Can Immortal Hulk beat Thanos?

Can the immortal Hulk kill Thanos? No, the Immortal Hulk, just like every other incarnation of Hulk before him, would fall before the power of the Mad Titan.
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Can anyone defeat Immortal Hulk?

Bizarro is Superman's infamous and sometimes lovable clone/doppelganger opposite gone bad who possesses near-identical powers to the Man of Steel. He has more than enough strength to match the Immortal Hulk's and the addition of his freeze vision and fire breath would be enough to secure a victory.
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Who defeats Immortal Hulk?

Before he can defeat him, the Immortal Hulk is stopped by the Savage Hulk, who is being emotionally manipulated by the Leader. The Immortal Hulk is beheaded by a monstrous Leader and his heart is ripped out. His corpse, alongside Banner, is taken to the Below-Place by the Leader.
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Can Hulk actually beat Thanos?

In the MCU, Thanos beat Hulk pretty easily, but in the comics, Thanos admitted that he would be no match for the Hulk without some help.
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Is Immortal Hulk the most powerful?

His new gamma burst can destroy an entire planet in an instant, if this wasn't enough Immortal Hulk can sense liars and drain Gamma from other Gamma-based life forms. This combined with the Hulk's other powers makes him one of the most powerful Hulks to date.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Thor?

Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Juggernaut?

The two brawlers have fought beyond these two encounters, but these two fights establish a few hard facts: the Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot consistently stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk's strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.
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Is Thanos afraid of Hulk?

When it comes time to collect the Power Gem, Thanos is forced to battle a brute who unwittingly uses the Gem to increase his strength to near immeasurable limits. While fighting the being known as the Champion, Thanos makes a comment that tells fans he is and has always been afraid to fight the Hulk.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Could the Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Has Hulk ever killed a god?

Considering the Hulk is powerful enough to beat up a God it shouldn't come as a surprise that when the Hulk finally corners the God of Sleep, he kills him without breaking a sweat. Related: The Hulk is Secretly A Mathematical Genius (Seriously).
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Dr Manhattan?

No matter how mad the Hulk gets, or what form he is in, it is just not possible for him to kill Manhattan, whereas Manhattan can take his molecular structure apart atom by atom.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Immortal Hulk?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Deadpool?

Who would win, Deadpool or the Hulk? Deadpool may be able to regenerate but no matter how many times he gets back up or reattaches his head, the Hulk will always smash him back down.
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Can Goku beat Immortal Hulk?

Goku stomps, he's far superior to his mainline self who is well beyond planetary, while Immortal Hulk can't planet bust unaided.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Doomsday?

If it's a battle to the first victory Hulk wins. If it's a battle to the most victories, it's a tie. Neither of these characters can die permanently. Doomsday will almost definitely perish in their first fight because this Hulk has been shown to be incredibly powerful, ruthless, durable, and intelligent.
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Can Hela beat Thanos?

Hela Has Superhuman Speed And Stamina

This, coupled with her superhuman stamina might prove too much for Thanos, despite the fact that he is also an incredibly powerful being. Her speed gives her reflexes, and she can definitely hit quite hard.
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Can Thanos defeat Galactus?

Only with the power of the Infinity Stones does Thanos stand a chance of beating Galactus in a fight; it's fortunate for him (and for the universe) that Galactus considers himself above such moral concepts as good and evil, choosing instead to eat planets out of a desire to satiate his hunger rather than a desire to ...
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Can Zeus beat Thanos?

On a normal day, Zeus would wreck Thanos, but he is never winning while Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos using it makes him the strongest being in the Marvel universe. To recap, Thanos using the Infinity Gauntlet killed half the living things in the universe with a thought.
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Who is Hulk afraid of?

So, seeing Sentry transform into The Void and become his greatest nightmare made Hulk afraid, as he knew the greatness the hero was capable of and what the opposite of that could mean for the Marvel Universe. Ultimately, Sentry becoming The Void is one of the Hulk's darkest memories.
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Why is Hulk weaker than Thanos?

Due to Thanos' power upgrade, he's actually stronger than the Hulk, as, unlike his opponent, he can seemingly control his rage. The preview ends with Hulk being warned that if he loses control again as he did earlier in the series, the Eye of the Kraken will take him over.
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Which Avenger hates Thanos the most?

Thor. Thanos, killed his best friend, killed his brother, and snapped a lot of his friends (Avengers). He can't even here his name. So yes, it should be Thor.
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Who can beat Hulk at his strongest?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Can Immortal Hulk beat Zeus?

Zeus almost undoubtedly takes this. Hulk, even in his World Breaker form, would have an extremely low probability of winning. First of all, Zeus is a top tier Marvel Skyfather and in many ways similar to Odin who is immensely powerful.
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