Can Shazam defeat Black Adam?

So, Shazam can only beat Black Adam by using his childhood creativity to trick the antihero, forcing him to say the magic word that takes away his powers. Creativity is a mighty weapon, but in most cases, Shazam needs some serious backup to fight Black Adam.
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Who is stronger, Shazam or Black Adam?

Shazam acknowledges that he is unsure if he is stronger than Black Adam, despite his confidence in his mortal form. Both Shazam and Black Adam possess the same strengths endowed by the Wizard and have never been able to triumph over each other.
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Can you Shazam beat Black Adam?

Shazam is another hero who has battled and beat Black Adam numerous times, but that doesn't mean that Black Adam couldn't beat him. Shazam and Black Adam are completely even when it comes to power level. The reason Shazam wins their battles is simple: he's able to take advantage of Adam's weaknesses as a person to win.
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How did Shazam defeat Black Adam?

During their first fight in The Marvel Family #1, Captain Marvel and his allies defeat Black Adam by tricking him into saying "Shazam!" Now without powers, Black Adam's ancient form withers away into nothing.
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Who can defeat Black Adam?

Being one of the most overpowered superheroes of all time, Sentry has more than enough power to defeat Black Adam in seconds. His powers are pretty much limitless and have been described as godlike. While Black Adam also has godlike power, his powers have their limits. Sentry's does not.
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Shazam & Superman vs Black Adam | The Return of Black Adam

Who has Black Adam lost to?

Black Adam and his group are eventually defeated when Superman receives support from the Legion of Super-Heroes and the Justice Society of America. On Black Adam's part, he was taken down by Jakeem Thunder and Johnny Thunderbolt.
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Could Hulk beat Black Adam?

Hulk has a violent reputation among Marvel's heroes. He's the strongest one there is, and his power is pretty much infinite. Fighting him is basically an exercise in futility, as any blow that doesn't take him out makes him angry, and he just gets stronger. However, that's exactly why Black Adam would win.
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Who is Black Adam weakness?

Black Adam Is Given the Magical Weakness of Eternium in the DCEU Movie. The new Black Adam DC Extended Universe movie introduces an actual weakness for Black Adam: eternium. This substance actually exists in the comics, and it's made from the fragments of the shattered Rock of Eternity where the Wizard Shazam resides.
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Is Shazam stronger than Superman?

Shazam is in a similar strength class as Superman, but he can also command lightning. Shazam's magical powers give him a clear advantage over Superman whenever they meet in battle. The two heroes have fought several times, and Shazam almost always takes the win unless outside forces are at play.
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Why is Shazam weaker than Black Adam?

In short, Black Adam should be Shazam's equal, but some of his powers are beyond Billy Batson's abilities. Black Adam also has allies that help him overcome entire squads of superheroes. Then, Black Adam has a lot of combat experience, while Shazam is, in fact, a child.
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Can Black Adam beat Thanos?

Seeing as he would have lost against Thanos without the upgrade of his new weapons, it's clear who the victor would be in a confrontation between the Mad Titan and Adam. A battle between the god-tier Thanos and Black Adam would be insane, but in the end, Thanos would walk away victorious.
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Can Thor beat Shazam?

On their own, both these noble heroes are capable of beating incredible forces. But for all Shazam's power, he does not match Thor's experience in using the more arcane elements of his abilities.
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Who is the strongest DC character?

When counting down the most powerful DC cosmic characters of all time, the number one has to be DC's version of God, known as The Presence. While there are numerous Gods in the DC pantheon, mostly from the Greek versions of Zeus and his offspring, the Presence is more powerful than them all.
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Can Superman beat Black Adam?

As the dialogue in Justice League #73 suggested, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is clearly stronger by any comparison.
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Can Black Adam beat Thor?

Ultimately, pure strength and speed will win the fight of pantheons, with the gods-given power of Black Adam simply being too much for Thor. Black Adam has speed on the level of a Kryptonian or even the DCU's version of The Flash, which is simply too much for Asgard's former prince.
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Will there be a Black Adam 2?

While Black Adam may have had a strong opening, it quickly hit a brick wall in terms of box office and crashed out at less than $400 million worldwide amid bad reviews. Not only is a Black Adam sequel not happening, but Henry Cavill's Superman return isn't either, as the role has been recast for Gunn's new vision.
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Can Shazam beat Thanos?

1 Thanos Couldn't Stand Up To Shazam's Might

Thanos is one of Marvel's greatest villains but that doesn't mean he's dangerous to the most powerful DC heroes like Shazam. Heroes like Shazam and Superman can lift tens of thousands of tons; Thanos tops out at much less than that.
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Who in DC can beat Superman?

Shazam has proven to be Superman's equal or superior in a variety of ways. The fact his powers are magic-based means he can hurt Superman a lot. The best example of this is Kingdom Come when Shazam pounds Superman with his fists and pulverizes him with magical lightning.
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Who in Marvel can beat Shazam?

Shazam would put up a good fight for a bit, but Thor would be able to overpower him and take him out. Even without his enhanced abilities, Thor's ability to command the lightning with Mjolnir could even disrupt Billy Batson's transformation into Shazam.
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What is Black Adam afraid of?

Black Adam is a character who will happily acknowledge when his actions are driven by hate or rage, but this moment showed that deep down, he truly fears the Wizard, and his life story shows that he has every reason to do so.
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Can Batman defeat Black Adam?

The merciless Black Adam is incredibly well-trained and utterly ruthless, shocking and surpassing even Batman's martial arts skill. This sees him completely beat a surprised Caped Crusader, who only gets back up when Black Adam lets him.
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What kills Black Adam?

His origin is similar to the Pre-Crisis Black Adam. As in his original comic book appearance, he is tricked into saying "Shazam!", this time with a scroll, and turns to dust, presumably killing him.
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Can Spiderman defeat Black Adam?

Spider-Man's webbing just isn't strong enough to hold Black Adam in place longer than a second, following which his punches and kicks will be shrugged off. Black Adam can eliminate Spider-Man in just about any way he wants, whether to drop him from the sky or to pulverize him.
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Can Black Panther beat Black Adam?

The king of Wakanda is a formidable foe, but even with all of his might he couldn't beat Black Adam. It wouldn't be an easy battle for Black Adam – Black Panther's vibranium claws and vibranium weave costume would allow him to survive some shots and get some offense in, but that wouldn't help much.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Even so, there are a number of MCU characters who can match or beat the Hulk in battle.
  • 15 Thanos. Easily Beats Hulk 1 On 1. ...
  • 14 Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Captain America. The Only Perfect Super Soldier. ...
  • 13 Thor Odinson. The God Of Thunder Knows Few Equals. ...
  • 12 Gilgamesh. The Strongest Eternal. ...
  • 11 Surtur. ...
  • 10 Scott Lang, A.K.A. Ant-Man.
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