Can a lantern beat a Kryptonian?

All they have to do is blast them with red sun radiation... and the kryptonians instantly lose. They can also blast them with kryptonite radiation (I can understand how the green lantern corps might not know of it before destruction of krypton, by with how large the corps is... infinite knowledge... etc.
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Can Green Lantern beat Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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Can Green Lantern beat Kryptonians?

Not only do these rings allow the user to fly and survive in outer space, they also enable a Green Lantern to create energy constructs in the shape of anything they can imagine. This actually gives Lanterns a very easy way to beat beings like Superman – by manifesting Kryptonite radiation out of thin air.
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Is Green Lantern weak to Superman?

Superman is widely regarded to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe, but he has a variety of weaknesses, like Kryptonite, red sunlight, and magic. Which means that of all the Green Lanterns, Alan Scott is the best equipped to defeat him in a fight.
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Who would win Ironman or Green Lantern?

Well, it would be an incredibly close match. Iron Man's genius-level intellect and his array of armors ensure that it will take a while for him to run out of energy. On the other hand, Green Lantern's intense willpower can potentially fuel him until he thoroughly defeats Tony.
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Where Was Krypton's Green Lantern When it Exploded?

Can Green Lantern beat Hulk?

While Sodam Yat's combination of Kryptonian strength and unlimited creative potential as a Green Lantern makes him a formidable foe who could stand toe to toe with the Hulk, his time as the host of the Ion entity would ensure him a victory against the Hulk.
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Who is more powerful Hulk or Green Lantern?

That depends on how they fight. If the Lanterns fights by Hulks rules in a straight up fight, then the Hulk will win, but if the Lantern is clever and uses his brain to out think and avoid Hulk, the Lantern has a good chance of winning.
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Can Superman wear a lantern ring?

Outside of getting a few non-Green Lantern rings in the past as well as during stories that take place outside of main DC continuity, Superman has been seen wielding a ring in the far future as Superman Prime (where he was more or less a being of pure energy), when he was subconsciously suppressing his powers (and ...
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Can Superman break Green Lantern ring?

All green lantern constructs rely on a key factor. The amount of willpower they put into their constructions. New 52 Superman power levels, were so high he could easily break through a Green Lantern construct.
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Can Green Lantern beat Darkseid?

Could the Green Lantern Corps defeat Darkseid and his armies? Yes.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Can flash beat Superman?

While Superman is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe, enhanced to godlike levels by the Sun's radiation, The Flash's physics-defying powers are capable of killing him not by playing on his famous vulnerability to magic or his weakness to Kryptonite, but simply by hitting him so hard, even his ...
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Can doomsday beat Green Lantern?

No Green Lantern will see the light of day against Doomsday… Doomsday is a walking monster, one that can casually contend with the likes of Superman and various other powerhouses. Not to mention that Doomsday can adapt to practically any and all that Green Lantern can muster.
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Can Thor defeat Green Lantern?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Green Lantern and Thor, as both are incredibly powerful superheroes. However, if it came down to it, Thor would likely have the advantage, due to his ability to control the weather and his powerful hammer Mjolnir.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Superman?

With a record of six wins, four losses, and five draws, they found that Wonder Woman narrowly defeats Superman. While it is difficult to determine the outcome of fights between friends, it quickly becomes clear that the Man of Steel and the Amazing Amazon are almost evenly matched.
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Could Green Lantern beat Batman?

Hal Jordan, a.k.a. The Green Lantern, is a very powerful superhero. He has one of, if not the, strongest wills in the galaxy. As a result, he overmatches many of his foes when he has his ring on. Although Batman is one of the most dangerous people/heroes on Earth, Green Lantern would beat Batman in a fight.
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Why can't Batman use a Green Lantern ring?

DC revealed in an old Green Lantern comic the very dark reason why Batman will never be able to wield a power ring. In order to use a Green Lantern ring, the wearer must have an incredible amount of willpower. Hal Jordan is perhaps the most famous of all the Green Lanterns and also one of the strongest.
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What would happen if Darkseid get a Green Lantern ring?

Darkseid is a warlord who regularly engages in genocide, so regardless of his willpower, a Green Lantern ring wouldn't give him its power for the simple reason that he's a tyrant. In the comics, Darkseid had to absorb the green willpower energy directly to use it.
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Why doesn t Batman use a lantern ring?

His city could be saved, once and for all. The short answer is that while Batman could use a Yellow Lantern ring, he doesn't because he chooses not to. After all, it's a weapon of evil and it's possible he associates the ring directly with what it represents.
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What lantern is Batman?

The series features Cyborg Superman, Batman as a Green Lantern, Sinestro and Star Sapphire, all from Geoff Johns' historic run on GREEN LANTERN and featured prominently in the popular "Sinestro Corps War" story arc!
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What lantern ring is Batman?

So it's of no surprise that one of the most common rings Batman has had a chance to wield is also the most recognizable: the willpower-fueled ring of the Green Lantern Corps.
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Did Batman ever get a lantern ring?

Yellow Lantern Batman

One of the members of the Crime Syndicate, Power Ring, had an emotional spectrum ring as well. It turns out, Batman had saved a Yellow Lantern ring in his private arsenal, ready specifically for a time like this. And no one feels and can cause fear more than the Batman himself.
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Can Superman hurt the Hulk?

With his near-immeasurable strength, an ability to take even the most devastating blows, multiple attacks that aren't just punching, along with his flight and speed, the Hulk would struggle to keep up with Superman. Even in the few times he's faced Superman, the green monster has lost.
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Can Hulk beat Thor?

This move proves that, while Hulk can be stronger than Thor in absolute terms, the God of Thunder has many more advantages. He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Few characters can stand against him, with only a few being so brave and some being very foolish. While the MCU Hulk was not able to defeat Thanos, his comic book counterparts pose a better chance to make an even fight particularly if Thanos does not wield the Infinity Gauntlet.
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