Can Naruto defeat Hulk?

If the Hulk in question is the one from the movies, then there's no questioning the fact that Naruto would beat him to a pulp.
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Can Naruto beat the Hulk?

With Naruto being able to outspeed, outthink, and outpower Marvel's Hulk, the comic book giant has no chance of winning.
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Can Naruto beat Thor?

Unfortunately, without the help of his friends, Naruto would stand no chance against Marvel's mightiest. Even Naruto, The Seventh Hokage, would buckle under the hammer of The Mighty Thor.
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Who can beat Hulk easily?

Despite being an unstoppable force, powerful beings like Namor, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool have managed to outsmart and defeat the Hulk. From fellow superheroes to average soldiers, various characters, including Hawkeye and even Batman, have successfully taken down the Hulk.
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Can Goku beat the Hulk?

Between his ever-increasing strength, durability, and healing factor, Hulk has what it takes to survive Goku's most powerful assaults. Goku could stay out of Hulk's way for a while, but once he gets within the Hulk's grabbing range, the fight is over.
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Humanity is dead, but Hulk can't die

Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Can Hulk beat Saitama?

In a battle against Hulk, every little bit counts. Saitama having this ability provides him a slight edge, as he effectively has a source of projectile attacks that he can use at a distance.
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Can Wolverine cut the Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Could Wolverine beat Thor?

Wolverine has less experience than Thor, but is a better martial artist. However, that wouldn't make much of a difference. Thor can fly and has Mjolnir at his disposal, giving him options for long range attacks Wolverine can't match. Wolverine is too smart to go against the God of Thunder alone.
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Can Hulk beat Thor?

Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.
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Can Naruto beat Loki?

Who would win a fight between Loki and Naruto? Loki stomps all of Naruto as a setting. This includes everything in all the parallel dimensions and other solar systems and stuff. He can manage such a feat casually in well under a minute, using only taijutsu, and teleportation to get to those other realities.
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Can Naruto beat Marvel?

1 LOSE TO: Captain Marvel

In a fight against Captain Marvel, Naruto will need to truly ascend to the highest level of power possible if he wishes to defeat Captain Marvel — a highly unlikely scenario, with the more realistic one ending with Naruto's resounding defeat.
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Can Itachi defeat Thor?

Thor wins. Have you seen Thor's top Speed? He would be able to easily out match Itachi's speed easily. Thor has wrestled with the hulk and won.
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Could Itachi beat the Hulk?

2 DEFEAT: The Hulk

This will prove to be his Achilles in a fight against Itachi, who is as cold and calculating in battle as one can get. So, while The Hulk might be a powerful superhero in his own right, it's the reckless abandon he showcases in a battle that will ultimately prove to be his downfall.
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Can Naruto beat Iron Man?

It's no question that Naruto overpowers Iron Man. Nevertheless, due to Tony's resourceful nature, he could definitely manage to find a plan that would allow him to defeat Naruto, though he might need some prep time.
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Can Naruto beat one punch?

Shonen Jump heroes are generally known for their ridiculous strength; however, One-Punch Man's Saitama is on a completely different level. Renowned for being able to end almost any fight in one punch, he just might be able to defeat Naruto — or any other shonen protagonist — in a one-on-one fight.
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Would Deadpool beat Thor?

He is somewhat the same in the comics, so if Deadpool ever faced Thor, the god of thunder would have the winning edge. It's true that Deadpool managed to terminate Thor using Pym Particles in a non-canon comic by enlarging Mjolnir. But MCU Thor never needed Mjolnir in the first place.
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Would Spider-Man beat Thor?

Spider-Man has fought by Thor's side many times. He knows how the Norse god fights, and he knows that it would be impossible for him to beat Thor. He's smart enough to know the only hope he'd have against Thor is with a group, one that would distract the god long enough for Spider-Man to make a difference in the fight.
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Can venom beat Thor?

He might be able to slow him down, but Thor's sheer might, combined with the power of Mjolnir, would be too much for Venom to handle. Venom is tough but Thor is tougher.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

12 Wolverine Has Hurt Thanos But Never Beat Him

Wolverine was one of these heroes. Wolverine ran in with his usual ferocity and got the drop on Thanos, hitting him with all six claws in the chest. Without the Gauntlet, this may have hurt Thanos. With it, it was a meaningless attack.
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Can Wolverine beat Deadpool?

Deadpool isn't stronger than Wolverine.

Fans have already seen the outcome of the clash when the superheroes first collided in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. On that occasion, Wolverine proved he was stronger than Deadpool, who still went as Weapon XI at the time.
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Can Spider-Man beat the Hulk?

Summary. Spider-Man proves his superior strength and invincibility by surviving a blast from a Hulk-fighting cannon. Spider-Man's speed and agility give him an advantage over the Hulk, who is not known for being agile. Spider-Man's unknown limits of strength make him a potentially formidable opponent for the Hulk.
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Could Popeye beat the Hulk?

Popeye outclassed the Hulk in basically every category, from speed, to durability, even strength. It also didn't help that Hulk didn't have a counter for Popeye's spinach. Wiz: Hulk has a similar fighting style to Bluto, who Popeye has adapted to and defeated multiple times.
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Can One-Punch Man beat Thanos?

The battle between Saitama and Thanos was intense and destructive, but ultimately, Saitama's immense strength and speed proved to be too much for even the all-powerful Thanos with all six Infinity Stones.
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Can Hulk beat Doomsday?

Hulk is Stronger , Smarter, Harder to kill and he has more experience fighting foes like himself though Doomsday's tougher than Hulk slightly more , Hulk could get tougher overtime matching Doomsday durability or even surpass it .
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