Can Wolverine beat Spiderman?

Spider-Man is already significantly stronger than Wolverine, meaning that if there are any bodies of water around the pair when they fight, Logan's already a goner, but even if not, Spider-Man also carries around a rapid-setting adhesive that could cut off Wolverine's oxygen if Spidey was prepared to get in close.
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Who is stronger Wolverine or Spider-Man?

1 Winner: Spider-Man

Their battle will not be pleasant, and it may rage on for a long time before the victor is decided, but common sense dictates that Wolverine will not be able to defeat Spider-Man, assuming that both of them are fighting to win. NEXT: Batman Vs.
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Can Wolverine beat Superman?

Although Superman is infinitely more powerful than Wolverine, he would lose because he would underestimate his opponent and would not be prepared for Wolverine's very specific skillset. Wolverine, however, would lose to Batman because Bruce Wayne is a master combatant and strategist with a genius-level intellect.
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Could Wolverine ever beat Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Who can easily beat Spider-Man?

It's no surprise that Superman would beat the web-slinger rather easily. Spider-Man is no joke to go up against, but Superman's seemingly never-ending list of abilities would be too much for Parker to handle.
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Marvel Just Ended The Spiderman vs Wolverine Debate

Can Spider-Man defeat Hulk?

Marvel fans know Spider-Man is a strong superhero, but it's now official: Peter Parker is strong enough to defeat the Incredible Hulk in a one-on-one brawl, with modern comics confirming that Spider-Man is even stronger and more invincible than his fans assume.
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Can Spider-Man beat Thanos?

He did the impossible, and the Avengers think he's got a screw loose instead of offering the hero praise for the victory. In the non-canon Marvel Comics story, despite Spider-Man winning the fight against Thanos by using the Infinity Gauntlet against him, none of his fellow Avengers remember it happening.
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Can Wolverine beat Captain America?

At the end of the day, Wolverine could defeat Captain America if they were pitted against one another on multiple occasions. Sure, Cap has the will to keep going even when at the end of his rope, but so does Logan. Both are outrageously stubborn and forceful.
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Can Juggernaut beat Wolverine?

Wolverine is outmatched by the Juggernaut, and while there's always a way for underdogs to win in Marvel Comics, Cyttorak's avatar would claim victory in any fair fight.
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Can Wolverine beat Thanos?

Even if the fight happens with the stones, it'll very difficult for Thanos to kill Wolverine but eventually, Thanos will win given that he has the most powerful weapon in the world. But if the battle is between Thanos without the gauntlet and Wolverine, then Wolverine will definitely defeat him.
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Can Colossus beat Wolverine?

Wolverine, given enough time, could defeat Colossus in a fight using only his claws, but he would have a terrifically difficult time doing so; the latter's skin is made of adamantium, same as Logan's claws, and even a demon-controlled Wolverine can do very little against him.
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Who in DC can beat Wolverine?

As arguably the most powerful being in DC Comics, Superman would very likely be able to win over Wolverine. Firstly, his strength alone may be enough to bend adamantium, making it incredibly hard for Logan's body to heal properly.
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Can Aquaman beat Wolverine?

Aquaman is way stronger than Wolverine but Wolverine has been fighting foes ways stronger than him for a long time. He knows how to roll with the punches and get his shots in. Wolverine would come at Aquaman immediately and not give him a chance to really cut loose.
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Can Deadpool beat Wolverine?

There's no doubt Deadpool could beat Wolverine in a one vs. one bout. Surely, time is a ruthless master, and The Merc with the Mouth appears to cope better with aging than the X-Men member.
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Can Wolverine beat Thor?

Wolverine has less experience than Thor, but is a better martial artist. However, that wouldn't make much of a difference. Thor can fly and has Mjolnir at his disposal, giving him options for long range attacks Wolverine can't match. Wolverine is too smart to go against the God of Thunder alone.
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Can Spider-Man defeat Thor?

3 Thor Smashes Gods And Cosmic Titans On A Regular Basis

Spider-Man has fought by Thor's side many times. He knows how the Norse god fights, and he knows that it would be impossible for him to beat Thor.
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Can Wolverine beat Phoenix?

Wolverine managed to kill the Dark Phoenix in the movie X-Men: The Last Stand, but this never happened in the comics. Anytime Wolverine has tried to battle the Dark Phoenix in the comics, the situations ends poorly for him and anyone else within a five-mile radius of the scene.
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Can Wolverine beat Mr Fantastic?

In a few Marvel Comics encounters, the Fantastic Four's Reed Richards proved to be the ultimate Wolverine-stopper as he was immune to his claws. Most notably, the time when the genius-level hero continually stretched his body so that Logan couldn't break free, no matter how many times he tried to tear him apart.
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Could Juggernaut beat the Hulk?

The two brawlers have fought beyond these two encounters, but these two fights establish a few hard facts: the Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot consistently stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk's strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.
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Can Wolverine beat Black Panther?

1 The Winner: Wolverine

Black Panther is Wolverine's superior in a lot of ways and has even been able to beat him in a short fight before, but if it really came down to it, all the cards on the table, Wolverine would beat him.
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Who wins Deadpool or Wolverine?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool, and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage.
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Can Wolverine beat Wonder Woman?

1 Winner: Wonder Woman

Wolverine is strong, stronger than most, but he's not Wonder Woman, and not by a long shot. She, the Princess Diana, is the heir to the Amazon race, which by itself bestows her with enough strength to best Weapon X.
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Can Spider-Man beat Galactus?

The source of the Power Cosmic and among the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe, Galactus destroys worlds with little effort. Spider-Man stands no chance against him but in at least one reality in the multiverse, Earth-11638, Spider-Man single-handedly defeated Galactus with some supernatural power.
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Can Spider-Man defeat Iron Man?

2 Iron Man Has Never Been Able To Beat Spider-Man

In fact, reading the tale of the tape between him and Spider-Man shows that he should easily take down the Wall-Crawler. However, he's never been able to do so. When it comes right down to it, Spider-Man is just too good for Iron Man.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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