Can Ghost Rider beat Green Lantern?

Though Ghost Rider may not be able to kill Green Lantern, he could definitely wear him down until his ring lost power.
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Can Green Lantern defeat Ghost Rider?

Green Lantern has survived some heavy beating over the years but Cosmic Ghost Rider would be too much for him. The Power Cosmic allows Cosmic Ghost Rider to manipulate matter. The Green Lantern ring is made of matter. Cosmic Ghost Rider can turn it into something else and leave Green Lantern powerless.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider easily?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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Who in Marvel can beat Green Lantern?

Space Ghost's intangibility allows him to avoid the best offense Green Lantern can muster. Even when Hal goes on the defense and forms a shield, Space Ghost effortlessly knocks him out with a concussive beam. While Space Ghost is enough to make Hal sweat, he'd probably be in danger with the Avengers' Vision as well.
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Can Hulk beat Ghost Rider?

The Hulk is considered the strongest character in the Marvel universe, but there are some characters that can match the Hulk's strength and power, such as Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider, however, is not the strongest of the two, and he is able to defeat the Hulk in Banner form.
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10 Marvel Characters The Hulk Has Never Beat In A Fight

Can Thor defeat Ghost Rider?

Originally Answered: Who would win between Thor and Ghost Rider? Ghost Rider without a doubt. He is immortal, nigh on unkillable demon. Thor is pretty powerful himself, but can be and has been killed.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Batman?

Ghost Rider has fought the Hulk to a standstill, so it's pretty believable he could defeat Batman easily. Without even using his Penance Stare, Ghost Rider is physically superior to Batman, and in some storylines has been proclaimed close to a god.
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Can Deadpool beat Green Lantern?

However, with Wade Wilson's long history of taking down physically superior opponents with a disarming quip and well-placed bullet, Deadpool would be no slouch squaring off against even the greatest Green Lantern of them all.
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Can Green Lantern beat Thanos?

In Marvel Comics, Thanos is an ultimate villain who needs no introduction, but when it comes to DC Comics powerhouses, the Green Lantern Corps is a group of beings who are so powerful that they could easily stop Thanos dead in his tracks.
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Can a Green Lantern beat Superman?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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Has Ghost Rider beat Galactus?

One of the coolest moments in Marvel's Fantastic Four cartoon from the 1990s was when Ghost Rider shows up and basically takes down Galactus right away using his Penance Stare, or, as how fans often describe it, essentially "one punches" him...
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Can Deadpool beat Ghost Rider?

Deadpool is incredibly hard to kill and resourceful. In the comic Deadpool defeated Ghost Rider because of an unexpected reaction to Ghost Rider's penance state. But Logic dictates that Ghost Rider would beat Deadpool severely. His hellfire could very well burn Deadpool to a crisp.
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Who would win Goku or Ghost Rider?

Ghost rider CAN put Goku down. Hellfire absolutely will hurt Goku, no doubt. Penance stare might even have a mild effect, and since Goku will likely be in character, he might not instantly speed blitz ghost rider. But overall, ghost rider doesn't really have alot of good ways to even hit Goku.
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Who is more powerful Hulk or Green Lantern?

That depends on how they fight. If the Lanterns fights by Hulks rules in a straight up fight, then the Hulk will win, but if the Lantern is clever and uses his brain to out think and avoid Hulk, the Lantern has a good chance of winning.
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Can Green Lantern defeat the Hulk?


While we could see Hulk eventually being able to shatter Green Lantern's powerful energy constructs given enough time and strength increases, Green Lantern is just as likely to take Hulk out in a number of ways that get around his brute strength.
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Can Magneto beat Green Lantern?

With this knowledge, we can safely say that Magneto's only chance would be directly assaulting Green Lantern or manipulating the metal inside of him. However, Green Lantern can defeat him before he manages that or as he attempts to disable the Green Lantern.
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Can Thor beat Thanos?

Thor. Can Thor beat Thanos? In the MCU he certainly would have, if only he had aimed for the head. The Asgardian Son of Odin was extremely close to ending Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
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Can Wolverine beat Green Lantern?

This is one of those fights where Wolverine stands no chance. Green Lantern can protect himself pretty much indefinitely against Wolverine's claw strikes and his ring allows him way too many offensive options for Wolverine to overcome.
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Can Thor defeat Green Lantern?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Green Lantern and Thor, as both are incredibly powerful superheroes. However, if it came down to it, Thor would likely have the advantage, due to his ability to control the weather and his powerful hammer Mjolnir.
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Who is faster than Green Lantern?

As of now, Flash is still the Fastest Man Alive, and Green Lantern will have to settle for being a bit further down on that list.
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Who is stronger Green Lantern or Spider-Man?

Green Lantern's Ringslinging Skills Would Be Too Much For Spider-Man. Green Lanterns are given their abilities through powerful rings that allow them to conjure shapes and objects from their imaginations through their will power. Hal Jordan is considered the best in the Corps, a skilled and fearless ringslinger.
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Can black bolt beat Green Lantern?

On paper, it seems like Green Lantern should be able to defeat Black Bolt or at least hold his own against the Inhuman monarch. The Green Lantern ring gives its bearer a wide range of offensive and defensive options and on top of that, Hal Jordan has gotten through some pretty hardcore beating in his day.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Captain America?

8 Captain America Couldn't Stand Against Ghost Rider

This fight was prompted by the Spirit of Vengeance overtaking Johnny Blaze and sending him on a rampage. Cap and fellow Avenger Tigra were caught in this path of destruction and were only able to dodge and avoid the Ghost Rider without ever taking him on directly.
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Can Wolverine beat Ghost Rider?

Ghost Rider will win easily.

Wolverine won't even be able to hurt him. Ghost Rider can beat the crap out of Wolverine. This is, not including Hellfire and Penance Stare (These will kill Wolverine).
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Can Ghost Rider win Superman?

Who would win, Ghost Rider or Superman? Ghost Rider. As powerful as superman is all he can really do is physical damage. The ghost rider can't be stopped by physical damage and attacks with supernatural powers, one of supermans weaknesses.
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