Can a non-Force sensitive become Force sensitive?

According to Tano, while the Force did reside in all living things, "talent" played a factor in terms of who was sensitive to it. Tano insisted that the non-Force sensitive Wren could become attuned to the Force through training and focus.
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Can you develop Force sensitivity?

Force-sensitives could, with training, learn to sense and manipulate the Force. Force-sensitives who gained powers and abilities through the Force became Force Adepts.
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Is being Force-sensitive genetic?

Accordingly, Force-sensitivity is an inheritable trait, and the Star Wars saga is thus not only about family, but more specifically about genetics.
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Can a non-Force sensitive use a lightsaber?

Anyone can wield a lightsaber, but to quote Ahsoka Tano: "To wield it takes a good amount of training and discipline." Those often used to swinging swords wouldn't be used to a lightsaber, as it is a weightless blade- and can often result in tragedy.
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Can someone lose their Force sensitivity?

Originally Answered: In Star Wars, can someone loose their Force sensitivity? Yes, well in legends at least. Darth Traya was stripped of her force powers and Darth Sidious could do so.
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Why the Force Itself REJECTS Mandalorians - Star Wars Explained

Is it rare to be Force sensitive?

One estimate (based on Legends data) put the number of Force-sensitives in the galaxy at roughly 81 billion (via Eleven-ThirtyEight), which would mean that roughly one in every 12,000 people were Force-sensitive.
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How long do Force sensitive humans live?

Typically, Humans had an average lifespan of 100 to 120 standard years. Those who were keenly atuned to the Force, a ubiquitous and binding power that suffused the whole Known Universe, could live up to 200.
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What is the forbidden lightsaber?

The Forbidden Forms were forms of lightsaber combat used by the Sith during the Sith Wars. According to the testimonies of the Jedi Cervil the Uncanny, lightwhips—a lightsaber variant with a flexible blade—were used to defend against Sith Lords who utilized the forms.
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Who is the only non-Jedi to use a lightsaber?

2) Who is the only non Jedi in the original Star Wars trilogy to use a lightsaber? Han Solo uses Luke's lightsaber to cut open the tauntaun's belly in The Empire Strikes Back.
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What is the most Force-sensitive race?

The Zabrak, also known as the Dathomirians, are a unique and highly powerful species in the Force. Their entire culture is built around Force sensitivity and the strength of each generation. That's why Darth Sidious came to their planet and stole Darth Maul to train him; he knew of the innate power.
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Are jedis allowed to reproduce?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Can anyone be born a Jedi?

No, not at all. While the Jedi Order did its best to find as many Force-sensitive children and bring them into the fold as they could, the galaxy was simply too huge a place for too few a Jedi.
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Can non-Force sensitives become Jedi?

Summary. Anyone can become a Jedi, regardless of Force-sensitivity. The Church of the Force and Guardians of the Whills respect and revere Jedi without being Force-sensitive. The Jedi Order consists of different ranks, and in the past, there were additional paths like Jedi Counselors and Jedi Guardians.
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Was Anakin Force sensitive?

Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive life form whose blood contained the highest known midi-chlorian count. Rising to power in the last remaining years of the Republic, a Force-sensitive politician rose to power in the ranks of the Galactic Senate.
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Has there ever been a Hutt Jedi?

A Jedi Knight

Discovered by the Jedi Order before 400 BBY, records indicate that Beldorion was the only known Hutt to enter into the Order. He was trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
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What is the rarest lightsaber?

In a galaxy filled with lightsabers of various colours, the Darksaber stands out as the rarest lightsaber colour, shrouded in mystery and steeped in history. Created by the first Mandalorian Jedi, it has passed through the hands of warriors, terrorists, and heroes, leaving an indelible mark on the Star Wars universe.
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What is the most evil lightsaber?

Star Wars' Most Dangerous Lightsaber Was the Forgotten Forcesaber.
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What was the deadliest lightsaber?

20 Deadliest Lightsabers In Star Wars, Ranked By Kills
  • 8 Anakin Skywalker.
  • 7 General Grievous.
  • 6 The Darksaber.
  • 5 Mace Windu.
  • 4 Darth Sidious.
  • 3 Yoda.
  • 2 Kylo Ren.
  • 1 Darth Vader.
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What lightsaber can't cut?

The plasma that comes from a lightsaber blade: Can cut through pretty much anything it touches. exceptions include Beskar, or Mandalorian iron, the strongest metal in the galaxy, as well as the scales of a Zillo beast.
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Why don't Jedi use Trakata?

However, this method was greatly frowned upon, and was almost never used by either the Sith or the Jedi. The Sith claimed that it showed weakness and demonstrated a lack of power, while the Jedi claimed that this form was unsportsmanlike. Regardless, this lightsaber form was not widely used.
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What is a Ghostfire lightsaber?

A single ghostfire crystal was worth 14,000 credits. When the crystals could be located, they could be used in the creation of lightsabers to produce a blade that was dim and translucent compared to the iridescent blades of other sabers, making it as difficult to detect as the crystals themselves.
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Who is the longest living Jedi?

The one most Star Wars fans think of when it comes to old characters, Yoda lived to be 900 years old before his death in Return of the Jedi. He was born in 896 BBY and began training Jedi when he was about 100 years old, eventually becoming Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
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Which race lives the longest in Star Wars?

Star Wars: Top 10 Creatures with Longest Lifespans (& How Long They Live)
  • 7 Maz Kanata's Species - More than 1000 Years. ...
  • 6 Kadri'Ra - Up to 1500 Years. ...
  • 5 Hutts - Up to 1700 Years. ...
  • 4 Neti - Several Thousand Years. ...
  • 3 Duinuogwuin - 6000 Years. ...
  • 2 Gen'Dai - 4000 to 7000 Years. ...
  • 1 Sarlacc - Up to 50 000 Years.
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