Can Wolverine beat Silver Surfer?

Silver Surfer can stay out of Wolverine's way forever and blast him with impunity. He could use the Power Cosmic to mess with Wolverine's molecular structure and basically make it impossible for Wolverine to hurt him.
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Who is stronger, Wolverine or Silver Surfers?

While the Silver Surfer is undoubtedly the stronger of the two heroes thanks to his abilities gained from the Power Cosmic, perhaps Wolverine could rival him in pure surfing skill alone. After all, Wolverine is the best at what he does, and that now seems to include being a surfing legend in the Marvel Universe.
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Who can easily beat Silver Surfer?

With Thanos, Aegis and Tenebrous confronted Galactus and his newly restored herald, the Silver Surfer. Surprisingly, the three defeated the Surfer with relative ease.
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Who can easily beat Wolverine?

Magneto may not be impervious to harm like Wolverine, but he has an obvious advantage over him; Magneto can control and manipulate all metals even if there's only a small trace of them. On many occasions, in both the comics and the films, Magneto has used his powers to beat Wolverine.
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Who can destroy Silver Surfer?

For Marvel, Thanos, Dr. Strange, and World Breaker Hulk can defeat Silver Surfer.
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10 Heroes Who Can Beat Silver Surfer

Could Silver Surfer beat Thor?

Naturally, the Silver Surfer doesn't go down easily, but an additional factor puts the odds even more firmly in Thor's favor. Because of his mixed heritage, Thor can gain even greater power from his birth mother Gaea as well as his Asgardian father Odin.
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Who's stronger, Hulk or Silver Surfers?

10 Hulk. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

12 Wolverine Has Hurt Thanos But Never Beat Him

Wolverine was one of these heroes. Wolverine ran in with his usual ferocity and got the drop on Thanos, hitting him with all six claws in the chest. Without the Gauntlet, this may have hurt Thanos. With it, it was a meaningless attack.
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Can Wolverine beat Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Could Wolverine beat Captain America?

This battle was particularly one-sided, yet Cap still came out on top, giving Logan one of the worst beatings of his life. Even though Captain America and Wolverine have had some brutal fights over the years, circumstances ultimately dictate their clashes, usually leading to an alliance rather than a clear victor.
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What is Silver Surfer's weakness?

His emotions and sentimentality are definitely weaknesses. His doubts paralyze him, despite his great power making him insurmountably resourceful.
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Can Spiderman beat Silver Surfer?

Spider-Man and Silver Surfer are on two completely different levels. Surfer doesn't even have to throw a punch or fire a blast at Spidey to beat him; he can merely transmute the surrounding molecules into something solid and hold him fast. Power like that is too much for the Wall-Crawler on his own.
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Can Loki beat Silver Surfer?

However, the ultimate outcome of the fight showed that although Loki's trickery may procure him great power, he is still no match for one as heroic and noble as the Silver Surfer.
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Can Thor defeat Wolverine?

Even without his hammer, Thor has extreme strength and is on a different level. Heck, Thor's hammer alone could pin Wolverine down and render him at Thor's mercy. And if we take the movies into account, Thor is many times stronger than Wolverine at his peak.
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Can Wolverine hurt Thor?

Wolverine's claws were able to give Thor a flesh wound, but had no effect on Mjolnir. Thor Odinson may not be The God of Thunder without Mjolnir, but he is a capable Asgardian warrior.
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Can Thanos beat Silver Surfer?

While the Surfer seemed to have the Mad Titan outmatched, Thanos and his future counterpart were more than willing to play dirty, tricking the Surfer and ultimately defeating him once and for all. Related: Thanos vs. Apocalypse: Who is Stronger?
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Can Wolverine beat Superman?

In Heroes Reborn: Weapon X and Final Flight #1, Wolverine proves he would be able to beat Superman but would inevitably lose against Batman.
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Can Wolverine cut Hulk's skin?

His claws cut through almost anything since they're indestructible. Yes, Wolverine's. Claws can cut through Hulk's skin.
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Who wins, Hulk or Juggernaut?

The two brawlers have fought beyond these two encounters, but these two fights establish a few hard facts: the Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot consistently stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk's strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.
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Could Wolverine beat Deadpool?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage. That's not a great way to judge who is stronger, though. It's better to look at their feats.
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Can Hawkeye beat Wolverine?

And even though Hawkeye is a good of a fighter, he and his trick arrows can't really hang with Wolverine's skill in battle.
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Can Wolverine beat Aquaman?

6 Could Defeat: Aquaman

Over time, Aquaman has proven that he's way more than the guy who talks to fish but Wolverine would be able to take him. Aquaman is way stronger than Wolverine but Wolverine has been fighting foes ways stronger than him for a long time.
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Could Silver Surfer beat Darkseid?

1 Darkseid Would Be Overwhelmed By Silver Surfer

He's one of the purest heroes around, and his power and speed make him a devastating foe. He's faced down enemies that are Darkseid's equals plenty of times, and he would overwhelm the God of Evil.
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Who wins Darkseid or Silver Surfer?

1 Winner: Darkseid

Silver Surfer has faced many foes in his day, threats that would freeze the blood of the most stalwart heroes but Darkseid is a being that would get the best of him. Surfer could make quick work of Darkseid's lackeys, but it's the God of Evil himself that would prove to be too much for him.
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Who wins, Ghost Rider or Silver Surfer?

Frank Castle was The Rider and had been imbued with the Power Cosmic, wielded a chain made from the bones of Cyttorak, and had a fraction of the Power of the Time Stone. In the end it was the Surfer who came out victorious.
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