Can Galadriel beat Sauron?

In a one-on-one battle, Galadriel would likely lose to Sauron. Even though she's an Elf, both powerful and intelligent, Sauron is Maiar. Odds are, Sauron didn't fear a physical defeat — only a fellow Maia ring-bearer could physically oppose him and win, after all — but Galadriel is threatening in other ways.
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Is Galadriel stronger than Sauron?

Additionally, while he was in his weakened state, Galadriel could hold him off through the power of will alone. However, if Sauron had his One Ring and faced off in a battle against Galadriel, it's unlikely that there would be much she could do.
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How could Galadriel defeat Sauron?

Rather than cast magic at Sauron, Galadriel opts to challenge him on the spiritual plane; she resorts to her Wrath form to penetrate Sauron's mind and break his will. She obviously succeeds, as Sauron audibly cries aloud as he flees.
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Was Sauron afraid of Galadriel?

Sauron Feared Galadriel

Yes, that's right. Tolkien's notes talked about how unlike some of the other elves Galadriel immediately distrusted Sauron during Celebrimbor's forging of the rings of power.
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Is Galadriel more powerful than Saruman?

Galadriel's powers were so vast that it's said that other powerful beings like Saruman or even Elrond could not fully comprehend them. The powers she did have were used for good, of course, such as protecting Lothlórien and even toppling Dol Guldur, a fortress that was enhanced by Sauron's magic.
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Galadriel vs Sauron Blu-Ray - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Is Galadriel more powerful than Morgoth?

Galadriel with the Ring would be a child to Morgoth. This is the Satanic figure of Middle-earth we're speaking here, the Dark Lord of Arda. Morgoth is an Ex. Vala, mightier than Sauron or any evil force of that matter.
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Who was more powerful than Sauron?

Characters who can easily defeat Sauron are; his Creator Eru Ilúvatar, his old master Melkor, and the Valar. Others who could overcome him would be Ungoliant who physically dwarfed Morgoth, and some great Maiar of Valinor described as almost as great in power as the Valar themselves.
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Did Sauron fall in love with Galadriel?

Sauron seemed to genuinely feel a connection to her, and part of that came from sensing the darkness inside of Galadriel. In that regard, his offer was really a seduction to the dark side.
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Who did Sauron fear the most?

Sauron's deepest fear was that Aragorn would use the Ring against him. With its powers of domination, Aragorn could comfortably take over the entirety of Sauron's dark army. Though this would eventually corrupt Aragorn, it would allow him to destroy Sauron and take his place.
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Was Galadriel corrupted by Sauron?

Despite her power, Galadriel couldn't match Sauron's ability to wield the One Ring, and it would have ultimately turned against her. Even if she managed to carry the ring, Galadriel's ambition and power-seeking nature would have eventually led to her corruption, making her unfit to deal with Sauron's weapon.
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Who is stronger, Gandalf or Galadriel?

She also resisted being offered the ring of power by Frodo following his vision in the mirror of Galadriel, an immense test given the ring's seductive powers. Yet Gandalf's power level exceeds even that of Galadriel, as shown by his rebirth in the Two Towers.
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Why did Sauron want Galadriel?

In an interview with Screen Rant, Vickers shared why he believes Sauron offered to make Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) his Queen in the Season 1 finale. "I think [Sauron] thinks that if [Galadriel] with him, he can affect his designs faster," Vickers said. "That's why he loved Morgoth.
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Why did Galadriel refuse Sauron?

Assuming the One Ring was destroyed, Galadriel's ring would also start to fade, causing Lothlórien to lose its glory and magic. So, when Galadriel refused the One Ring, she wasn't just sacrificing her desire to rule. She knew that she was sacrificing her kingdom and its well-being for the sake of peace in Middle-earth.
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Who is more evil than Sauron?

Morgoth, the first to reign terror upon Middle-earth, was more powerful than Sauron and commanded an army of dragons and Balrogs. While both Morgoth and Sauron were cunning, Morgoth's rule and terror lasted longer and his corruption spread further, making him more formidable in the Lord of the Rings universe.
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Is Galadriel stronger than Elrond?

Though neither is someone you'd wish to annoy, Galadriel is generally considered more powerful than Elrond in Lord of the Rings. Not only is she older than her Rivendell counterpart, but Galadriel witnessed the light from Valinor's Two Trees, giving her a mystic quality.
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Could Galadriel have killed Sauron?

The verdict? Once the second Dark Lord forges the One Ring and bears it, Galadriel probably could not have defeated Sauron in battle.
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Who does Sauron hate?

Meanwhile, a few faithful Númenóreans, led by Elendil, were saved from the flood, and they founded Gondor and Arnor in Middle-earth. Sauron still considered them his hated enemies and he launched a pre-emptive attack on Gondor in S.A. 3429.
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Who was the big bad before Sauron?

Melkor is the most powerful of the Valar but he turns to darkness and is renamed Morgoth, the primary antagonist of Arda. All evil in the world of Middle-earth ultimately stems from him. One of the Maiar of Aulë betrays his kind and becomes Morgoth's principal lieutenant and successor, Sauron.
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Who has beaten Sauron?

Finally Sauron came out to fight Elendil and Gil-galad face to face. When Elendil fell, his sword Narsil broke beneath him. Isildur took up the hilt-shard of Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, vanquishing Sauron.
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Was Galadriel tempted by Sauron?

The finale shows how it is possible for an elf to fall, in a disturbing scene in which Sauron tempts Galadriel by attempting to twist her better nature. He offers Galadriel an alliance, insisting that together they can bring about the restoration of Middle-earth.
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Who defeated Morgoth?

Defeated by the Host of Valinor in the War of Wrath, Morgoth was banished from Middle-earth into the Timeless Void, though it was prophesied that he would one day return.
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Did Elrond fall in love with Galadriel?

Yes, The Lord of the Rings' Third Age lore sees Elrond fall in love and marry Galadriel...'s daughter.
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Could Gandalf beat Sauron?

NO, Sauron was so much more powerful than Gandalf. Had all the 5 Ishtari worked together they could not have defeated Sauron in combat.
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Who could beat Morgoth?

In light of that, Sauron would have been able to defeat Morgoth at the height of his power when Morgoth was at his lowest.
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Is Morgoth still alive?

Eventually, Morgoth was bound in chains by the Valar and thrown into the Void, leaving the permanent damage his evils had done, and his former lieutenant Sauron, to trouble the world. One day, according to a prophecy, Morgoth will rise again in great wrath, but he will be destroyed in the Dagor Dagorath.
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