Can Kylo Ren beat General Grievous?

It all depends on how Ren approaches the fight. If he decides to make full use of his Force powers from the start, he crushes Greivous much as Windu did, just with less style. If he's dumb enough to engage in a fencing duel with Greivous he just might get sliced up before he realizes his mistake.
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Who could beat General Grievous?

Durge has a considerable edge over Grievous on account of his ability to regenerate. He was so resilient that he only perished by being thrown into lava.
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Who is more powerful than Kylo Ren?

As further highlighted by Vader and Kylo's redemption stories, it was a lesson that Kylo Ren never fully learned himself, which makes Darth Vader the more powerful user of the Force between the two of them in Star Wars.
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Who could Kylo Ren beat?

Katarn is a very formidable Jedi but Ren would be able to win. Katarn was very good and his skill in battle would make him a hard fight for Kylo Ren but Ren's greater power would even up the odds and give him the chance he needed against Katarn.
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Could Kylo Ren beat Palpatine?

As the grandson of Anakin Skywalker (on his mother's side), one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy, Kylo Ren has the appropriate bloodline to destroy Palpatine. It was a redeemed Anakin Skywalker who killed Palpatine the first time, and the same midi-chlorians flow through Ren's veins.
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Star Wars Characters I Could Beat In A Fight

Can Kylo beat Vader?

This isn't a fight, this is a curb-stomp. Kylo would absolutely never decline a fight with Darth Vader, a force of legendary power whose surpassing will certianly gain him a place among the most powerful of the Dark Side, but he is clearly outmatched in power.
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Is Kylo more powerful than Rey?

Kylo lost to Rey in TFA because he was heavily wounded and was holding back against her due to Snoke's request that he bring her back to him alive. He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”.
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Can Kylo Ren beat Superman?

8 Could: Superman

Being the constant good guy, Superman would want to offer Kylo Ren the chance to give up without a fight, and that would be his mistake. With a quick wave of the fingers, Kylo Ren could enter Superman's mind and take him over.
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Why is Kylo Ren so bad at fighting?

Disarming an opponent, catching them off guard, and even attempting to kill them were all key components of Form II (Makashi), a style that Kylo Ren never learned. A crossguard saber could've solved all these problems, but without Ren knowing Makashi, his fighting style was incomplete.
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Can Kylo Ren beat Thanos?

Kylo Beats Thanos: He Has Palpatine's Support

With this support behind him, it's quite likely that Kylo would have a key edge on Thanos. After all, Palpatine is not only tremendously powerful in the Force; he also has a shrewd and cunning mind that would be able to guide Kylo in his efforts.
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Could Luke have beaten Kylo Ren?

If Rey, who lacked any formal lightsaber or Force training at the time, could fend off Kylo Ren, then the veteran Jedi Master Luke Skywalker would have no trouble defeating his nephew.
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Could Rey beat Darth Vader?

He has decades of experience and even though Rey's brute power has seen her through every fight, Vader has the power and the skill, something Rey lacks in comparison. Rey just couldn't match up to Vader.
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Can the Mandalorian beat Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren is a deadly swordsman and can use many Force powers, from mind-reading to telekinesis to catching blaster bolts in midair. No Mandalorian warrior, even the experienced Din Djarin, would last long if Kylo Ren made up his mind to dispose of them once and for all.
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Who did Grievous hate the most?

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Grievous has always had hatred from Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars.
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Who does General Grievous hate?

Grievous utterly hates the Jedi and their evil Order for committing genocide on his people when he was a warlord.
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Why is General Grievous so angry?

Angered with the loss of his roggwart and finding it another "wrong that the Jedi Order would pay dearly for," Grievous soon discovered from Dooku that it was the Sith Lord himself who had deactivated his MagnaGuards and let the Jedi into his lair in order to reassess the cyborg general in light of his recent failures ...
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What is Kylo Ren afraid of?

Kylo fears his master, he fears not being strong enough, he fears losing himself to the darkness, just as he fears losing himself to the light.
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Why did Rey beat Kylo Ren so easily?

Summary. Rey gained knowledge and skills through her connection with Kylo Ren, allowing her to tap into his training and skills. Kylo Ren was wounded by Chewbacca's bowcaster, which he believed inhibited his ability to defeat Rey.
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Why was Kylo Ren's lightsaber weird?

The lightsaber's redesign was a byproduct of the bleeding process that damaged its kyber crystal, rendering it dangerously flawed and unstable, and necessitating the lateral vents were meant to prevent the cracked kyber crystal from overloading.
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Can lightsaber cut Superman?

The only possible way for a lightsaber to harm Superman would be if the crystal powering the lightsaber were made of Kryptonite. However, that would still credit the Kryptonite crystal, not the actual lightsaber. Unfortunately for any Force sensitive that encounters the Man of Steel, Superman wins.
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Who Superman can't beat?

While kryptonite is Superman's greatest weakness, he's susceptible to other forms of energy and threats. This makes Billy Batson — aka Shazam, the World's Mightiest Mortal — one of Superman's greatest opponents. Batson can transform himself into an incredibly powerful adult body when he says the magic word "Shazam."
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Could Obi Wan beat Kylo Ren?

Kylo's Force-Potential Outclasses Obi-Wan's

Obi-Wan was a powerful Jedi, but he was not a naturally gifted Jedi.
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Can Rey beat Anakin?

Anakin would absolutely walk over Rey. Not only is he the most force-sensitive being ever, but he is extremely skilled with a lightsaber. Rey, on the other hand, does something called “Baseball bat swing.” Where she swings her lightsaber around trying to hit anything and everything. This fight is over.
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Is Snoke more powerful than Kylo Ren?

Supreme Leader Snoke is presented in The Force Awakens and Last Jedi as an extremely powerful Force user. He is easily able to move objects with his mind from great distances and has other abilities that suggest he is more than capable of defeating his Apprentice, Kylo Ren.
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Is Rey as strong as Anakin?

Rey was powerful with the Force, as anyone from Palpatine's bloodline would be, but it's highly doubtful she was anywhere near as powerful as Anakin Skywalker.
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