Can Captain America beat Nightwing?

Win Against: Nightwing While having many of Batman's gadgets at his disposal, Captain America's advantages in strength and combat styles mean that he would emerge victorious over Nightwing.
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Who can defeat Nightwing?

Nightwing Would Lose Against Wenwu

On top of being a master martial artist, Wenwu also has the legendary Ten Rings, a set of mysterious weapons that grant him several energy-based abilities. The battle between Wenwu and Nightwing would be relatively even because Dick's martial artistry would be on par with Wenwu's.
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Who in DC can beat Captain America?

In almost any scenario, Green Lantern would easily take care of a fight with Captain America. He might take a few punches or hits from the shield, but his abilities from the power ring would ultimately help him handily beat Cap to a pulp.
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Can Robin beat Captain America?

7 Can't Beat: Captain America

His enhanced abilities and battle experience, coupled with his never-say-die attitude, was enough to get Batman to concede that Cap could probably take him in a fight, and with that in mind, he would definitely make short work of any Robin.
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Who can defeat Captain America easily?

The Hulk's strength is unmatched in the Marvel universe, and even the most powerful superheroes struggle to stand up against him. As an Avenger who can defeat Captain America, the Hulk's incredible power and invincibility would make him a formidable opponent in any battle.
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How Much of Batman: Arkham City can you Complete as Bruce Wayne?

Who is most powerful Avenger?

Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness showcased Wanda's immense potential for limitless powers. She is undoubtedly the strongest Avenger in the MCU.
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Which Avenger can defeat Thor?

Captain America

Cap is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir but wield its full power, making him someone who can beat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is because Thor is possessed or tricked, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.
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Can Captain America beat Hulk?

While Captain America is hardly considered one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, he has performed many feats that go above and beyond the scope of his superpowers, including his defeat of a rampaging Hulk using only his fists (and a little help from Spider-Man).
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Can Captain beat Superman?

Captain America and Superman would get along really well. Their values are pretty much the same and they both are inexhaustible defenders of the innocent. However, in a fight, there's little to nothing that Captain America can do against Superman.
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Can Luffy beat Captain America?

Luffy could easily take down Captain America. Luffy's devil fruit powers, which turned his body into rubber, make him immune to a large majority of physical attacks. The only ways to break through his natural defense are with Haki, which Captain America doesn't possess, or a blade of some kind.
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Who can defeat Hulk?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Who wins cap or Batman?

Reflexes. Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.
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Can anyone in DC beat Thor?

Even the regular Superman would probably be enough to defeat Thor. It would be a close match since Superman isn't as durable against magic but Thor would definitely struggle against Superman's might, more so if he's bloodlusted.
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Can Nightwing beat Joker?

Killed the Joker

In Joker: Last Laugh #6, Nightwing is tricked into believing that the Joker fed Tim Drake to Killer Croc. Enraged at the (supposed) death of his surrogate brother, Nightwing beats the Joker to death. Batman is ablet to resuscitate the Clown Prince, but for a few minutes, the Joker was clinically dead.
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Which Robin kills Nightwing?

Nightwing's death at the hands of Damian Wayne's Robin in DC's Injustice comics adaptation is still a controversial subject among fans.
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Can Spider-Man beat Nightwing?

Spider-Man is one of the most agile superheroes of all time and his spider senses would give him a massive advantage against Nightwing in a fight. While a hand-to-hand fight might be close between the two heroes, Spider-Man's superhuman abilities ultimately would win him the battle.
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Can Thanos beat Superman?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Can Captain Marvel beat Thanos?

Thanos' extraordinary powers came from the Infinity Stones, while Captain Marvel's don't depend on external objects and weapons, and had it just been a one-on-one fight with no gauntlet and stones, Captain Marvel would have most likely defeated the Mad Titan.
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Who wins Thor or Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel did indeed defeat Thor, but only a hammer-less Thor. So the answer seems to be: Thor-with-hammer defeats Captain Marvel; Thor-without-hammer loses to Captain Marvel.
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Can Black Panther beat Captain America?

It's safe to say that Black Panther has defeated Captain America in almost all of their bouts, but there is a serious caveat: the two have never actually fought with the intent to kill the other.
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Who wins Captain America or Wolverine?

Captain America's iconic shield is actually made out of vibranium, making it an excellent weapon and defensive tool against Wolverine's most harmful devices. At the end of the day, Wolverine could defeat Captain America if they were pitted against one another on multiple occasions.
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Who can beat Deadpool?

Saitama could defeat Deadpool with one punch, but then Deadpool would heal and come back to life. It's possible that Saitama could punch Deadpool so hard that his healing factor would follow to disappear, leaving the Merc with a Mouth as vulnerable as a fruit fly.
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Can Hulk beat Thor?

This move proves that, while Hulk can be stronger than Thor in absolute terms, the God of Thunder has many more advantages. He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe.
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Who is fastest Avenger?

While Quicksilver is often thought of as the fastest of the Avengers, one hero fans know from the movies can actually outrace him when they need to. Many heroes possess enhanced speed, but Pietro Maximoff is generally considered Earth's fastest man (at least in Marvel Continuity).
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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