Can Dooku use Force Lightning?

As a Sith, Count Dooku's Force lightning is one of the reasons why he's so dangerous, but it's a skill he learned long before he became a Sith. One of the main villains of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dooku's lightning is one of his main weapons, much like his master Palpatine.
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How powerful was Dooku Lightning?

Quinlan Vos described the feeling of being struck by Dooku's lightning as both burning and freezing his limbs. Those who were harmed with Force lightning often writhed in pain with uncontrollable muscle spasms.
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What Sith can use Force lightning?

Galen Marek was another Force-user who could channel lightning that would kill on contact. Both Kyle Katarn and Darth Sidious could conjure lightning so powerful that not only would it instantly kill its target, it would also physically hurl them backwards.
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Did Sidious teach Dooku Force lightning?

In Canon, this is not really about Darth Sidious who taught Dooku or Maul, Dooku was already able to use Force lightning as a Jedi Master, before even knowing Sidious.
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Is it possible for a Jedi to use Force lightning?

While Jedi could create Force lightning, like Sith, they choose not to use that power due to its association with the dark side and immoral nature. Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars franchise do not wield is Force lightning.
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Count Dooku Really Likes Force Lightning

Why can't Darth Maul use Force lightning?

Two easily explainable reasons for why Maul never used Force lightning, which have come up several times, are one) that he wasn't a Sith Lord and two) he never learned the ability in the first place.
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Why can't Darth Vader use Force lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
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Why does Palpatine age when he uses lightning?

As a result, Palpatine's face changes in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith because his dark side-induced mask was broken by the Force Lightning rather than the Sith lord actually being disfigured by his own attack.
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Why did Force lightning deform Palpatine?

TL;DR: Palpatine used Sith Alchemy to disguise himself and then when the lightning deflected off Mace Windu's saber it caused the alchemical spell to break, revealing his true face and possibly damaging it further in the process.
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Why is Force lightning evil?

Force lightning is a dark side ability used to torture, disfigure, and even kill one's victims. Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings. However, while a deadly weapon, it is not unstoppable.
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Who trained Yoda?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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Can Mace Windu use the dark side?

Yes he does enjoy the fight and is more aggressive with the form, but at no point does he actually use the dark side. The thing about Vapaad is that Mace uses himself as a conduit to redirect his opponent's dark side power back at them. So he isn't drawing on the dark side or using it himself.
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Can Jedi use Force choke?

However, despite their strict adherence to the light side of the Force, several Jedi were known to use this power, as although it was considered a dark side ability, it was also a technique of telekinesis. Its use, however, was forbidden by the Jedi.
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Is Darth Maul more powerful than Dooku?

Overall, Dooku was far more equipped to become a Sith Master than Maul was. Had he managed to overthrow Palpatine, Dooku would have been able to use his position, combat abilities, and dark side Force powers to take his place on the throne Palpatine had carved.
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Is Dooku more powerful than Vader?

It's not even up for debate that Darth Vader is stronger than Count Dooku. Even before he was at full power, Anakin Skywalker was able to overpower Dooku simply based on his lightsaber training. Had Dooku fought Darth Vader at full power, the fight likely would have been a lot shorter.
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Could Count Dooku beat Yoda?

Dooku could have not beaten Yoda in Geonosis, meaning that the fight would have ended with Dooku either killed or captured had it continued. At that point, the only two Force-sensitive warriors who could beat Yoda in a fight were Mace Windu and Darth Sidious.
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Was Mace Windu more powerful than Palpatine?

While Mace truly won the fight, Palpatine was the more powerful combatant.
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Why did Palpatine hate Naboo?

That said, it is possible he was as xenophobic as the regime he established; Palpatine grew up on Naboo, and Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace subtly stressed the racial divisions between the Naboo and the Gungans.
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Why didn t Yoda block Force lightning?

He tried, but was unprepared for the sheer power of Sidious' blast. It was magnitudes of order more powerful than Dooku's lightning, and it overwhelmed the defenses Yoda tried to throw up against it. Yoda just had no idea it would be so much stronger than what Dooku was able to muster.
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Could Vader beat Palpatine?

5 Emperor Palpatine

The way of the Sith may be for the apprentice to kill his master, but there was no way Darth Vader would've ever beaten Emperor Palpatine in a fight prior to Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader's electronic suit is very susceptible to electricity, and Palpatine is known for his uses of Force lightning.
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Why does Palpatine not use a lightsaber?

Palpatine carried the lightsaber for a great deal of his life afterward, though he only rarely wielded it in combat, as his position as Emperor made battles with other Force-users few and far between, and he preferred to rely on his raw ability with the Force in any case.
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Why did Yoda lose to Palpatine?

Summary. Yoda recognized that he couldn't defeat Palpatine in one-on-one combat, as Palpatine's power in the Force was greater, and continuing to fight would likely result in his demise.
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Why didn t Kylo Ren use Force lightning?

Kylo demonstrably couldn't defeat Snoke directly, instead killing his master via deception. Kylo most likely never learned how to conjure Force lightning, which is considered an advanced skill for dark side users.
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Can Jedi use Sith lightning?

Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars franchise do not wield is Force lightning. First introduced when Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) electrocuted Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Force lightning is a powerful weapon for Sith.
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