Can Deadpool look normal?

Though initially reluctant after his previous experiences with Weapon X, Deadpool agrees and is met with an experimental serum that may enhance his healing ability. Taking a test sample of the serum actually healed every scar on Deadpool's body, gifting him back his old, attractive face.
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Does Deadpool ever look normal?

Deadpool vol. 2 was written by Daniel Way and drawn by Alé Garza. In the story arc "DEAD", Wade is "cured" of his healing ability and becomes mortal. As a side effect, he also has his old, unscarred face once again.
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Why is Deadpool disfigured if he can heal?

These "super-cancer" cells persistently destroy his healthy cells while his healing abilities rapidly regenerate them. This endless conflict between the healing factor and the cancer cells results in Wilson's disfigured appearance. His inability to heal his skin lies in his failure to cure his cancer.
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Does Wade ever get his face back?

Wade accepted and was granted a superhuman healing factor, but his face and body became permanently disfigured (both physically and mentally) as a result.
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Does Deadpool's skin hurt?

Yes, Deadpool feels every bit of pain as normal humans do. However, his regenerative ability allows him to heal from all injuries. While Deadpool can heal quickly, he isn't indestructible. His body restores, but he does endure pain as much as a regular human would upon a similar injury.
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How NOT To Introduce Deadpool

What if Deadpool's head was cut off?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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Can Deadpools looks be cured?

Does Deadpool's Face Ever Heal In The Comics? Although it hasn't yet been seen in live-action, Deadpool's face did heal in Marvel Comics.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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Why does Deadpool look burnt?

Those arent burns, its skin cancer. deadpool realing factor accelerate his skin cancer like crazy at the same times fights it. He will never die of cancer, but the superficial symptoms spread like crazy.
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Why does Deadpool look different in Wolverine?

There's a reason for that. The Merc with the Mouth has an advanced healing factor derived from Wolverine's powers, but that's where those similarities end. When William Stryker pooled a bunch of mutants' powers into Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he went ahead and gave Deadpool an adamantium skeleton.
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Why did Deadpool have no mouth?

Along with his extra mutant powers, one of the things Stryker did to Wilson was have his mouth surgically shut, making him the perfect soldier in Stryker's eyes. In the post-credits scene his mouth is partially open.
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Can Deadpool get drunk?

While Wade does get inebriated if he drinks a lot of alcohol, his body's super-powerful immune system protects him from getting drunk easily, meaning that Wilson needs a lot of alcohol in his system before he can even remotely be affected.
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Can Deadpool heal like Wolverine?

So, Deadpool's main superpower is his healing factor, and what a healing factor it is. In multiple comics over the years, it's been established that Deadpool's healing factor is more powerful than Wolverine's. Deadpool can survive anything. If his head is cut off, he'll regrow his body over a few weeks.
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Can Deadpool bleed out?

However, to Deadpool's dismay, he's not healing and continues to bleed out as the issue ends. Alcaudón goes on to explain that Deadpool is being affected by "the most fascinating poison. One graze and it stops the blood from clotting. It shuts down the body's ability to heal.
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Can Deadpool grow his body back?

Between lost limbs and even decapitation, Wade Wilson has managed to sprout back up. And in most cases, it seems that his head is the key to regeneration success, seeing as it often has to be attached back onto his body to actually heal decapitation.
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Does Deadpool wear a mask?

X-Uniform Variant: When Deadpool joined the X-Men, he wore a variation of their Yellow and Black Uniform with X-Men written across the chest. He continued to wear his original mask.
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How long can Deadpool live?

Extended Lifespan - It is unknown how long Deadpool will live but it has been shown to be further than 800 years into the future, it is believed he is unable to die as he has established a romantic like relationship with the personification of Death.
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Is Deadpool unkillable?

Decapitate him, he will regenerate; tear his body in half, and he will regenerate, thus, making him impossible to get rid of. In one of the comic's storylines, Deadpool regenerated from a single drop of his blood, so yeah, he's unkillable.
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Why is Deadpool scared?

However, even someone with a powerful healing factor is bound to be afraid of something, and Deadpool is stricken with a serious case of coulrophobia, also known as a fear of clowns.
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Is Deadpool immortal?

Yes, Deadpool was proven to be immortal in the comics. 2020's Deadpool: The End comic story revealed that Wade Wilson was alive in the distant future while most other heroes died. Suffering from cancer, Wade Wilson had signed up for additional experimentation.
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Who would win in a fight between Deadpool and Wolverine?

Deadpool ability is just a little behind, with exceptional agility and reflexes. Durability-wise, Wolverine's adamantium skeleton gives him a clear edge. Advantage: Wolverine. His adamantium skeleton makes him a walking tank, even without his healing factor.
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Can Deadpool's blood heal people?

Revealed at one point that Deadpool saved Spider-Man's life after he died on the field of battle by giving him a transfusion of his mutated blood, this secretly executed Lazarus effect successfully keeps Peter breathing, but in the long run, results in some unintended consequences that see him live an unnaturally long ...
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Why can Deadpool regrow limbs?

Deadpool is a mutant who has an accelerated healing factor. He can re-grow his parts or attach them if cut from his body. He is said to have cancer, which resulted in a deformed face, but he does not die due to his heavy healing factor.
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How much can Deadpool heal?

Deadpool can completely regenerate from a single cell. Any cell. The real problem is that he can only have one active brain at a time. Each of his cells could have a network to facilitate this, but whatever.
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