Can Darth Maul use Force lightning?

In both cases, Dooku and Rey used Force lightning during painful or hatred-fueled moments, and while Maul certainly harbored anger throughout his story arc - particularly for Obi-Wan Kenobi - he never lost himself enough to spontaneously use Force lightning. But that doesn't mean he wasn't capable of doing so.
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Can Sith use Force lightning?

Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings. However, while a deadly weapon, it is not unstoppable.
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What Force powers did Darth Maul have?

Force powers

Maul was able to use Force Choke and Force aided acrobatics. He was also able to use telekinesis to activate a set of door controls behind him with a flung piece of wreckage and also used Force Push to shove Obi-Wan Kenobi into the reactor shaft during their encounter on Naboo.
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Did any Jedi ever use Force lightning?

Some members of the New Jedi Order such as Luke Skywalker (who also used the dark side version at times), Jacen Solo and Jaden Korr also used light side Force lightning known as "Emerald Lightning", or Electric Judgment, but it remained somewhat controversial to some Jedi.
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How come Darth Vader can t use Force lightning?

Either way, while Vader can use most other Force abilities, Force Lightning needs to be channeled, and Vader's limbs are explicitly not connected to the Force. The Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary confirms Darth Vader cannot use Force Lightning, and even suggests this is the reason why.
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Why Darth Maul Never Used Force Lightning - Star Wars Explained

Why can't Kylo Ren use Force lightning?

Kylo demonstrably couldn't defeat Snoke directly, instead killing his master via deception. Kylo most likely never learned how to conjure Force lightning, which is considered an advanced skill for dark side users.
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Can only Palpatine use Force lightning?

During The Rise of Skywalker, Ray accidentally uses Force lightning on the planet Pasana, believing she accidentally killed Chewbacca. While this moment was used to hint at her Palpatine heritage, it also shows that anyone can use the lightning, but only if they channel their anger.
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Could Yoda use Force lightning?

While many Star Wars fans would consider Yoda and Palpatine to be almost perfect antitheses of one another, it seems that they share a strange connection through Yoda's usage of Force Lightning in The Last Jedi that is eerily similar to something Palpatine did just a few years prior–and that connection goes much deeper ...
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Could Anakin use Red Force lightning?

Anakin Skywalker's Chosen One Potential Was Permanently Stunted. The Darth Vader comic book series reveals that, while the eponymous Sith Lord was indeed capable of using Force Lightning, the electricity could potentially destroy his life-sustaining suit.
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Could Mace Windu use Force lightning?

Mace Windu, with his lightsaber combat form Vaapad, could reflect the lightning back to its source with a "superconducting loop". It required tremendous effort on the reflector's part, however, as seen in Windu's battle with Palpatine; Windu was seemingly able to overcome Palpatine's lightning.
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Who is stronger Maul or kylo?

So Maul vs Kylo. In terms of physical ability Maul is far physically superior being able to handle the strength of Savage Opress and overpower the strong style of Qui Gon Jinn. His durability involves being able to be cut in half and a pain tolerance so high he can flinch of weaker force lightening like nothing .
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Why was Darth Maul so weak?

Like his master, Darth Sidious, better known as Sheev Palpatine, Maul's main weakness was his overconfidence. In Luke Skywalker's confrontation with Palpatine during The Return of the Jedi, he tells the Emperor that his overconfidence is his weakness.
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Could Vader use Force lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting.
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Can Dooku use Force lightning?

Dooku first used Force lightning at a young age. According to the audiobook, Dooku: Jedi Lost, he was once abducted for a Dark Side ritual, conjuring lightning to kill his captors and escape. Dooku went on to become one of the greatest Jedi masters, but his ability to use lightning was seemingly a natural talent.
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Did Kylo use Force lightning?

While he never showed the ability to use Force lightning before, it's appearance here helps communicate Kylo Ren's shift in his allegiance, and it's presently the only canon instance of Kylo using such an ability.
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Was Vader weaker than Anakin?

In a Vanity Fair interview from 2005, George Lucas went deeper into why Anakin became much weaker as Vader. In the interview, he explained that because Anakin's limbs were severed and replaced by robotics, it was harder for him to use the Force than it was before his battle with Obi-Wan.
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Do Force users live longer?

Typically, Humans had an average lifespan of 100 to 120 standard years. Those who were keenly atuned to the Force, an ubiquitous and binding power that suffused the whole Known Universe, could live up to 200.
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Could Luke use Force lightning?

Although instead of incapacitating like Plo Koon would, he has used it to instantaneous kill his targets although apparently has only used this against the Yuuzhan Vong. Legends Luke could use Force Lightning although he called it Electric Judgement, but it was Force Lightning all the same.
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Can Mace Windu use the dark side?

It became seen as a gateway to the dark side, with some choosing to practice it in secret. Remarkably, Mace Windu is only one of a few Form VII users who didn't fall to the dark side thanks to his refining Juyo into Vaapad.
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Can Jedi use force choke?

It was a technique of telekinesis that was frequently employed by the Sith and other users of the dark side of the Force, although there were some cases where Jedi or other users of the light side would use the technique.
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Can plo koon use force lightning?

After much meditation, Koon concluded that it would be wrong of him to ignore its power and that he should develop it into a useful technique. As requested by the Council, he recorded his experiences with the Force lightning that he dubbed "Electric Judgment" on the Great Holocron.
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Can Darth Plagueis use force lightning?

Notable attacks/techniques

Force lightning: Plagueis can unleash Force lightning, an offensive Force technique that uses Force energy to produce electricity with one or two hands that stream outwards from the fingertips.
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Can Jedi use fire?

The subject of this article appeared in the New Jedi Order era. Pyrokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to manipulate and generate fire by rubbing and heating up air molecules together. The power seemed to have two major applications, the manipulation, and the generation of fire.
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