Can the Academy take an Oscar away?

According to The Wrap, only one Oscar has ever been rescinded after being awarded, and it was actually for a technicality: In 1969, the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature was given to Young Americans, then taken away after it was revealed that the documentary was exhibited publicly starting in 1967.
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Has the Academy ever taken back an Oscar?

As a result, Journey Into Self, which won the second-highest amount of votes, was given the award months after the ceremony. Young Americans is, therefore, the only film in Oscar history to have had an award revoked.
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Has anyone ever lost their Academy Award?

Olympia Dukakis lost hers (best supporting actress, for Moonstruck, 1988) in a 1989 break-in.
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Has anyone ever gotten their Oscar taken away?

In 94 ceremonies, only one Oscar has ever been taken back by the Academy.
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What 3 actors refused Oscars?

While Katherine Hepburn famously declined every invitation to attend the Academy Awards, she reportedly displayed the Oscars trophies she had won proudly in her home. However, Marlon Brando, George C. Scott, Dudley Nichols flat out refused the award.
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Should The Academy Take Will Smith's Oscar Away?

Who is banned from the Academy Awards?

Ahead of Oscars 2023, here's a look at celebrities who have been banned by the Academy:
  • Will Smith. Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years. ...
  • Richard Gere. Related stories. ...
  • Harvey Weinstein. ...
  • Roman Polanski. ...
  • Bill Cosby.
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Why did Marlon Brando not accept Oscar?

Brando did not appear at the function but a buckskin clad American Indian woman Sacheen Little Feather, got on the stage and told the audience: “Marlon Brando very regretfully cannot accept this award because of the treatment of American Indians in this country to-day on the television, on reruns and recent happenings ...
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Has any actor refused an Oscar?

(NEXSTAR) – The Academy Award is generally regarded as one of the highest honors that an actor can receive — the keyword being “generally.” In the history of the Oscars, however, there have only been three people who refused their awards: actors George C. Scott and Marlon Brando, and screenwriter Dudley Nichols.
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Who has been thrown out of the Oscars Academy?

Here's who they are:
  • Carmine Caridi: the first actor in history to be banned from the Academy. ...
  • Kevin Spacey: after receiving 30 accusations of sexual abuse, Spavey was banned from the Oscars by Academy officials.
  • Harvey Weinstein: also banned from the Academy for allegations of sexual abuse.
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Who owns the Oscar?

The Award of Merit statuette, commonly known as the “Oscar,” is the copyrighted property and registered trademark and service mark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (“Academy”).
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Has anyone had to give an Oscar back?

Only one Oscar has ever been revoked in the history of the Academy Awards, and it was not an acting Oscar. The documentary film Young Americans won Best Documentary Feature in 1969, but it was later discovered that the film had been released in 1967, not 1968 (the year of eligibility).
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What Academy Award nominations have been rescinded?

Here are nine of those instances.
  • The Circus (1928) Three Lions/Getty Images. ...
  • Hondo (1953) In 1954, the John Wayne western Hondo was nominated for Best Story. ...
  • High Society (1955) ...
  • Young Americans (1967) ...
  • The Godfather (1972) ...
  • A Place in the World (1992) ...
  • Tuba Atlantic (2010) ...
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What 3 actors refused Oscars?

While Katherine Hepburn famously declined every invitation to attend the Academy Awards, she reportedly displayed the Oscars trophies she had won proudly in her home. However, Marlon Brando, George C. Scott, Dudley Nichols flat out refused the award.
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Who has been kicked out of the Oscar Academy?

Everyone who's been banned from the Oscars by the Academy
  • The Hollywood Show. Carmine Caridi. | Credit: Albert L. ...
  • Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein.
  • bill-cosby-6.jpg. Bill Cosby.
  • 'D'apres une histoire vraie' Premiere - 13th Zurich Film Festival. Roman Polanski. ...
  • Cinematographer Adam Kimmel. Adam Kimmel.
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Who has been thrown out of the Oscars Academy?

Here's who they are:
  • Carmine Caridi: the first actor in history to be banned from the Academy. ...
  • Kevin Spacey: after receiving 30 accusations of sexual abuse, Spavey was banned from the Oscars by Academy officials.
  • Harvey Weinstein: also banned from the Academy for allegations of sexual abuse.
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What happens if you refuse an Oscar?

What happens if you reject an Academy Award? Well, it turns out…not very much. Numerous actors, writers and directors have rejected their awards over the year – and they're still listed as winners in all official records. Stars are free to send back the award statuettes, however.
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What does resigning from the Academy Awards mean?

What does resigning from the Academy mean? When someone resigns from the the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that means no longer have any voting rights. They also no longer get access to Academy screenings of films to watch before voting.
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Has an Oscar ever been taken away from an actor?

Only one Academy Award has ever been revoked in the history of the Oscars, and it was for a documentary that had been nominated in the wrong year.
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Has any actor sold their Oscar?

Actor Harold Russell sold the Oscar he won for his role in 'For the Best Years of Our Lives' in 1944 in exchange for 60,500 dollars in order to pay for his wife's illness.
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What two actors refused Oscars?

Oscar Winners Who Refused the Award, and Why They Protested
  • Marlon Brando. Paramount Pictures. Marlon Brando is a name that was and remains synonymous with Hollywood greatness. ...
  • George C. Scott. Columbia Pictures. ...
  • Dudley Nichols. RKO Radio Pictures.
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Who else has resigned from the Academy?

Only three people, including Smith, have ever resigned as members. The other two – sound engineer Tom Fleischman and production sound mixer Peter Kurland – occurred in March 2022 after it was announced that the technical awards would be announced before the ceremony had officially begun.
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Can you still be nominated if you resign from the academy?

Can You Be Nominated for Future Oscars? Also yes. You don't need to be part of the Academy to be nominated for an Oscar. Many nominees do go on to become members, because the Academy automatically considers admitting them.
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Can Will Smith come back to the Academy?

The answer is no. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced in April of 2022 it had banned the actor for 10 years from all Oscar-related events. The ban means Smith, who was presented with the best actor Oscar in 2022, cannot return to the Oscars or attend any Academy events.
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What does it mean that Will Smith is out of the academy?

What Does it Mean to Resign from The Academy? Now that Smith has resigned from the Academy, he will no longer enjoy the benefits that members are afforded, including access to screeners for films in consideration and the ability to vote for potential nominees.
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Who was the first actor to refuse the Academy Award?

The Big Picture

Dudley Nichols, a screenwriter, was the first person to reject an Oscar, citing the Academy's mistreatment of writers. Other Oscar winners, such as George C. Scott and Marlon Brando, have also refused their awards, using their platform to make important statements about the industry.
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