Can Batman become Green Lantern?

Batman can use a Green Lantern ring, which is something only those with great willpower are able to do. If he could just let go of the most painful night in his life, he could potentially become a better Lantern than Hal Jordan.
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What lantern would Batman be?

So the next time Batman is described as the Dark Knight, or the World's Greatest Detective, keep in mind that Batman also holds the title of being a Green, Yellow, Black and White Lantern, an accomplishment that reflects on him as one of the most worthy and competent champions for a power ring in the entirety of the DC ...
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Could Superman become a Green Lantern?

Superman had been chosen TWICE by the ring to become the next GL. The first was when Abin Sur was dying and the second one was when Hal Jordan was dying. However, there is a clause in the ring that prevents him from being a Green Lantern. A chosen GL of a particular sector MUST be a native of that planet's sector.
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Can a Kryptonian become a Green Lantern?

Who Was the Kryptonian Green Lantern? The connection between Krypton and the Corps dates back to the earliest days of the latter, when a Kryptonian named Jan-Al became the seventh Green Lantern. Created by Sam Humphries and Robson Rocha, Jan-Al first appeared in Green Lanterns #18 in 2017.
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Can Green Lantern Batman beat Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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Batman As Green Lantern "In The Darkest Knight" - Full Story | Comicstorian

Is Batman's willpower stronger than Green Lantern?

Batman has one of the strongest wills in the entire DC Universe, his willpower is certainly comparable to that of Hal Jordan, but Batman also has one of the darkest histories and most traumatic childhoods of any hero in the DC universe, which is why Batman will never get to use a Green Lantern ring.
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Who can easily beat Green Lantern?

As one of the few Green Lantern weaknesses, Captain Marvel's energy blast would theoretically be powerful enough to both weaken and break through his constructs, making her the more likely victor in a confrontation between the two.
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Could darkseid become a Green Lantern?

Darkseid is a warlord who regularly engages in genocide, so regardless of his willpower, a Green Lantern ring wouldn't give him its power for the simple reason that he's a tyrant. In the comics, Darkseid had to absorb the green willpower energy directly to use it.
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Has Superman ever wielded a lantern ring?

Outside of getting a few non-Green Lantern rings in the past as well as during stories that take place outside of main DC continuity, Superman has been seen wielding a ring in the far future as Superman Prime (where he was more or less a being of pure energy), when he was subconsciously suppressing his powers (and ...
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Has Superman ever worn a lantern ring?

But Superman is often treated as one of the purest heroes in the DC Universe, one that everyone can look up to. Batman having a Yellow Lantern ring is far more understandable, but the fact that Superman has gotten a Yellow Lantern ring twice implies the Man of Steel certainly has some link to the emotion of fear.
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Is Green Lantern limitless?

With infinite willpower and the ability to draw any shape, a Green Lantern has limitless magical potential — as revealed in one surprising team-up.
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Who is Green Lantern equivalent in Marvel?

Believe it or not, Doctor Spectrum is Marvel's little known answer to DC Comics' Green Lantern. A wielder of color and light just like a Lantern, Doctor Spectrum is a space-faring hero who belongs to a team of heroes that protects America.
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What is Green Lantern's weakness?

The color yellow is Green Lantern's primary weakness, but he was able to use it to save the Justice League. In 1960's Brave and the Bold #30, the Justice League confronts the android Amazo for the first time.
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Did Batman ever get a lantern ring?

Yellow Lantern Batman

One of the members of the Crime Syndicate, Power Ring, had an emotional spectrum ring as well. It turns out, Batman had saved a Yellow Lantern ring in his private arsenal, ready specifically for a time like this. And no one feels and can cause fear more than the Batman himself.
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What lantern would spiderman be?

Spider-Man's anger, and his ability to control and focus it, makes him the ideal Red Lantern–and it would most certainly be his most powerful form.
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Why does Batman hate Green Lantern?

Of all the members of the Justice League, no two heroes are more at odds with one another than Batman and Green Lantern. Why do they seem to despise one another so much? Much of it has to do with their methods of seeking justice being pretty diametrically opposed as well as their personalities.
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What lantern ring would Hulk have?

He definitely would be the most powerful Red Lantern. Hulk is capable of infinite amounts of rage, and the ring gets rid of any part of his mind that would be holding this anger back (e.g. Bruce Banner). Thus, Hulk would be turned into a complete and utter rage monster, with even his deepest self restraints being lost.
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Can a Green Lantern ring hurt Superman?

It's also worth noting that the Green Lantern Corps once had a policy against using Power Rings to kill – meaning that while a Green Lantern might be able to manifest Kryptonite radiation and hurt Superman or any other Kryptonians, they couldn't actually kill them without violating their oath.
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What color lantern would Superman be?

While Superman is one of the most powerful beings in the entire DC Universe, one piece of alien technology would make him unstoppable: a Blue Lantern power ring. Where the Green Lantern Corps are powered by Will, the Blue Lanterns channel the power of Hope.
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Which lantern can beat Darkseid?

Of all his weapons, Darkseid's Omega Beams are the most iconic and devastating, and yet DC has revealed that Green Lantern can effectively stop them.
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Why is Green Lantern so weak in Justice League?

The Green Lantern Power Rings are powered by pure willpower, being able to bring to life constructs based off of whatever the wearer thinks of. Thus, aside from running out of energy in between charges, the main weakness of the rings is the limits of user's imagination.
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Why is there no Green Lantern in Justice League?

Carr's appearance was cut because HBO Max announced it is developing its own Green Lantern series focused on Green Lantern Corp members Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, and Alan Scott. Snyder confirmed that if Carr's scene was still in the movie, he would have played John Stewart.
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Can Green Lantern beat Hulk?

While Sodam Yat's combination of Kryptonian strength and unlimited creative potential as a Green Lantern makes him a formidable foe who could stand toe to toe with the Hulk, his time as the host of the Ion entity would ensure him a victory against the Hulk.
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Who is more powerful Hulk or Green Lantern?

That depends on how they fight. If the Lanterns fights by Hulks rules in a straight up fight, then the Hulk will win, but if the Lantern is clever and uses his brain to out think and avoid Hulk, the Lantern has a good chance of winning.
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Why can't Green Lantern beat Superman?

So, his constructs on their own can withstand Superman's attacks and hurt him. Superman is able to overcome Green Lantern's power by combining his will with Batman and taking control of Hal's ring. But if Superman was alone facing that sort of construct, he wouldn't have been able to escape.
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