Can John Wick beat Thanos?

Thanos: The Infinity Gauntlet With the Infinity Stones afixed to it, however, it gives its wearer the power to do anything. Someone like Thanos could not only remove matter and life, but also create it. It gave him the powers of a god, meaning a mere mortal like John Wick stood no chance of defeating him.
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Who could actually beat Thanos?

While audiences never got to see Quicksilver at full power, super-speed is one of the best abilities a hero can have when facing an enemy like Thanos. With enough training, Quicksilver would have been more than capable of defeating Thanos when he finally arrived in Infinity War.
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Can John Wick kill Black Widow?

Marvel Comics has long established Black Widow as a master assassin with expert-level skills in combat and marksmanship, and though as good as she is, fans now know that she is no match for John Wick. Throughout her comic career, Black Widow has been a Soviet assassin, a S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Who would win a fight between John Wick and Superman?

John Wick is undoubtedly an exceptional fighter, but when it comes to taking on Superman and Darkseid, he'd be about as effective as a toothpick against a bulldozer. While Wick can certainly hold his own against mere mortals, he's no match for beings with unimaginable powers.
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Which eternal can beat Thanos?

First introduced as Jupiter in the Red Raven Comics #1, Zuras is the son of Kronos, leader of the Olympia Eternals, and is considered to be the strongest Eternal of his time. Despite having died and been resurrected multiple times, and ultimately taking his own life, Zuras can easily overpower Thanos.
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John Wick destroys Thanos

Who can solo Thanos?

Thanos has faced some powerful foes but never anything like Orion. Orion has Thanos beat in most categories and never stops coming. Thanos may be smarter but Orion would overwhelm him. Anyone who can beat Darkseid by themselves can take Thanos, so Orion has this one in the bag.
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Are Eternals stronger than Thor?

The strongest Eternal purely strength wise is stronger than Thor (non Odin Force) and the others aren't too far behind Thor. But the Eternals all have special abilities which could help them beat Thor without brute strength.
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Who is the strongest in John Wick universe?

John Wick: 9 Strongest Hitmen In The Movies, Ranked
  • 8 Ernest.
  • 7 Cassian.
  • 6 Sofia.
  • 5 The Shinobi.
  • 4 Ares.
  • 3 Zero.
  • 2 Caine.
  • 1 John Wick.
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Why is John Wick so powerful?

Under the Director's supervision, John was trained as a hitman and learned skills including martial arts, firearms and other weaponry, tactical driving, infiltration, escapology, and more. After leaving the Ruska Roma organization, he was arrested for an unspecified crime and incarcerated.
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Can John Wick beat Bruce Wayne?

So you are pitting a man who has fought literal superhuman assassins against a man who only fought regular assassin? Yeah no Bruce Wayne would absolutely annhilate John. Bruce Wayne without gadgets and the suit is still batman but Take away John Wick's guns and weapons, he is no longer Baba Yaga.
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Who almost killed John Wick?

He was also Viggo's head of security tasked with protecting his son, Iosef. Of all of Viggo's men, Kirill was the only one who fought on even terms with John Wick and came the closest to killing him.
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Has John Wick lost a fight?

Church Parking Lot Shootout — John Wick

This is one of the few fights in the franchise that Wick loses, being taken hostage at the end. That being said, it's an exciting shootout that involves some automotive intrigue.
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How many kills has John Wick had?

With 77 kills in the introductory film, 128 kills in Chapter 2, 94 kills in the third part and 140 kills in the latest instalment, the total number of kills in the entire John Wick franchise stands at a jaw-dropping 439.
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Who can defeat Thanos in one shot?

As Thanos discovered in Avengers: Endgame, Wanda is powerful enough on her own to defeat him. At the true height of her powers in the MCU or in the comic books, he would simply be no match for her. Her ability to alter reality would undo him in an instant.
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Can anyone beat Thanos 1 on 1?

Few enemies have ever been able to beat him one on one and killing him is nigh impossible. Thanos is a fearsome enemy, but Darkseid is his superior in all forms.
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Why is John Wick unkillable?

Keanu Reeves' John Wick may be the most effective assassin on the face of the planet, but he's also a mortal human being like the rest of us. The thing that sets him apart? An iron constitution on par with that of a literal god.
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How feared was John Wick?

John Wick is the most fearsome assassin in the John Wick universe, with all four films being almost entirely dedicated to building up the fear surrounding Wick as well as the lengths that the assassins will go to get rid of him.
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Who is John Wick best friend?

Marcus is a high class assassin who is John's best friend he was also a mentor to John. Marcus is a father figure to John and other hitmen.
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Who is a better fighter than John Wick?

John Wick is highly skilled and deadly, but he is not invulnerable and can be defeated by other skilled assassins. Several movie assassins like Vincent, El Mariachi, and Léon possess unique advantages and abilities that could give them an edge over John Wick in a fight.
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Is John Wick the most feared assassin?

Summary. John Wick is the most fearsome assassin in the franchise, earning the nickname "Baba Yaga" and embodying the boogeyman that all assassins fear. His reputation as a skilled killer is well-deserved, as demonstrated through his fighting skills, assassination prowess, and problem-solving abilities.
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Who is equal to John Wick?

Master Martial Artist: Zero was a highly skilled martial artist and equally skilled as John Wick, being able to hold his own against the legendary assassin. His fighting style consisted of Wun Hop Kuen Do, Wushu, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Karate, Pencak Silat, and multiple disciplines of Ninjutsu, chiefly Kenjutsu.
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Who can defeat Odin in DC?

The Living Tribunal has faced Odin in the comics and defeated him by LITERALLY waving his hand. Odin seemed to pass like dust.
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Is Black Knight stronger than Thor?

When Dane Whitman meditates upon his own inner darkness, his wounded pride and vanity, the Ebony Blade becomes a WMD. The striking thing is that this makes the Black Knight more powerful than Thor himself.
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Can Thor surpass Odin?

Having wielded the star-forged weapon for countless centuries, Thor and Mjolnir have quite the singular bond, despite the various trials and tribulations they've been through. And that bond is ultimately what proves that the Mighty Thor has surpassed his father, Odin.
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