Can Batman beat Star-Lord?

2 Star-Lord Yet solid isn't enough against Batman, who's been trained in multiple martial arts disciplines by fighters all across Earth. While Peter could try taking down Batman with a plasma or electric shot from his Quad Blasters, the Dark Knight has been known to wear armor that's resistant to such attacks.
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Who can beat Batman from Marvel?

Win: Doctor Strange

When put up against Batman's combat skills, the bat would simply have no chance. Between Strange's lengthy abilities of time travel, illusions, hypnotism, to even immortality, Batman is no match. Though Batman would attempt to put up a good fight, it's still a no-brainer who would come out on top.
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Could Batman beat the Scarlet Witch?

Without any superpowers, Batman is at a massive disadvantage as he would have to rely on his combat prowess to best Wanda. However, he would have a hard time getting close before she shreds through his armor with a massive blast of energy.
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Can Thanos beat Batman?

Normal bullets, lasers, missiles, rockets or grenades are toys for The Mad Titan. He will easily kill Batman if the Bat is ambushed or unprepared. If Batman knows that Thanos is coming then he will try to find Thanos's Kryptonite which of course doesn't exists. Thanos can easily kill Batman if he has the Gauntlet.
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Would Batman beat Captain America?

Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.
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5 Worst Boss Fights in the Batman Arkham Series

Can Batman defeat the Hulk?

Batman is much smarter than the Hulk. He's the world's greatest detective, and probably the world's greatest tactician (maybe second, after Deathstroke). He could certainly outsmart the Hulk, however Hulk's powers have grown over the years to the point where he is able to adapt to any attack.
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Can Batman beat any Avenger?

In fact, Batman is known for his ability to take down teams all by himself. The Avengers is one of the most formidable teams in any comic universe, combining powerful heroes, great leadership, and more to take down all kinds of powerful foes. However, that doesn't mean they're unbeatable.
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Could Batman beat Darkseid?

Batman defeats Darkseid with just a pair of goggles, which completely depower Darkseid. Batman plans to go back in time by controlling Darkseid using a baby version of him and the Omega Effect. The Godwave Goggles negate Darkseid's Omega Effect, making him significantly less powerful.
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Can Batman lift Mjolnir?

While Batman does have some of the characteristics that would allow him to lift Mjolnir, he also has committed several acts that disqualify him. This is a man who once kept extensive files on his allies in case he needed to take them down, files that were stolen and used against said allies.
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Can Batman beat Loki?

He'll have no such luck against Loki. Sure, Batman has some impressive toys, but Loki can easily get into the Dark Knight's head and wreak havoc with him and how he sees the world. Batman might think he's fighting and beating Loki, but it would all be a trick, and Loki would be ready to hit him.
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Would Batman win against Thor?

For Bruce Wayne to have any chance of besting Thor he needs to address the suit's critical weakness. As awesome as the Hellbat armor is, its siphoning of Batman's metabolism would make it a ticking timebomb in the type of prolonged fights that Thor is famous for, giving Bruce Wayne no chance of winning this battle.
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Can Batman beat Catwoman?

Batman could take Catwoman easy under most conditions but he might let her win under some circumstances. I think the toughest thing with this one is taking the feelings into account, for sure! Bat would win in skill but Cat does have that manipulation she used many time on bats successfully.
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Can Batman beat Thor?

Though, Batman couldn't do anything against the Asgardian. The Dark Knight clattered to the floor, Thor then headbutted him. Wielding his hammer, Odinson struck Batman hard with a large amount of electricity, which emitted a powerful electrical current through the Dark Knight. Batman's body blew up into blood.
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Who Batman can't defeat?

Bronze Tiger is in a slightly higher class than Batman when it comes to their fighting skills. Brainwashed into being a villain, Bronze Tiger has no qualms using lethal force if needed. Batman has yet to defeat him solo, and most of their match-ups end in draws.
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Could Batman beat Spider-Man?

Wiz: Despite Batman possessing more skill and knowledge, Spider-Man's abilities ultimately overpowered his arsenal. Boomstick: To be fair, Bats might have been able to deal with Spidey's strength and speed, but that damn Spider-Sense changes everything!
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Who in DC can beat Batman?

Deathstroke. The greatest assassin has beaten Batman up before and always put up a fight.
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Can Mjolnir hurt Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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What is the max Batman can lift?

Batman's Strength Is On A Nearly Superhuman Level

In Batman #655, Bruce is shown to be bench pressing over 1000 pounds during one of his regular workouts. In Batman Odyssey #2, Bruce mentions that his maximum leg press is 2500 pounds.
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Can Deadpool lift Mjolnir?

In the end, Deadpool wasn't worthy. While he seemingly had control of Mjolnir and the strength of Thor, it was all a mirage put on by Loki to distract Thor.
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Can Batman beat Doomsday?

It's nothing short of a miracle Batman is able to survive an entire encounter with Doomsday. He can't rely on his brains to get him out of a fight with an unstoppable war machine, but his reflexes are enough to keep him alive, although by the end he's barely able to stand.
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Who is the strongest person Batman has beaten?

1 Darkseid

In Final Crisis, after the New God Orion has been killed, Darkseid attacks Earth with the help of the Anti-Life Equation. Batman, realizing the stakes are too high to stick to his code, chooses to use an extremely powerful gun which decimates Darkseid.
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Can Batman beat Superman without kryptonite?

Bruce understands Clark's weak points beyond kryptonite. This means he can hit the Man of Steel hard without throwing too many punches. Basically, if Batman lures Superman into a room saturated with red solar radiation, Batman wins.
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Who is stronger, Batman or Hulk?

Incredibly, though, Batman has actually successfully defeated the Hulk. Back in 1981, relations between rival publishers DC and Marvel were in a good way, and the two had yet to come up with the idea their characters existed in different universes.
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Could Black Widow beat Batman?

A fight between them would be nasty and brutal, but Batman would win it. These two would come at each other from the shadows, hitting and running, using everything in their arsenal to take the other down, but Black Widow just doesn't have what it takes to beat Batman.
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Who can beat Batman in a fist fight?

There are a ton of people Batman would lose to in a hand-to-hand fight. Even Deathstroke can take Batman in hand-to-hand, despite the video's showing otherwise (it's not accurate). Then there's Bane (can and has beaten Bats), and quite a few more. Karate Kid (DC, not the movie) would stomp Bruce without much effort.
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