Can Parseltongue be taught?

Parseltongue is extremely rare, and it is almost exclusively a hereditary trait that can't be learned like a regular language. Besides being able to communicate with serpents, Parselmouths can use the language to communicate with each other. Salazar Slytherin was one of the first ever recorded Parselmouths.
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Can you teach yourself Parseltongue?

No. You have to be a direct descendent from Salazar. The only other way to speak Parseltongue is via a potion which gives you the ability to speak it.
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Can you learn Parseltongue in real life?

The ability to speak Parseltongue is usually inborn; a wizard is born being able to speak Parseltongue, and those who are not born with the ability cannot normally learn the language (although, according to the author, Dumbledore may have learned to understand it, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron learnt ...
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How do you become a Parseltongue?

An individual who can speak Parseltongue is known as a Parselmouth. It is a very uncommon skill, and is typically hereditary. Nearly all known Parselmouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin with Harry Potter being a notable exception.
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Is Parseltongue a learnable language?

It's a rare skill

Knowing Parseltongue isn't quite the same as learning Spanish. Firstly, you don't so much learn it as just innately know it. The language is incredibly rare, as Harry is told countless times.
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What language is closest to Parseltongue?

Parseltongue itself seems to be a magically generated amalgam created by magic from the minds of speakers. It bears many strong resemblances to languages from Africa and India, both areas with long histories of human-snake interaction.
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Does Harry Potter lose his ability to speak Parseltongue?

After Lord Voldemort destroyed the fragment of his soul residing in Harry, Harry seemingly lost the ability to speak Parseltongue, about which he was glad and relieved. Over the next twenty-two years, he never attempted to speak the language, presuming that it had died with Voldemort.
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Would Parseltongue work on dragons?

While they are reptilian, they aren't specifically snakes, and it seems that Parseltongue is specific to snakes.
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Why did Tom Riddle turn evil?

With no one to claim him as their own, Tom lived in a Muggle-run orphanage where he felt abandoned and unloved. He slowly realized he was different from others and became obsessed with his powers, believing he was unique and elite.
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Could Harry Potter have controlled the Basilisk?

So, assuming that Horcruxs contain an equal amount of soul because dividing it in half seems a little draining, Harry and the Diary each contained the same amount of the Heir of Slytherin. The theory is that Harry could have controlled the Basilisk if he tried.
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What does nagini say to Harry?

When Harry and Hermione are on the first floor of Bathilda's house, Nagini (inside the corpse of Bathilda) tells Harry to 'Come! ' from the next room in Parseltongue. In reaction, Hermione jumps and clutches Harry's arm, and the two of them obey the command.
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What is yes in Parseltongue?

Two Simple Words

You will need to learn two simple Parseltongue words for your first homework assignment: the words for "yes" and "no". They are as follows: Yes - Sa. ​No - Ʃ​e (using a capital "esh"); ʃe (using a lowercase "esh")
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Who can only speak Parseltongue?

Now iirc the only characters in the books that are mentioned that could speak parseltongue are Slytherin himself, the Gaunts, Voldemort all in Slytherin's line. Then Harry while he still has the bit of soul in him.
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What kills a basilisk?

The weasel destroys the basilisk by its odour, but dies itself in this struggle of nature against its own self. The basilisk and the weasel, by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder.
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Does Hermione speak Parseltongue?

This prompted her to practise her Parseltongue, which she had been neglecting to do as of late, as she had no snakes to speak to. Her fortuitous babbling led to her meeting the Great Basilisk of the Chamber of Secrets.
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How to learn snake language?

It's more like an ability than a knowledge. Either you know it, or you don't. When the snake speaks, it sounds like it's hissing. The parselmouth will hear the words as if they were spoken in his or her native language - but you will only hear the hissing, and it will be really hard to distinguish the words.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Why did Tom hate Dumbledore?

In turn, Riddle realised that he had been careless in showing Dumbledore his true character upon their first meeting, and never attempted to win him over as he had with his other instructors. In time, he came to fear and despise Dumbledore.
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Why can Ron open the Chamber of Secrets?

Ron was able to open the Chamber by mimicking Parseltongue. Once inside, Hermione stabbed Hufflepuff's Cup with a Basilisk Fang that was taken from the dead Basilisk's skeleton, which destroyed the Horcrux.
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How was Ron able to open the Chamber of Secrets?

Ron had been present at Harry's initial opening of the Chamber, and when Harry opened the locket Horcrux, another artifact of Slytherin's which would open only when addressed in Parseltongue, and simply parroted the sounds Harry had made to open the locket, in order to open the Chamber.
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Can all Slytherins talk to snakes?

A rare language spoken by a small number of wizards allowing them to communicate with snakes, the ability to speak Parseltongue was usually inherited with the majority of speakers descended directly from Salazar Slytherin.
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Is Harry Potter a pure blood?

Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.
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Did Harry lose his scar?

The scar is no longer dark, and instead has faded almost to his usual skintone. Scars do fade with time, but J.K Rowling wrote in the book that: "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well." Many people believe the fact the scar has gone dormant after he left Hogwarts is why it faded.
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Who is the heir of Gryffindor?

Harry is the Heir of Gryffindor (though his powers have been bound by his father when he was a baby), Neville is the Heir of Hufflepuff, Meghan (OFC, daughter of Sirius) is the Heir of Ravenclaw.
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