Can Superman be wounded?

Superman really can't be harmed through any conventional means, with only magic or kryptonite being able to damage him. This sounds great, but the major downside to invulnerability is that when Superman does get hurt, there's nothing that can help him.
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Can Superman be physically hurt?

Cranking up the heat on his history and hypothetical match-ups will make the Man of Steel melt. You see, Superman has been beaten up, beaten down, and outright killed several times before. Far from invincible, he's vulnerable to people, places, and things.
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Is Superman immune to damage?

Superman has near invulnerability from all forms of physical harm, while at the same time he also possesses a strong resistance to mental attacks. The only thing that can really harm Superman in any concrete way is either Kryptonite, or magic.
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What is the only thing that can hurt Superman?

Green kryptonite weakens Superman and other Kryptonians, and is fatal with long-term exposure. Kryptonians under green kryptonite's effects experience severe muscular weakness, usually to the point of collapse, and excruciating pain, with both conditions progressively intensifying.
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Can Superman heal himself?

Regenerative Healing Factor: Allows superman to recover any severe, damage he took in a short amount of. Time thus mainly comes from his kryptonian powers which allows him to heal.
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Lana rethinks her time she spent with Clark knowing he’s Superman

Can Superman have a child with a human?

Half Kryptonian and half-human, Jon is the biological son of post-Crisis Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane and the couple's child in DC Comics canon. His parents named him in honor of his grandfathers, Jonathan Kent and Samuel Lane.
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Can Superman heal like Wolverine?

Superman has accelerated healing, he heals in minutes or hours, depending on the severity of the wounds, much like Thor, but he cannot heal from losing limbs. Lop off Superman's head, or arms, and he's boned, just like Thor was when he lost an arm and an eye. Hulk and Wolverine have rapid regenerative healing.
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What does Superman fear most?

Superman's biggest fear is that, despite his immense power, he cannot save everyone who believes he will always be there to save them. Superman feels the pressure to meet the impossible expectation of being able to save everyone, even though he knows it is not possible.
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Can Superman survive a serious punch?

There have been many versions of Superman throughout the decades, some of them more powerful than others. Not every incarnation of Superman could take a punch from Saitama, but a lot of them can.
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Can Thor beat Superman?

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He's pulled planets, punched people into orbit, and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength.
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What is a weakness of Superman?

1 Kryptonite Is Superman's Greatest Weakness

Unfortunately, the last remaining pieces of Krypton are now deadly to Superman. Exposure to Kryptonite severely weakens the Man of Steel and causes him to lose his incredible abilities.
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Is Superman immune to lightsabers?

The only possible way for a lightsaber to harm Superman would be if the crystal powering the lightsaber were made of Kryptonite. However, that would still credit the Kryptonite crystal, not the actual lightsaber. Unfortunately for any Force sensitive that encounters the Man of Steel, Superman wins.
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Is Superman weak to nukes?

It seems slightly surprising that the Man of Steel is actually affected by a nuclear bomb, and while it isn't actually enough to kill Superman, atomic radiation does work strongly against him.
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Can Superman survive a bullet?

KRYPTONITE bullets or shells would merely shatter against his invulnerable body. However, he would be weakened by the fragments if he remained within their range."
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Who is physically stronger than Superman?

Captain Atom and Superman have fought before. In that battle, Superman had to pull out a trick or two to come out on top because, at the end of the day, Captain Atom is stronger than Superman. On top of his strength and invulnerability, Captain Atom can absorb and expel radiation and energy of all kinds.
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Who can physically beat Superman?

While kryptonite is Superman's greatest weakness, he's susceptible to other forms of energy and threats. This makes Billy Batson — aka Shazam, the World's Mightiest Mortal — one of Superman's greatest opponents.
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Can Hulk punch harder than Superman?

While the Hulk may experience moments where he appears to reach Superman's power levels, it's practically a given that the Man of Steel has even more limitless strength and is just holding back.
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Can a punch from Spider-Man hurt Superman?

Luthor fires a gun at Spider-Man, irradiating the hero's costume with light similar to that emitted by a red sun. The red-sun radiation negates Superman's invulnerability in regards to Spider-Man, allowing Spider-Man's punches to hurt Superman until the radiation dissipates, and Superman is again invulnerable.
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Who's stronger, One Punch Man or Superman?

Given this premise, in a straightforward one-on-one physical battle, Saitama, aka One-Punch Man, would likely emerge as the victor, as his power is portrayed as limitless and invincible.
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Who is Superman afraid to fight?

Superman is afraid of Martian Manhunter and his abilities because he understands just how powerful he can be at full strength.
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Why is Superman afraid of Batman?

I don't know about intimidated, but I would say that Superman is shocked by the extreme measures Batman will take to protect humanity — even against his allies. He has described Batman as the most dangerous man on Earth, able to fight his way through a team of superpowered villains if he needs to.
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What superhero has no fear?

Daredevil is commonly known by such epithets as "Hornhead", "The Man Without Fear", and "The Devil of Hell's Kitchen".
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Can Wolverine claws hurt Superman?

With only four exceptions, Wolverine would never be able to cut through Superman skin, with his adamantium claws. Those exceptions being: Superman was mostly drained of his stored energy. Superman was exposed to red solar energy.
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Can Wolverine stab the Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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What superhero heals quickly?


His main superpower is his rapid tissue regrowth, healing gunshot wounds in seconds or from a near skeleton in one panel.
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