Can Logan regrow organs?

The mutation that makes Wolverine worthy of the X-Men is that his cells regenerate at incredible speeds. He ages at a snail's pace, he can re-grow parts of limbs and organs after serious injury, and he is basically impervious to infection and disease.
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Can Wolverine regenerate organs?

Wolverine's healing factor is said to be among the most powerful of its kind in comics. He regularly endures massive explosions, hundreds of bullet wounds, and Hulk-level beatings knowing that he can fully regenerate any lost limbs or damaged organs.
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Does Wolverine adamantium regenerate?

No, if his adamantium is ever removed from him in any way he wouldn't regenerate it. It is a foreign material that was bonded to his skeletal structure, if he were to lose a limb somehow he would likely regrow the limb but any new bone growth wouldn't have adamantium coating it.
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Does Logan lose his immortality?

He was never immortal. He just heals at such a rate they he's effectively immortalm however he could always be killed. Recently-ish he lost his healing factor due to adamantium poisoning. Turns out that the adamantium skeleton that he had for all these years was actually CONSTANTLY taxing his healing factor.
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Can Logan heal without adamantium?

As mentioned in a comment, without adamantium, his healing factor is even greater, as when it was in him, his body was constantly healing. In the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, which you mentioned, he had his bone claws broken by Sabertooth before he had adamantium placed on his skeleton. It obviously grew back.
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How Does Deadpool's Healing Factor Work? (Because Science w/ Kyle Hill)

Why is Wolverine so weak in Logan?

Like having a skeleton coated in lead, the metal leeches into Logan's body over time. It takes years to have a major effect, but by 2029, the year “Logan” is set, the adamantium has so weakened Logan that he's aging at a normal rate and struggling to heal himself after injuries.
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What's the worst Wolverine has survived?

Here are 10 of the worst things that Wolverine was able to survive in X-Men movies.
  • 4 The Weapon X Program.
  • 5 Multiple Magnetic Impalings. ...
  • 6 Xavier's Psychic Blast. ...
  • 7 Magneto's Mutant Conversion Machine. ...
  • 8 Shot In The Head With An Adamantium Bullet. ...
  • 9 Shot With Dozens Of Arrows. ...
  • 10 Drowning. ...
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Can Logan live forever?

So what would it actually take to kill Logan? His regenerative healing powers make it especially hard to off him: bullets pop out of his body after he's shot, skin grows over wounds. But the X-Men comic books may have the answer. The short answer is yes, Wolverine can die and has many times in the comic books.
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Did the corn syrup affect Logan?

then he distributed the mutant herding virus. through corn syrup in sports drinks, fast food cereals and more. so every time Logan ate, he unknowingly weakened himself even more.
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Can Logan be revived?

In Return of Wolverine #5, by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven, Logan finally gets some answers regarding not only how, but why he was resurrected. Over the course of this miniseries, Logan already learned that he was revived by the villainous Persephone, a mutant with the ability to resurrect the dead.
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What happens if Wolverine gets a limb cut off?

Powers and abilities

Wolverine's healing factor makes him capable of surviving without his legs or even his head attached to his body.
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Is Deadpool's healing better than Wolverines?

However, Deadpool's healing factor goes a fair bit beyond Wolverine's, in that Deadpool's healing factor essentially prevents him from dying unless it is something catastrophic. Typically speaking, if Wolverine had an arm chopped off, he would not re-grow a new arm. Deadpool's powers do, in fact, do that.
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Can Magneto remove Wolverine's skeleton?

By manipulating the adamantium that laced Wolverine's skeleton, Magneto ripped the metal out of his body, almost tearing him apart in the process. After the metal resolidified, Wolverine was left incapacitated with large aluminum spikes sticking out of his body.
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Can Wolverine survive being ripped in half?

Wolverine Gets Torn in Half by the Hulk

Wolverine #1, the Hulk wasted little time before ripping Wolverine in two and tossing each half of his body in different directions. To survive, Wolverine's top half had to literally crawl until he located the bottom half and let his body come back from that one.
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Why can't Wolverine heal anymore?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him. Adamantium poisoning may also have turned into the cause of his healing factor's increasing failure.
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What can Wolverine not heal from?

Although it makes him stronger, his healing factor constantly fights against metal poisoning. In Logan, the adamantium had eroded his ability to heal and he would have eventually died from being poisoned. The speed of which he can heal has increased over the years.
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Why were no mutants born for 25 years?

In Logan, which takes place in 2029, it is stated that the US put chemicals in the water supply 25+ years ago that prohibited the birth of new mutants. As many have pointed out, this seemingly contradicts the ending of DOFP, where various mutants younger than 19 can be seen attending Xavier's school in 2023.
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Why are there no mutants born in Logan?

As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility, that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce.
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What caused Logan to age?

Over the course of six years after the timeline was revised, Logan's healing factor began to suffer severe deterioration, causing him to finally begin showing his age. In addition, due to this decreased state of healing, he is slowly dying from adamantium poisoning.
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Can Wolverine get drunk?

In Wolverine #900, Logan revealed his healing factor processes alcohol nearly as quickly as he can drink it, with a bottle of whisky only getting him tipsy for seconds. It seems Wolverine is capable of getting drunk, but only for an extremely short amount of time (unless he has a constant supply of alcohol.)
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Is Deadpool unkillable?

While Deadpool is virtually unkillable due to his healing factor, he is not invincible. In fact, he's been beaten, maimed, and dismembered countless times in the comics and movies. Deadpool's immortality only extends to his ability to regenerate from almost any injury.
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Is Vibranium stronger than adamantium?

Vibranium is Stronger Than Adamantium

In the comics, the metals have clashed more than once, and more often than not, Adamantium can damage Vibranium, including Cap's shield. However, Vibranium can also take more prolonged hits thanks to its durability.
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Who is the strongest person Wolverine has killed?

10 Most Powerful Characters Wolverine Killed In Comics, Ranked
  • Daken. ...
  • Omega Red. ...
  • Sabretooth. ...
  • Magneto. ...
  • Himself. ...
  • Jean Grey. ...
  • The Hulk. There isn't a being on Earth more powerful than the Hulk. ...
  • All Of The X-Men. The start of Old Man Logan was tragic in every way.
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How unkillable is Wolverine?

Wolverine can die, as seen in the appropriately titled Death of Wolverine. Granted, in that story, he didn't have his healing factor, but he is suffocated and burned to death by molten adamantium. Killing Wolverine usually means attacking him so quickly and powerfully that it overwhelms his healing factor.
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What eventually killed Wolverine?

Wolverine reflects on this and thinks he has done enough with his life, before he dies from suffocation from the hardening adamantium, kneeling in the sunset outside of Dr. Cornelius' base. This leaves Storm in charge of the X-Men and the team is heartbroken over what happened to Wolverine.
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