Can Thor beat Galactus?

Not only does Thor kill Galactus with the cosmic power that Galactus himself gave the God of Thunder, but he also combines it with his own power of the King of Asgard, absolutely obliterating the cosmic destroyer, making Thor the Herald of None.
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Is Galactus more powerful than Thor?

The two have had several encounters over the years and while Galactus is more powerful than Thor, the God of Thunder has always managed to come out on top. Galactus may have the power but Thor's wherewithal and sheer willpower have served him well.
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How does Thor kill Galactus?

Before the duo are successful, King Thor uses the power boost to kill Galactus once and for all. Thor then uses the power stored within Galactus' corpse as a sort of bomb and obliterates the Black Winter.
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Which Avenger can defeat Galactus?

Thanos (With Infinity Gauntlet)

Thanos has easily shown some of the biggest displays of power in the MCU, especially when he was able to send a moon crashing down on Titan against a sect of the Avengers in Infinity War. With just the flick of a finger, Thanos could make Galactus disappear in an instant.
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Can Thor defeat Dormammu?

Base Thor couldn't handle Dormammu. Dormammu is stated to be sky father level and Thor is definitely not that.
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Thor smashes Galactus | Avengers: Earth´s Mightiest Heroes

Can Thor beat Zeus?

In a Zeus vs Thor scenario, Zeus would probably end up the victor, but the same goes for his son, Hercules. Technically speaking, he's only a demigod, but, if any biceps could outsize Thor's, then it is the Herculators.
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Can Thor beat Celestials?

Yes Thor can beat a celestial. Half of the celestial s are weak and Thor would have no difficulty taking them out.
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Can Juggernaut beat Galactus?

Despite the fact that Galactus is a cosmic being older than the universe who regularly consumes entire planets, the earthbound Juggernaut shockingly proves to be more powerful than him–and one stunning side-by-side comparison confirms it.
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Can Thanos beat Galactus?

Only with the power of the Infinity Stones does Thanos stand a chance of beating Galactus in a fight; it's fortunate for him (and for the universe) that Galactus considers himself above such moral concepts as good and evil, choosing instead to eat planets out of a desire to satiate his hunger rather than a desire to ...
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Could Spiderman beat Galactus?

The source of the Power Cosmic and among the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe, Galactus destroys worlds with little effort. Spider-Man stands no chance against him but in at least one reality in the multiverse, Earth-11638, Spider-Man single-handedly defeated Galactus with some supernatural power.
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Can Thor defeat Ghost Rider?

If Thor and Ghost Rider were to engage in a fight, it's possible that Thor could emerge as the victor.
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Can Thor kill Darkseid?

Darkseid is similar to Thanos, and most of the time, Thor is no match for him either.
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Can Hulk defeat Galactus?

Oddly enough, Hulk might actually be able to hit Galactus hard enough that he notices that he's been hit. But that's about as far as the fight goes. Galactus would see him as nothing more than a little green annoyance to be flicked away like a gnat.
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Can Juggernaut beat Thor?

In their normal states, Juggernaut and Thor are pretty evenly matched in terms of brute strength. However, Juggernaut has a definitive advantage with his virtually unlimited stamina. As mighty as Thor is, battling Juggernaut would surely be taxing, so he wouldn't be able to fend Cain off indefinitely.
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Could Galactus lift Thor's hammer?

The hammer only lets people who aren't Thor pick it up when they're in desperate need and pure of heart. Captain America can lift the hammer, but Hulk can't. Galactus couldn't lift the hammer...but Spiderman probably could.
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Can Superman defeat Galactus?

Against Galactus, a being of Superman's size and strength would only stand a chance if Galactus is tremendously weak with hunger. Even if that were the case, the odds of Superman triumphing over Galactus are incredibly slim.
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Could Darkseid beat Galactus?

Galactus proved more than a match for Darkseid - who had ample opportunity to utilize his greatest powers and even try to turn the Silver Surfer to his will - and the Devourer of Worlds only spared his foe once it became clear that he had nothing to gain by continuing their conflict.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Who is stronger Darkseid or Thanos?

Darkseid was created in 1971 by comics legend Jack Kirby and directly influenced Jim Starlin in designing Thanos two years later. While that linked origin is the source of debate, most fan conversation centers on who is the most powerful. However, the answer is quite simple: Darkseid.
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Can Deadpool beat Galactus?

There was one time in the comics when Deadpool faced Galactus head on, and somehow won. Instead of slicing the giant to pieces or punching through his heart, Deadpool just talked and talked - and talked. Indeed, Galactus got so annoyed by Deadpool's quips that he eventually surrendered.
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Can Loki beat Galactus?

Can Loki beat Galactus? While Loki didn't outright defeat Galactus in an epic space battle as Odin tried to do, he did defeat the Devourer of Worlds by removing the artifact that had the nearly unstoppable force of Galactus from the path of Thor and the rest of Asgard.
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Who is stronger colossus or Juggernaut?

So while Juggernaut is much more powerful, and would normally be able to win in a fight, Colossus could convince Cyttorak to transfer his power, or even cut off Cain Marko's connection to Cyttorak. Cain Marko would be left as a normal human. Colossus would still be a powerful mutant.
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Can Thor beat Eternals?

Thor outstats Ikaris in all physical stats so Thor would take the fight with little or no difficulty. this is what one of the producer says about the eternals powerlevel vis a vis the avengers: “…. I mean, look, they are obviously stronger than humans…
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Can Rune King Thor beat Galactus?

Rune King Thor can still lose to the Abstract beings such as Eternity and Infinity due to their respective powers. Rune King Thor cant beat a fully fed Galactus or best a Fully powered Celestials due to the powersets.
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Who can defeat eternity?

Eternity is one of the last beings (together with the Living Tribunal and Infinity) to be overcome by Thanos when he uses the artifact the Heart of the Universe to undo the universe and then remake it minus a fatal flaw.
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