Can Superman use Heat Vision on kryptonite?

The Man of Steel has tons of superpowers: super speed, super hearing, heat vision, frost breath, and X-ray vision. The majority of these powers seem to either have no effect on Kryptonite, or Superman loses his powers in the presence of Kryptonite before he can use them.
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Can heat vision melt Kryptonite?

One thing that tends to get glossed over in the comics, if that if he vaporized Kryptonite with his heat vision it would send radioactive material into the air that would be potentially lethal to humans over the short or long term depending on the concentration of radiation. Superman CAN, but he usually doesn't.
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Can other Kryptonians use heat vision?

Heat Vision is a superpower possessed by Kryptonians and Daxamites when exposed to the yellow sun; see Photonucleic Effect. It is the ability to release massive amounts of solar energy stored within the body through the eyes, in focused beams of heat (Presumably, as infra-red light).
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Does it hurt Superman to use heat vision?

Superman reveals that without great control, heat vision could blind him and even use up all the stored power he has at his disposal.
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Is there a version of Superman immune to Kryptonite?

This is seen in All-Star Superman, where a solar-charged Man of Steel suffers no adverse effects from green kryptonite, but is still susceptible to other color variations.
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Superman uses his heat vision to lobotomize Doomsday | Justice League

What is the most powerful version of Superman?

1 Cosmic Armor Superman Appeared When Reality Needed It Most

After his battle was complete, the Thought Robot became part of the consciousness of the universe. He was so extremely powerful he was practically a god, with his strength far exceeding every other version of the Man of Steel.
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Why is Kingdom Come Superman immune to Kryptonite?

Like other extra-dimensional versions of Superman, he is immune to the Kryptonite of New Earth; in the original Kingdom Come mini-series, Lex Luthor explains that Superman has absorbed several more years' worth of solar energy, effectively erasing his Kryptonite vulnerability.
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Can Superman Heat Vision melt Mjolnir?

If Mjolnir was doing nothing then yes. Superman will eventually melt Thor's hammer. But if it responded to Superman trying to destroy it then it would definitely won't go down so easily. Superman's heat vision is capable of melting things things and people.
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Can Thor survive Superman's Heat Vision?

Can Superman fry Thor's brain with his heat vision? Most likely not, atleast not in a quick fashion. Superman's heat vision is ridiculously strong, but Thor has withstood greater forces in his lifetime.
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Who has stronger Heat Vision Superman or Cyclops?

Unsurprisingly, there's really no situation where Cyclops comes out on top, as is the case with most things related to Superman. His heat vision is off the charts and powered by the sun. It's no wonder then that Cyclops would lose this one.
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Can Superman's Heat Vision destroy Vibranium?

Yes, but not upon direct impact. I think over a period of time on a stationary object it is possible.
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Why is CW Superman Heat Vision blue?

In the Arrowverse, Kryptonian heat vision is actually blue. No official reason has ever been given, but the most likely explanation is that a blue flame is hotter than a red one, so this actually emphasizes the intensity of the heat.
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Can heat vision hurt Shazam?

No. It may give him a tan though. Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, is immortal while in his Avatar form.
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Is Homelander weaker than Superman?

No, Homelander is not more powerful than Superman.

But, all the Superman-like abilities he possesses are weaker than the ones that Man of Steel himself has. Homelander's flight speed, super strength, and durability in particular are inferior to Superman's. On top of that, he doesn't possess freeze breath either.
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Can Superman fly or just jump?

According to the comics, Superman can fly because of a combination of powers he derives from Earth's “yellow” Sun and from his extraterrestrial biology. On his birth planet, Krypton, gravity was much stronger than it is on Earth, so Kryptonians developed a physique that could resist its pull.
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Can Superman break Thor's hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Is Thor bulletproof like Superman?

Originally Answered: In the MCU, is Thor bullet proof? Thor as well as Loki are bulletproof. Loki displays this during the 1st Avenger movie when he steps thru the gate and takes gunfire.
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Who is stronger than Superman?

Captain Atom has proven in past battles that he is stronger than Superman and has better fighting skills. He can also weaponize red sun radiation, which can weaken Superman like Kryptonite and magic. His sometimes uncontrolled nature has earned him a reputation as one of the most dangerous DC heroes.
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Can Superman lift Mjolnir?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Would Mjolnir hurt Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Could cap lift Mjolnir in Ultron?

Although Cap's internal conflicts prevented him from being fully worthy to lift Mjölnir during Age of Ultron, Cap really almost pulled off stealing Thor's thunder.
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Why is Superman stronger than all the other Kryptonians?

As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g. Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek).
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Does Superman Prime have a weakness to Kryptonite?

Superboy-Prime is widely considered one of the most powerful versions of the Man of Steel in the entire multiverse. A huge part of this is thanks to his complete immunity to any form of natural Kryptonite. In his universe, Krypton didn't explode, it was swallowed by the sun.
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Is Superman immune to vampirism?

Superman's ability to resist a vampire's bite is one of his more unique abilities, but it has one tragic weakness: kryptonite, proving the substance can kill the Man of Steel in more ways than one.
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