Can Superman break Green Lantern?

Likewise, if Hal Jordan was fighting without Nezha's power, Superman could easily break through his constructs. Thus if Superman fought a Green Lantern one on one, Alan Scott would be the only one who could defeat him. Batman/Superman: World's Finest #4 is now available from DC Comics.
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Can Superman beat Green Lantern?

Superman could easily take on one or two members of the Green Lantern Corps, but taking on a whole army who can create and wield Kryptonite out of nothing may be too much even for the Man of Steel.
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Can Superman break the Green Lantern ring?

All green lantern constructs rely on a key factor. The amount of willpower they put into their constructions. New 52 Superman power levels, were so high he could easily break through a Green Lantern construct.
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Is Superman worthy of the Green Lantern?

There is no reason in-Universe why Superman could not become a Green Lantern. All he would need would be a power ring on his finger.
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Did Superman destroy the Green Lantern Corps?

Doctor Fate mentions that the destruction of the Corps at Superman's hand piqued Brainiac's interest over Earth and paved the way for his eventual attack on the planet.
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Who can defeat Green Lantern?

As arguably the most powerful cosmic beings in their respective universes, Silver Surfer is far more likely to overpower Green Lantern. Firstly, his cosmic energy is far more pure and has an unlimited supply so long as he remains on his board.
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Is Green Lantern power Kryptonite?

Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Oan energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. The ring can be used to produce kryptonite and kryptonite radiation.
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Could Superman pick up Thor's hammer?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Can Superman break Thor's hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Green Lantern beat Darkseid?

Way back in DC Comics history, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was once possessed by the fear entity called Parallax, and now that terrible moment has aided him in beating the nigh-omnipotent villain known as Darkseid.
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Has Superman ever wielded a lantern ring?

Through specific focus and dedication to one of the emotions, you can be chosen to wield a Power Ring. These power rings grant the wearer extraordinary abilities, depending on what color they wield. Many heroes have gone on to wield a Lantern Power Ring, from Superman to Wonder Woman to the Flash.
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Can Superman resist the one ring?

No. The ring is magic and Superman has problems with that.
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Why doesn't Batman use a Green Lantern ring?

Bruce is naturally apprehensive about having a tool that requires him to relive his trauma and the idea of forgetting what happened to his parents.
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Can Spider Man beat Green Lantern?

Green Lantern's Ringslinging Skills Would Be Too Much For Spider-Man. Green Lanterns are given their abilities through powerful rings that allow them to conjure shapes and objects from their imaginations through their will power. Hal Jordan is considered the best in the Corps, a skilled and fearless ringslinger.
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Can Green Lantern beat Thanos?

In Marvel Comics, Thanos is an ultimate villain who needs no introduction, but when it comes to DC Comics powerhouses, the Green Lantern Corps is a group of beings who are so powerful that they could easily stop Thanos dead in his tracks.
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Will Black Adam fight Superman?

The now-infamous mid-credits scene in 2022's Black Adam famously reintroduced Henry Cavill's Superman as a force capable of stopping the antihero, teeing up a showdown that will now never happen.
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Can Superman beat the Hulk?

Even in the few times he's faced Superman, the green monster has lost. It's no fault of the Hulk's, but Superman is called Superman for a reason. Unless he had kryptonite or a magic-user by his side, Hulk would usually fall to the DC Hero - although, he'd put up a hell of a fight. Superman wins.
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Would Mjolnir hurt Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Can Superman bend vibranium?

It depends on which type of vibranium you are taking about. Vibranium in wakanda can be broken by superman until an unless suri full off Tricks to make it more durable. In movies Captain sheild is made of Exclusively Vibranium of Wakanda. But antartic vibranium is much more durable compare to his othe…
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Can Superman lift Godzilla?

Yes. The heaviest Godzilla 164,000 tons. Superman can drag entire GALXIES- So, yes. Superman can easily lift any incarnation of Godzilla.…
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Could Batman lift Thor's hammer?

Surprisingly, the answer is almost certainly, “No.” Although Batman's will and moral compass do make him a worthy candidate for Thor's hammer, his track record with super powers is less than stellar. In several storylines, Batman has acquired genuine superpowers but frequently becomes corrupted by them.
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Can a Green Lantern ring hurt Superman?

In the right hands, there is little that a Green Lantern Power Ring cannot do. In the past, Green Lanterns of sufficient willpower have proven capable of harming Kryptonians like Superman.
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Which Green Lantern can beat Superman?

Superman is widely regarded to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe, but he has a variety of weaknesses, like Kryptonite, red sunlight, and magic. Which means that of all the Green Lanterns, Alan Scott is the best equipped to defeat him in a fight.
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Can a Green Lantern survive a nuke?

It has already been established that a Green Lantern's ring enables him or her survive just about anything. This is further evidenced by the fact that Hal Jordan lived through a nuclear bomb being dropped on top of him.
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