Can Nova beat Ultron?

While Nova has proven himself one of the most powerful members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, even the full power of the Nova Force would come up short in a battle against What If...?'s Ultron and his Infinity Stones.
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Who is powerful than Ultron?

Without the Infinity Stones, Thanos is physically stronger than Ultron. However, Ultron is more ruthless and has the ability to transfer his mind to any of his other bodies.
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Is Nova the most powerful superhero?

In 2022, ranked Nova 2nd in their "10 Best Cosmic Heroes in Marvel Comics" list and 11th in their "30 Strongest Marvel Superheroes" list.
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Who in DC can beat Ultron?

Just as Thor or his Rune King version can easily defeat Ultron, Shazam (Billy Batson) shouldn't have any problem doing the same. Shazam's powers are magical and something Ultron might have difficulty processing.
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Who can stop Ultron?

Doctor Doom, the only threat to Ultron, used his time machine to assemble a team of Avengers from across history to help liberate the planet from Ultron's rule, culminating in the temporally-displaced Avengers defeating Ultron and convincing Doom–in reality a Doombot that worked with the Avengers A.I.
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Marvel Champions 2 Handed Play: Vision + Nova vs. Expert Ultron

Can Jarvis beat Ultron?

During the Ultron Offensive, J.A.R.V.I.S. was destroyed by Ultron, although his remaining programming codes unknowingly continued to thwart Ultron's plans of gaining access to nuclear missiles.
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Could Ultron have stopped Thanos?

If neither had any Infinity Stones available, Thanos would most likely win a fight against Ultron fairly easily, but since Ultron was "born" using the Mind Stone, there would have been no instance where the two could have met in the standard MCU where Ultron didn't possess it.
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Can what if Ultron beat Darkseid?

Infinity Ultron could use the gauntlet to shrug off the disintegration of Darkseid's Omega Beams, undo any time displacement Darkseid would be able to inflict upon him, and escape from the pocket dimension of infinite looping deaths brought about by Darkseid's Omega Sanction.
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Can Ultron beat the Hulk?

The technology of Ultron is so powerful that two of the most dangerous Avengers can get insta-killed casually without either seeing it coming. Ultron defeated both She-Hulk and the Hulk not by outsmarting them or even besting them in a real one-on-one fight, but by overwhelming them both with his strength.
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Did Ultron beat Thor?

Iron Man was able to more or less hold his own with Ultron. And Thor was more than capable of holding his own against both Iron Man and Captain America. So the only reason why Ultron was able to manhandle Thor was a story reason to set up Vision hitting Ultron with Mjolnir.
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Can Nova beat Thor?

At their normal power levels, this battle will be more of a mismatch, since Thor outclasses Nova in almost all categories, and that too with a huge margin. During Lord of Asgard, Thor with no morals stomped the Avengers, which included Dr. Strange, Hulk, Thing.
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Can Nova beat Thanos?

Nova also has energy projection powers that can keep Thanos in one place if nothing else. Overall, Nova alone could beat Thanos. However, the more help used to beat him, the better.
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Can Nova beat Superman?

Psionic powers always trump physical ones and even if Superman is somehow able to stop her from psychically dominating him, she could use her telekinesis to protect herself and lash out with powerful attacks. She could even manipulate his Kryptonian DNA and take away his powers. Nova has Superman outclassed.
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Who would win Thanos or Ultron?

1 Winner: Thanos

Ultron is extremely powerful but Thanos is pretty much next level. While he couldn't pierce Ultron's adamantium shell, he would eventually be able to figure out a way to hurt Ultron even though he is composed of the indestructible metal.
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Why is Ultron so strong?

Superhuman Durability: Ultron's synthezoid body was composed of vibranium, making him extremely durable. His durability was further amplified by his exoskeleton armor with the five Infinity Stones embedded in it, making him virtually invulnerable.
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What is Ultron's strongest form?

Marvel: The 15 Most Powerful Versions Of Ultron
  • 8 Hank Pym Ultron.
  • 7 Earth-10943 Ultron.
  • 6 Ultron-19/Extremis Ultron.
  • 5 Ultron the Ruler of the Phalanx.
  • 4 Final Form Ultron.
  • 3 Ultron Forever.
  • 2 Galactus Ultron/Earth-22666 Ultron.
  • 1 Infinity Ultron.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Can Ultron beat Captain America?

Ultron is one of the Avengers' greatest foes and his destructive rampages have been stopped by the team every time. Cap has been a part of those battles, but his part was mostly as the team leader. Anytime he tried to fight Ultron on his own, he was quickly dispatched by the android.
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Can Batman defeat Infinity Ultron?

He needs to find Ultron's master body disable it and also stop it from spreading its code into the web before Ultron realizes what he is doing. So, yes, with a little bit of prep (which Batman kinda gets against every super powered villain), Bats can win this.
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Can Infinity Ultron beat Galactus?

However, Ultron's control over the Infinity Stones and the power he exhibited during his battle with The Watcher puts him on an entirely different level that could take out Galactus and his heralds.
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Can Thanos beat Superman?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Who can Darkseid not beat?

11 Justice League Villains Powerful Enough to Kill Darkseid
  • 4 Erebos.
  • 5 The Zone Child. ...
  • 6 The Limbo Cell. ...
  • 7 Black Racer. ...
  • 8 Mister Mxyzptlk (& Emperor Joker) ...
  • 9 Yuga Khan. ...
  • 10 Doomsday. ...
  • 11 Starro the Conqueror. ...
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Can Ultron lift Mjolnir?

A machine can pick up the weapon and move it anywhere since it's mindless and incapable of possessing the morals necessary to be considered worthy. By this logic, Ultron himself could have lifted it, but it wouldn't have done him much good.
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Why did Ultron hate Avengers?

Ultron sees the Avengers as one of the main problems with the world's stunted evolution. He particularly dislikes his maker Tony Stark and flies into a rage when compared to him. The evil A.I. has a particular dislike for Vision who inhabits the powerful body Ultron had built for himself.
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