Can Spider-Man defeat Venom?

In the crossover issue DC/Marvel All Access #1, Spider-Man goes after Eddie Brock's Venom when he starts terrorizing Metropolis. He eventually defeats him, thanks to assistance from Super Man and Access.
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Who can Venom not beat?

To that end, we've expanded this list with an additional four entries: two who Venom would beat, and two he can't.
  • 14 CAN BEAT: Sandman. ...
  • 13 CAN'T BEAT: Equinox. ...
  • 12 CAN BEAT: Rhino. ...
  • 11 CAN'T BEAT: Anti-Venom. ...
  • 10 CAN BEAT: Scorpion. ...
  • 9 LOSE TO: Carnage. ...
  • 8 CAN BEAT: Mysterio. ...
  • 7 LOSE TO: Molten Man.
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How can Venom be defeated?

The Venom symbiote has two major weaknesses - sound and fire. Loud noises cause the symbiote to writhe in pain. That's how Peter Parker originally freed himself of the symbiote.
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How does Spider-Man stop Venom?

However, Venom has a couple of key weaknesses that Spider-Man can exploit. High-frequency sonic technology will cause the symbiote to flee, even leading it to break its hold on the host. Fire is also something the symbiote is deathly afraid of - he will cower in the face of flames.
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Who has beaten Venom?

Hulk quickly defeats Venom by knocking him out with a clap, which due Hulk's super strength creates a loud enough to noise to knock out the symbiote.
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Spider-Man 3: The end of Venom HD CLIP

Who is stronger Venom or spider?

Venom outranks him in strength and everything else he has. There was a time when Venom did kill Spidey in a comic. Venom IS a savage living carnation. He's a violent monster filled with hatred and rage for him.
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Can Superman beat Venom?

Case in point: the ultra-popular antihero Venom, the sometimes-Spider-Man foe and 90s icon of edgy costume design with attitude and violent tendencies to spare. Marvel and DC actually pitted these two super-powered beings against each other in All Access #1...and shockingly, Venom is actually stronger than Superman.
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What is Venom's weakness?

We all know Venom is weak against fire and sound but is there a specific potency for these things to actually 'hurt' him? But I just can't imagine how Venom will be able fight properly if he's up against enemies more likely Kraven's hunters using all that gunfire, loud explosives which are most likely hot as hell too.
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Is Venom a good guy?

Since his debut however, Venom has evolved into an antiheroic figure, slowly distancing himself from his initial goal to ruin Spider-Man's life to try and do good instead, even putting aside his differences with and helping Spider-Man at times.
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Why is Venom so obsessed with Spider-Man?

Most folks are familiar with the fact that the symbiote who would come to be known as Venom first bonded with Peter Parker. It got a taste of the power of Spider-Man and grew to love that power. It grew to love the feeling of the wind on its face swinging through the city. It loved the force behind every punch.
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Can Hulk beat Venom?

The sonic noise also harms the symbiote and causes Venom to cower away from Hulk in agony. While Venom is down, Hulk informs him that he's here to help the earthquake victims and the two heavy-weights finally see eye-to-eye and agree to work together. Leaving the Hulk as the winner of the fight.
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Can Spider-Man beat Thanos?

One of Spider-Man's greatest victories is a fight his fellow heroes don't remember, as the web-slinger's defeat of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is only known by him.
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Can Spider-Man beat the Hulk?

Summary. Spider-Man proves his superior strength and invincibility by surviving a blast from a Hulk-fighting cannon. Spider-Man's speed and agility give him an advantage over the Hulk, who is not known for being agile. Spider-Man's unknown limits of strength make him a potentially formidable opponent for the Hulk.
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What is Spider-Man's weakness?

This is the big one. Ethyl chloride is essentially Spider-Man's Kryptonite and it renders anyone's spider-powers null and void. This makes ethyl chloride extremely powerful against Spider-Man, but this chemical cocktail doesn't have nearly the same reputation as Superman's Kryptonite.
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Is Venom a boy or girl?

Salicrup told Michelinie to instead make the character a man, so Michelinie re-envisioned Venom's host as the muscly Eddie Brock and came up with a new backstory, and then the character was brought to life by artist Todd McFarlane.
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Why did Venom choose Eddie?

Venom came to empathize with Eddie's status as a "loser", eventually deciding to turn on its own kind and save the Earth from being invaded. The symbiote ultimately agreed to work alongside Eddie as a vigilante, to only hurt bad people despite its own confusion of how it can tell the difference of who is good or bad.
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Is Venom truly evil?

He is arguably the series' most heinous villain, surpassing the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and Tombstone, who all have less resources. He does not have a tragic backstory, redeeming qualities, comedic moments or even a Freudian Excuse for his actions and shows no remorse for what he does at all.
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Who kills Spider-Man?

By far the most brutal death is when Deadpool kills Spider-Man while wearing the Venom symbiote. Deadpool uses the symbiote's ability to bypass Peter's spider-sense in order to ambush him. He then quickly overpowers Spider-Man, and horrifyingly, eats his brain while Peter is completely helpless to stop him.
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Why doesn't fire hurt Venom?

However, you might've noticed in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the villain is completely invulnerable to fire. As explained in an IGN interview, this isn't a continuity error, but rather an intentional design choice made in service of intuitive gameplay.
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Can Venom beat Thor?

Alive for millennia, Thor has been fighting evil for a very long time and there are few who can match his skill. This is one of those fights where Venom just can't hurt Thor. He might be able to slow him down, but Thor's sheer might, combined with the power of Mjolnir, would be too much for Venom to handle.
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Can Juggernaut beat Venom?

While most fans would expect that Venom would be in for a tough fight, facing off against Juggernaut, instead Venom easily defeated Juggernaut.
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Can Venom beat Wolverine?

However, while Venom does have Wolverine on the ropes, Eddie actually gives up halfway through and allows Wolverine to deliver the final strike. Wolverine ultimately wins but only because Venom surrenders. Based on the evidence, the overall winner in a fight between Wolverine and Venom is Wolverine.
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