Can a Muggle visit Hogwarts?

Hogwarts Castle appears as abandoned ruins to any Muggles close enough to see. Although wizarding society lives for the most part directly alongside Muggles, the interaction between the two communities is virtually non-existent since the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was introduced in 1692.
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Are Muggles allowed to go to Hogwarts?

When Muggle-born witches and wizards reach the age of eleven in the British wizarding community, their Hogwarts acceptance letters are delivered in person by a member of the staff, instead of by owl post (the usual postal system for wizards and witches).
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Has a Muggle ever been to Hogwarts?

Muggles also occasionally produce a magical child. In Britain, these Muggle-born wizards and witches will often join the wizarding world when they are invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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Can Muggles enter the wizarding world?

The Muggle parents would thus be informed of the existence of the wizarding world, and might even enter it on occasion, as Hermione Granger's parents did when they accompanied their daughter and the Weasley family to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies in 1992.
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Can Muggles enter Hogsmeade?

Extended Description. Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level. Located near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogsmeade is "the only non-Muggle settlement in Britain", and the northern terminus of the Hogwarts Express train line from London.
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Why Can't Muggles See Hogwarts? - Harry Potter Explained

Can a Muggle go to Azkaban?

Those who could not prove that they had magical heritage — in other words, any Muggle-born and potentially some half-bloods — were sentenced to Azkaban for having "stolen" magic. Some, however, were apparently released after being stripped of their wands and their jobs, and ended up homeless.
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Can a Muggle go to Diagon Alley?

Diagon Alley is a high street located in London. It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles (non-magical people). However, Muggles are allowed access to it if they need to accompany their Muggle-born magical children.
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What happens if a Muggle uses a wand?

Muggles can't necessarily perform magic, but with a wand, they could cause some to manifest in an uncontrollable manner.
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What happens if a Muggle sees magic?

If, by unfortunate means, Muggles do happen to observe the working of magic, the Ministry of Magic sends Obliviators to cast Memory Charms upon them, causing them to forget the event. Some Muggles are aware of the wizarding world.
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Do Hermione's parents know she's a witch?

She and her husband were proud and accepting of their daughter's identity as a witch, which explained some strange things which happened around her when she was a child. They entered the magical world in 1992 to buy Hermione's school supplies, and were assisted by Arthur Weasley.
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Do Muggle-born Slytherins exist?

It is not impossible if a muggleborn witch/wizard have the traits and values of Sytherin, and Slytherin doesn't mean they only accept purebloods but also halfbloods and that halfbloods are really talented and great like Snape he is a potion master and Umbridge also she was a Slytherin.
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Is Harry a pureblood?

Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.
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Are the Weasleys pure-blood?

In contrast to the Malfoys and the Blacks, the Weasleys are a pure-blood family known for their warmth and support for one another. They actively reject the pure-blood supremacist ideology, and are inclusive and supportive of Muggle-born wizards.
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Can two Muggles have a wizard child?

Yes, it is possible for two muggles to have 2 magical-ish children.
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Can you wear Muggle clothes at Hogwarts?

Students might wear their muggle clothing underneath when they are getting off of the train, for changing convenience, or maybe when it's a bit colder. But on normal school days, it is likely that students only wear Hogwarts robes.
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Could a Muggle shoot a wizard?

Yes, but most wizards would be able to cast several protective spells that can deflect bullets as well as they deflect spells. A gun is basically a highly specialized wand that needs to be reloaded, and wizards who do study Muggles are aware of this. They'd have to cast the spell before they were being shot at though.
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What if a Muggle killed a wizard?

If the muggle knew about the magic world then he would be sentenced by wizard. If he did not know and just, lets say robbed a wizard and shot him with no knowledge of it. Then the cops would report who it was and what he had, Ministry of Magic would hear about it through their connections in the muggle world.
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Can Muggle see dementor?

Even Muggles feel their presence, though they can't see them. Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...
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How are Hermione's parents Muggles?

Hermione Granger: "Well, both my parents are dentists." Professor Slughorn: "Fascinating, and is that considered a dangerous profession?" Granger and Mrs Granger were born to Muggle parents, at least one of whom may have been descended from a Squib.
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Why did Dumbledore give a Muggle a wand?

History. This fake wand was commissioned by Albus Dumbledore so that Jacob Kowalski could blend in with and more easily hide in plain sight of witches and wizards during the global wizarding war, as he was a No-Maj.
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Can Muggles see Azkaban?

Using certain Charms, Azkaban was hidden from the Muggle world, and was Unplottable. As of Eldritch Diggory's visit in the 1730s or 1740s, a graveyard had been established on the island to accommodate those who had died in the prison. Most of the prisoners inside its walls died of despair, having lost the will to live.
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Has a Muggle ever learned magic?

Keep in mind that Filch was a Squib- so did have some magical blood despite not being able to use magic- so there's always a super slim hope that they have 'latent' ability or even some minor ability to be developed. A Muggle has none (or at least none they know of...) and can never learn real magic.
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Did Hermione's parents ever remember her?

Hermione's Parents Had Their Memories Restored According To Harry Potter Canon. This tragic ending for Hermione and her parents never happened in the Harry Potter books. This is because Hermione didn't just erase her parents' memories—she rewrote them using a False Memory charm.
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Has a Muggle ever attended Hogwarts?

Terry Boot was listed as a Muggle-born on Rowling's draft class list, but in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he was shown to be attending his seventh year at Hogwarts despite Muggle-borns being banned from the school while Lord Voldemort was in power.
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Can Muggle join Slytherin?

Yes, although we haven't met any in the seven Harry Potter novels. The Pottermore introduction to Slytherin says: […] we have traditionally tended to take students who come from long lines of witches and wizards, but nowadays you'll find plenty of people in Slytherin house who have at least one Muggle parent.
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