Can Logan be revived?

To help her usher in this new world order, Persephone revived Wolverine, along with a few other superpowered individuals like Omega Red and Daken, Logan's son. While Logan was effectively resurrected in an amnesiac state, he apparently operated as an assassin for Persephone's organization, Soteira.
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Does Logan ever come back to life?

Wolverine Was Resurrected by The 'Queen of The Dead'

In the second-to-last issue of the Return of Wolverine series, Logan was finally met by Persephone, the apparent mastermind behind his entire story since he rose from the dead.
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Could Logan have been saved?

His *healing factor* wouldn't have recovered because his *healing factor* never recovers, in and of itself. Even with the adamantium inside him, the only reason the healing factor was reduced was because of the corn syrup that all the mutants had been eating for years.
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Does Logan lose his immortality?

He was never immortal. He just heals at such a rate they he's effectively immortalm however he could always be killed. Recently-ish he lost his healing factor due to adamantium poisoning. Turns out that the adamantium skeleton that he had for all these years was actually CONSTANTLY taxing his healing factor.
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Is Logan Still Immortal after the Wolverine?

No. He isn't anywhere near immortal. He is long lived and hard to kill. At around 130+ years old, he looks around 40, but has the body of a twenty one year old.
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Return of Wolverine "New Powers" #1 | Comicstorian

Why can't Wolverine heal in Logan?

In Logan, scars and bullet holes that once would have vanished remain permanently visible on Wolverine, who is in constant physical agony in the movie, and it all comes down to a single fatal affliction: Adamantium poisoning.
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Could Logan have lived forever without adamantium?

Logan can regenerate entirely as long as his brain stem is intact. Take away the adamantium and you are left with normal, would-be-obliterated-into-dust-by-a-nuclear-explosion bone. There is no recovery from that.
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Did the corn syrup affect Logan?

then he distributed the mutant herding virus. through corn syrup in sports drinks, fast food cereals and more. so every time Logan ate, he unknowingly weakened himself even more.
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Why are there no mutants in Logan?

As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility, that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce.
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Why is Logan aging in Logan?

Over the course of six years after the timeline was revised, Logan's healing factor began to suffer severe deterioration, causing him to finally begin showing his age. In addition, due to this decreased state of healing, he is slowly dying from adamantium poisoning.
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What happens to Logan's daughter?

And by the time the credits roll, the Wolverine has sacrificed his life to save Laura's soul. With his dying breath, Logan asks his daughter not to become a monster like him. In turn, Laura recognizes Wolverine as her father and vows to be a better person.
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Who is Logan's daughter Wolverine?

Laura was apparently the clone and later the adoptive daughter of Wolverine, created to be the perfect killing machine. For years, she proved herself a capable assassin working for an organization called the Facility. A series of tragedies eventually led her to Wolverine and the X-Men.
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How old was Logan when he died?

In the movie "Logan" (2017), Wolverine, also known as Logan and portrayed by Hugh Jackman, is depicted as being around 197 years old at the time of his death.
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Why did Logan smile at the end?

This was not a fan “mistake”; it was a view Cox himself shared in an interview with Vulture: “Logan knew in order to sacrifice himself, he would have to do it through his family. He figured that the one chance he had was to make Kendall into the killer. That's why, at the end, he smiles.
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How was Logan resurrected?

Some time later, the mysterious Persephone claimed Logan's corpse and resurrected it herself, in the process granting Wolverine his new "hot claws" ability. Now, Return of Wolverine #5 reveals Persephone has the power to resurrect the dead as zombie-like drones, and even experience the world through their eyes.
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Why can t Logan age?

He has lived to that great age because his mutant healing power greatly slows down his aging processes and protects him from environmental abuses. But, the adamantium that the Weapon X project used to coat his skeleton is toxic. It has slowly poisoned him and weakened his healing powers.
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Why were no mutants born for 25 years?

In Logan, which takes place in 2029, it is stated that the US put chemicals in the water supply 25+ years ago that prohibited the birth of new mutants. As many have pointed out, this seemingly contradicts the ending of DOFP, where various mutants younger than 19 can be seen attending Xavier's school in 2023.
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How many mutants are left?

While it has been stated that there are at least 198 remaining mutants, according to Henry Peter Gyrich in Avengers: The Initiative, there are actually "around 300"; the 198 number is merely the number of mutants the US government has cataloged, with a 199th mutant (Mutant Zero) being off the record.
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What does Laura say at the end of Logan?

The closing scene finds Laura reading a eulogy for our departed anti-hero over a makeshift grave. Surrounded by fellow young mutants, she quotes a monologue from George Stevens's 1953 Western, Shane, which she watched earlier in the film. “There's no living with a killing,” she intones. “There's no going back from it.
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Why does Logan keep coughing?

The year is 2029. Looking no older than 50, Logan has still aged to over 170 years and is no longer the same fighter he once was. His superhuman healing ability is failing and the adamantium in his body is slowly killing him. As a result, his body aches and he coughs up blood on occasion.
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What was the poison killing Logan?

In Logan, adamantium is apparently poisonous

Wolverine's body basically heals itself like a regular human body—but much more quickly. Perhaps working overtime to stave off the poison of the metal plus all the bullets is finally getting to him.
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Why does Wolverine cough in Logan?

It's not until much later in the film that we learn why, exactly, Logan is so sick: the Adamantium in his body is poisoning him. For those of you who don't know, Adamantium is metal put into Wolverine's body during Project X — it's what makes his claws so darn effective.
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What's the worst Wolverine has survived?

Here are 10 of the worst things that Wolverine was able to survive in X-Men movies.
  • 4 The Weapon X Program.
  • 5 Multiple Magnetic Impalings. ...
  • 6 Xavier's Psychic Blast. ...
  • 7 Magneto's Mutant Conversion Machine. ...
  • 8 Shot In The Head With An Adamantium Bullet. ...
  • 9 Shot With Dozens Of Arrows. ...
  • 10 Drowning. ...
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Can Logan regrow his adamantium claws?

Director James Mangold's 2013 film The Wolverine set a new precedent for the fan-favorite X-Man when the Silver Samurai cut off his Adamantium claws. Although Logan regrew bone claws, the Adamantium ones wouldn't be restored until X-Men: Days of Future Past was released the following year.
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Would Wolverine's arm grow back?

The mutation that makes Wolverine worthy of the X-Men is that his cells regenerate at incredible speeds. He ages at a snail's pace, he can re-grow parts of limbs and organs after serious injury, and he is basically impervious to infection and disease.
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