Can Romulans and humans mate?

This makes Human/Vulcan or Human/Romulan mix canon, but only if the parents had genetic assistance. The exception would be Klingon/Romulan, which is a canon hybrid (ask Paramount how that was able to take place). Some sentient hybrids include: Cardassian/Bajoran.
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Can Vulcans breed with humans?

Human DNA and Vulcan DNA, Phlox says there's no medical reason why they can't combine. So if a Vulcan and a human ever decided to have a child, it's probably be ok. And that's sort of comforting. So a Denobulan doctor knew a way to make hybrids a full 75 years before Spock was conceived.
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Can humans and Klingons mate?

Klingons are known to have sexual relations with humans, with the character B'Elanna Torres being an example of a Klingon-human hybrid; Torres' mother is a Klingon.
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Do Romulans like humans?

In keeping with their xenophobic attitudes, the Romulans tend to conquer species rather than form alliances with them, and individual Romulans tend to treat other species with varying degrees of disdain.
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Can Vulcans marry humans?

While Star Trek presents Vulcans as different from humans, they aren't incompatible. Spock's human mother Amanda Grayson (Jane Wyatt) married his Vulcan father Sarek, and the two made a logically loving home for themselves on Vulcan.
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How do Vulcans kiss?

Vulcan finger-touching was a ritualistic gesture among Vulcans involving the index and middle fingers. It was used throughout their culture, including in public as a greeting or to signify affection, intimacy, respect, or meditation. It was also used at reunions, at wedding ceremonies, and during the pon farr.
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How much stronger is a Vulcan than a human?

Vulcans are approximately three times stronger than the average human, with enhanced lung capacity and metabolism.
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What is a Romulan lifespan?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years. Spock's father, Sarek, lived to be 202 years. A good deal longer than his half-Vulcan son, Spock, who only lived to be 162 years old.
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Can the Borg assimilate Romulans?

According to Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco), the former Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation who is now Director of the Romulan Reclamation Project, the crew of the Shaynor were the only Romulans ever assimilated by the Borg.
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Did Spock have a child?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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Who was the first Vulcan human hybrid?

The first Vulcan human hybrid was actually Elizabeth, the cloned offspring between Trip and T'Pol. Elizabeth was conceived by Masaro acquiring Trip and T'pol's DNA which John Paxton used to create Elizabeth as a form of propaganda for the terrorist group, Terra Prime.
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How many organs do Klingons have?

Yes, It's True: Star Trek Klingons Have Two Of, Uh, Every Organ - IMDb. A great deal of the aliens in the "Star Trek" franchise are humanoid for pretty practical reasons (they have human actors!), but that doesn't mean that they have the exact same anatomy.
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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How far away is Vulcan from Earth?

In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real. It's located only 16.5 light-years away from Earth and its primary star can be spotted with the naked eye.
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Do Vulcans eat eggs?

Vulcans are noted to be vegetarian specifically rather than vegan, T'Pol from Enterprise being referred to as such. Additionally, Tuvok seems to have no issue with eating Porakan eggs in an episode of the Voyager series.
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What is a Klingons lifespan?

Klingons were capable of living well over a century in age. Individuals such as Kang, Koloth, Kor, and Arne Darvin lived well over one hundred years. ( DS9: "Blood Oath", "Trials and Tribble-ations", "Once More Unto the Breach") No exact life span has been given for Klingons, just approximates.
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What is the Klingon lifespan?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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What is the lifespan of humans in Star Trek?

According to the Star Trek canon, the average human lifespan will reach 100 years during the early 22nd century. By the mid-24th century, the mean crested 120 years. This gradual increase in longevity is mostly thanks to advanced medical technology.
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Who created the Borg?

The origin of the Borg is never made clear, though they are portrayed as having existed for hundreds of thousands of years (as attested by Guinan and the Borg Queen).
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What is the oldest living species in Star Trek?

The Vedala were discovered around the middle of the 23rd century (in the year 2268 or 2269), and are recognized by the Federation as the oldest surviving race capable of interstellar space travel. The Vedala space was encountered in Quadrant 1 near the Gamma 7A star system of the Milky Way Galaxy.
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What language do Romulans speak?

The resulting tongue was named Rihan, with the Romulans' name for themselves being Rihannsu in Duane's novels, meaning "the Declared", in reference to their decision to secede from Vulcan society.
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Can a human beat a Klingon?

They are characterized by their pursuit of honor, as well as their superior strength, but it might come as a surprise to fans that there is a strange aspect of Klingons: physically speaking, they are no stronger than humans.
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Who is the most powerful species in Star Trek?

The Q. The Q, as they called themselves, are a Star Trek species of omnipotent god-like beings inhabiting a separate plane of existence called the Q Continuum.
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Is data stronger than worf?

While Data is physically stronger, Worf achieves a mental strength superior to the newly-upgraded android by the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3.
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