Can Batman beat Superman?

Batman alone can't put a stop to Superman. If he had taken on the Man of Steel one-on-one, he would surely be clobbered. Unless he had a Red Sun Heater in his utility belt, there was no way he'd be able to subdue Superman had the Doom Patrol not showed up.
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Who is more powerful Batman or Superman?

Unless Kryptonite is involved therefore Superman would win the conflict between the two. When man of steel probably has the abilities to take down Darkseid or Brainiac by himself, a man dressed as a bat probably isn't that much of a threat in comparison.
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Is there anyone Batman cant beat?

1 DC: Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing and Batman have faced off and the same thing always happens. Batman can't stop him. Sure, he can destroy one of Swamp Thing's bodies, but that's not going to destroy Swamp Thing. He can just make another one.
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Can Batman kill the Justice League?

The evil Batman proved that with enough prep time, he could kill the Justice League, even Superman, as he turned their giant armory of weapons the team stockpiled against them.
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Can Thor defeat Batman?

In a battle between Batman and Thor, considering the vast gap in their powers and abilities, Thor would likely emerge as the victor. Thor's godly strength, control over lightning, and durability put him in a league beyond that of a mortal like Batman.
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Could Batman Beat Superman?

Can Batman lift Thor's hammer?

Surprisingly, the answer is almost certainly, “No.” Although Batman's will and moral compass do make him a worthy candidate for Thor's hammer, his track record with super powers is less than stellar. In several storylines, Batman has acquired genuine superpowers but frequently becomes corrupted by them.
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Can Batman defeat Hulk?

Incredibly, though, Batman has actually successfully defeated the Hulk. Back in 1981, relations between rival publishers DC and Marvel were in a good way, and the two had yet to come up with the idea their characters existed in different universes.
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Can Batman kill the Joker?

Batman Is Right Not to Kill Joker

Bruce has stated that if he ever crossed that line there would be no coming back for him - the answer he gave Jason Todd in Batman: Under the Hood when his former sidekick demanded to know why he hadn't killed Joker.
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What happens if Batman kills Superman?

If Batman had killed Superman, there would've been no one to stop Doomsday. This would've doomed everyone on the entire planet. One by one, all the way up to 7.6 billion, Doomsday would've eventually killed every single one of us…
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Can Batman beat the Avengers?

In fact, Batman is known for his ability to take down teams all by himself. The Avengers is one of the most formidable teams in any comic universe, combining powerful heroes, great leadership, and more to take down all kinds of powerful foes. However, that doesn't mean they're unbeatable.
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Who would win Goku or Batman?

In terms of raw power, Goku outclasses Batman by several magnitudes. An argument could be made that Goku might be more powerful than anyone in the DC Universe. Even Batman's famous "Hellbat" armor likely wouldn't be able to bring the Saiyan warrior down.
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What is Batman weak to?

Batman's lack of superhuman abilities makes him especially vulnerable to physical trauma, as his body cannot withstand continuous beatings without severe consequences. Batman's past trauma and lack of emotional healing make him easily manipulated by his enemies, who use his fears and personal losses against him.
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Who can outsmart Batman?

Each time Batman is outsmarted seems like a big deal to the fans, as it is not a frequent occurrence.
  • 3 Onomatopoeia.
  • 4 Jason Todd. ...
  • 5 Hawkgirl. ...
  • 6 The Riddler. ...
  • 7 Bane. ...
  • 8 Tim Drake. ...
  • 9 Talia Al Ghul. ...
  • 10 Alfred Pennyworth. ...
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Who can actually beat Superman?

While kryptonite is Superman's greatest weakness, he's susceptible to other forms of energy and threats. This makes Billy Batson — aka Shazam, the World's Mightiest Mortal — one of Superman's greatest opponents. Batson can transform himself into an incredibly powerful adult body when he says the magic word "Shazam."
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Who usually wins Batman or Superman?

Batman beating Superman is novel, while Superman beating Batman is to be expected. The logical conclusion is the one supported by the majority of their battles: when the two clash, Superman tends to win the day, but Batman is smart enough that it's never impossible for him to come out ahead.
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Did Batman regret killing Superman?

Bruce tells Diana that he regrets failing Superman and asks for her help in forming a team of metahumans to protect Earth in Superman's absence. As they leave, the dirt atop Clark's coffin levitates.
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Why did Batman v Superman fail?

A Nonsensical Plot

Most films live or die by the strength of their plot, and striking the right balance of simplicity and complexity is a coveted art that few superhero movies get exactly right, but Batman V Superman's story is an over-complicated and incoherent tangle of coincidence, convenience and assumption.
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Why Superman would beat Batman?

Superman is one of the fastest superheroes ever (besides The Flash) and could have used his super-speed and flying to distract and disorient Batman. Superman didn't even have to physically touch him to beat him.
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Does Batman ever sleep?

In the comics, it has been suggested that Batman also uses “microsleeps” throughout the day. This is akin to the real-world “Uberman sleep schedule,” which divides sleep into 20 minute naps, taken every four hours. Others include the Dymaxion cycle, consisting of 30 minute naps, every six hours.
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Why does Batman refuse to kill?

The answer lies in Batman's strict moral code, which he developed after witnessing the murder of his parents as a child. Determined to prevent others from experiencing the same tragedy he did, Batman vowed to never take a life, no matter how heinous the crime.
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Why Batman doesn t cover his mouth?

With Batman's martial arts skills and the design of his costume, there's no need. His mouth is such a tiny area of his body that it would take an expert marksman to hit it from far away. Also because he likes the suit that way, It's the same reason why daredevil only covers half his face…it's just a cooler design…
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Can Batman defeat Thanos?

Thanos exists in a realm Batman could not even concieve of. Batmans armours are not as good as Iron Man, he is equal in fighting skill to Captain America and they were easily defeated. Unless you think he can “detective the hell out of Thanos” it's quite obviously no.
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Can Spider Man beat Batman?

Wiz: Despite Batman possessing more skill and knowledge, Spider-Man's abilities ultimately overpowered his arsenal. Boomstick: To be fair, Bats might have been able to deal with Spidey's strength and speed, but that damn Spider-Sense changes everything!
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