on heroin, and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) must inject adrenaline into Mia's heart. It's one of Tarantino's most suspenseful and outrageous moments.
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What happens to Jules at the end of Pulp Fiction?

The film's epilogue scene shows the resolution of the hold-up in the diner, and serves as the ending for Samuel L. Jackson's Jules. Having chosen to leave his criminal life behind him, Jules resolves the situation with Pumpkin and Honey Bunny peacefully, showing that he has put himself on the path to redemption.
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Why does he call him Ringo in Pulp Fiction?

Jules calls him "Ringo" in reference to Ringo Starr. The drummer for British band, the Beatles.
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